Tama V3 Log - Bubba


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2006
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So I'm starting this a little late seeing that my tama is 6yrs old. But he is still gen. 1 so I decided rather than reset my tama, I would still start on the first generation.

My tamas current stats:

Name - Bubba

Gender - Boy

Generation - 1g

Age - 6yrs

Weight - 31lb

Hunger - ****

Happiness - ****

Training - |||||

Points - 1596

Character - Leaftchi :huh:

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Bubba just went to the bathroom so I cleaned that up and fed him again to fill him up.

He was crying so I praised him and now he is at 6 training points. He has also gained 1lb, which now puts him at 32lbs.

He should be going to sleep in approx. 10 minutes.

Bubba was hungry so I fed him some cereal. We then played "Get". I beat it and got 300points. Now we have 1896.

He also lost 2lbs from playing. Now he is 30lbs.

I used the stuffed animal costume on Bubba. I fed him 2 snacks so he would play "Get". I got 300pts, and bought the love potion and now there's hearts around him.

He is also back up to 31lbs. And we now have 196pts.

[9:51 EST] The hearts went away, but he is still wearing the costume, I suppose it will stay on him until he goes to sleep tonight.

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So I changed the time and made Bubba go to sleep and wake up again. Now I have my cute little Leaftchi back.

Bubba has been taking good care of his new baby all day long. We played Bump and Heading a few times and we're up to 590pts. He turned 7yrs old a few hours ago, and now we're waiting for our shop to restock.

[EDIT] We just played a couple of games of Flag and now we have 638pts.

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Bubba and his little baby woke up about an hour ago. We played Get, and now we have 1238p.

I have to spend most of the day at work, but I will try not to put him on pause unless I absolutely have to.

I managed not to put Bubba on pause while I was at work. I snuck in some feedings and a few games of Get. He turned 8yrs old sometime during the day.

He made a new friend today, Pepe. My new V3 came in the mail from Singapore. It's one of the Asian versions and it's super cute. It's the clear pink one. It can be seen on www.bandai-asia.com

The baby is doing well. She got sick today, but I cured her right away.

Bubba has not left her yet, but hopefully soon. I will be sad to see him leave. He is such a good Leaftchi. :furawatchi:

Name suggestions for the new baby would be great if anyone wants to PM me! :D

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Bubba finally left his baby this morning. I named her Bebe, and about an hour later she turned into a Mohitamatchi

She visited Bubba at Tamatown and got her souvenirs. Bebe is 16lbs, and we have 698p.

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I think Bebe is going to go to sleep soon so I will make a quick update before she does.

Current stats:

All hearts full

1 training pt.



I also want to note that I've been feeding her mostly Sushi and Bread, and for snacks I've been giving her Tarts and Apples.

Bebe evolved into a Hinatchi yesterday. Not my favorite character, but I'm hoping she will grow up to be something cuter.

She's doing pretty well. She hasn't been sick or anything yet. She has 3 training points. And she is 20lbs.

I've been playing with Bebe and feeding her when needed all morning. I found out that she really likes pizza. I also bought an apple pie and a pear, so we'll see how she reacts to those.

Her and Pepe now have 2 friendship faces. They're getting along quite well.

We're just waiting for the shop to restock at 3. We only have 1480p so we will be working on getting more points.

Bebe just got the Golden Tamagotchi!

It seems like Bebe and Pepe are on the same schedule. They even go to the bathroom at the same times. I knew they were meant to be...

Anyway, I just fed her some Beef, and she had no problem with that.

We played Get for 225p, and have 1250 total.

Last restock I noticed that I had make-up available so I snatched that right up and I am planning on using it on her when she becomes an adult. Next restock is at 7 so I am trying to get as many points as possible before then.

I think I'll connect her with Pepe to play some games. They're up to 4 friendship faces! :chohimetchi:

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My shop just restocked and I bought Bebe some more pizza since that's her favorite. I also bought her a muffin, and a shovel to use when she gets a little older.

There's a melon left in the shop, but I haven't yet decided whether I want that or not.

Bebe just woke up not too long ago. Her shop had a sale in it and I bought everything but the trumpet. It's 900p and we only have 995p. I will probably still buy it seeing that it's on sale. I just need to get more points.

I fed her some cereal for breakfast. And connected her with Pepe for a little visit.

She's still 2yrs old so she will grow sometime today. She better be cute whatever she grows into.

I don't have much to update about as I had to put Bebe on pause for most of the day. I was very busy at work and didn't have much time to check on her throughout the day.

I did manage to let her play with the shovel I had bought her. She gained 100p from it.

She's also finally 3yrs. She didn't evolve yet, but hopefully tomorrow she will.

Bebe is awake! I won't have to pause her today since I only work for 4 hours.

She made a new friend this morning, Vince. He's my V1 that's gen.3

So far all of Bebe's friends are:

Kira (Boy) - My first generation on my V1

Naru! (Girl) - My boyfriends' little sisters' V2

Cool (Girl) - My boyfriends' little cousins' V1

Dooki (Boy) - My second generation on my V1

Pepe (Boy) - Future mate, and my other V3

Vince (Boy) - Newest friend, and third generation on my V1

Bebe finally evolved yesterday. Into a WOOLTCHI! She's so cute. :rolleyes:

Her and Pepe have 4 love hearts now, so when they're old enough they can have babies together.

I have to go to work soon so I will update tonight when I get home.
