tama v5!


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[SIZE=11pt]Well... We all know your tamagotchi is fake or either a JD, But can you tell us more about your v5? How much did you pay for it?[/SIZE]


i bout to get 1 i heard on a website that a new one might.... be cumin so i might get 1 when it comes out in like... i dont noe how much months but i wanna buy it when it comes out :D :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ph34r: :eek:

i bout to get 1 i heard on a website that a new one might.... be cumin so i might get 1 when it comes out in like... i dont noe how much months but i wanna buy it when it comes out :ichigotchi:   :ph34r:   :eek:   :eek:   :D
in english please :D :ichigotchi:

i do i noe were to get it so if you wanna know how it is just ask cause ill tell u bout the v5

i dont believe you, and i would like to see a picture too. :mametchi:

are you sure you dont have the v4.5?

the v5 u have/going to purchase is most likely fake, the v4 just came out recently and the v4.5 wont be out until fall :| if u haven't bought it yet, make sure it has the bandai logo and not JD or a variation of white and red. :hitodetchi:

Right now there is no Bandai Tamagotchi v5. The current shipping product is a v4. They have announced a v4.5 will be available summer 2007 or maybe autumn 2007 (USA seasons, so maybe July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 2007).

This topic should not be in Help For New Tamagotchi Pet Owners, so I am moving it to What's On Your Mind?, although perhaps it should be in Tamagothi Warnings.

It's either a) fake, ;) another Tamagotchi mistaken for a V5, or c) this person is lying. Show us a picture of the package and the Tamagotchi.


It is most likely a fake why would they make a new V5 when V4 came out in the last 2 weeks (where I come from)

How can V5 come out when V4 has been just released?

I find it very unreasonable. It must be a fake Tamagotchi or a imitation of one.

I've seen plenty of fake Tamagotchis on Ebay. Companies like JD that produces these meer imatations only stay in business because people actually believe that they are real. The real Tamagotchis have a signature on the product that says 'TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION' and also has the logo 'BANDAI' on the package.

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;) Nice! Can you show us how it works? Is it an animal imaginado because if it is I have one too.
Wait you did'nt get it yet? Oh...... I don't really like my animal imaginado it dosen't die when you neglect it. and on the beggining of the screen the logo JD flashes 3 times and starts to play cheap music and it shows a baby drinking a bottle then a ichigitchi and then a masktchi after that there all together its really annoying and when you pause it ,it resets itself over and over again. I got it for eight dollars I don't like telling people because what's the use? there not going to belive you.

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