Tama V5 ! :D


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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2006
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What would you like to see Bandai do with the future tamas?

You might think this is a copy topic, but the other topic like this was closed, and I really want to know what you guys think, so please post!

My opinion - It would be really cool if they made it in all color!

A graveyard would be cool. so you can visit your Dead tamas/grave at TamaTown.


oh, oh! And a video game item! =D

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I think your tamas should be able to have pets.And also,it would be awesome if when the tamas get married,you can take care of the mother AND father with the babies until they both go away!I really hope you can have triplets and quadruplets too!

muliple connections- should be able to connect with more than 2 people

they should make it that tamas are in color and have a little light.

for example, say ur in ur car playing a game on ur tama, ur about 2 get,.....10,000 points!!! BUT, ur mom drives through a tunnel, ya cant see ur tama cuz it's TOO DARK, you loose and ya get 400 points, BUT that can all be changed when you light up ur tama and get the 10,000 points!!!!!!

if it were color, then it would be much easier 2 see and funner!!

A graveyard would be cool. so you can visit your Dead tamas/grave at TamaTown.

oh, oh! And a video game item! =D
the graveyard thing is a little disturbing. :angry: :wacko:

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I would like it if you put a hair bow on your tama and instead of it just being there for a few seconds, it would stay on until you decided to take it off or something. Same with makeup, glasses, wigs, etc. Also if the items had more purpose instead of something interesting to watch for a few seconds.

touch screen, color screen, a little bigger screen, way more games and stuff to do, do more at scool and work, see the parents (both of them) in the tama not at tamatown. those are all i can think of right now

the best thing would easily be a colour screen and/or a backing light.

however, the easiest way for bandai to do this would be to forget the actual tamagotchi product and

make a new game for the ds with wifi connection that actually involves taking care of your pet the same

way that the toy does.

other than that I'd like to see a tama with all of the characters on & maybe remakes of classics like the angelgotchi...

I think that tamas should have to go to church thing is more disturbing than the grave yard idea.

that could mean you could only get certain characters if their "I go to church" meter was full, and getting say, mimitchi

if you do go to church and then in comparrison some one like that worm with a moustache if you don't would be seen as

offensive and in my opinion, pretty sick.

I personally, am not religious in any conventional sense, and the fact that the tamas go to work and school now is enough

for me. Tamagotchis are an escape from reality, not an extension of it.

those are my thoughts.

It isn't selfishness. People are just excited because the V4 came out, and they are imagining what the future could be like. :lol:

Color would be very cool. So would touch screen. Of course, with the addition of things like comes a substantial price increase I would imagine.

Perhaps more realistically, even more new characters would be great. I'd like to see a turtle character, a beetle character, a chicken character...and definitely a frog character!! Oh, and a dinosaur! I think it would be really neat to have some animal-like characters, kind of return to some of the earlier character types. :lol:

if anything, i want to see more tam ancestors from morino (minotachi POWER!) angel, ocean, mesu/osu, blah blah..

the new characters i dont like.

Mametchi sucks! Goza rocks!

Get a new tama on the celeb throne! We need a change, don't we? Mametchi has been IT for ages... :blink:

Why doesn't Bandai make a cool nintendo game! Tamagotchi adventure? Instead of having a new version, maybe they could do that!

Something like ACWW, or Poke'mon mystery dungeon! What do you think?

I've always dreamed of it!

Apart from the pretend tama movie on T.V... :(

beest suggestions but cost tons: backlight, bluetooth, wi-fi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing is it would cost $100+

Thank you guys for all your great comments! I love every one of your ideas! ;)

Keep Commenting!!


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