Tama wars,A new Tama


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Aug 28, 2006
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A long time ago in a Tamagotchi toy far far away(Not really)The Mametchis and the Mimitchis are having war against each other because they look so alike.But on a far away Tamagotchi toy planet called Tamain,a new Tamagotchi child is against the Mimitchis.His name is,Luke Tamawalker.

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All the Mametchis and the Mimitchis ran away as the ground shook and a GIANT ANDROTCHI came out whith a Tama blaster and fired at Tina!But Luke comes in and puts on a Tama sheild to protect them from the giant Androtchi.Tina asks"Who are you?" "Tamawalker.Luke...Tamawalker." Suddenly the giant :wacko: comes at them.So they run.They get to a rock to hide behind and suddenly a man in the horizon comes to them.He is old and tired."Luke"he says"I am Tam Kenobie and I am here to teach you the way of the Tama force and give you the Tamasword.This is your farthers. ;) (This is Luke) :) (This is Tina) :) (And that is Tam Kenobie)

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:unsure: wow thanx.*stabs tam kanobi* now to kill that androtchi.

:D ..... i dont think you neded to kill tam kanobi.....

<_< of cors i did * leaps on to androtchi and starts haking away at tthe androtchi.

:furawatchi: i dont need to watch this its boring. *walks to the back of androtchi and unplugs it*. why do i bother?

:unsure: of cors i was...erm...just...er....distracting it! yeah distracting it!!

:furawatchi: what ever.......

:unsure: hey look at that big missile coming at us!! its sooo pretty!!!!!

and then the missile........

gose even faster! :huh: " Ahhhhhhh!"She runs like hell but :huh: still stares at the missile. :huh: (He think the missile is a giant galactic dimond)Says"Pretty jewl..."

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:ichigotchi: come on!!

:gozarutchi: so pretty....

:furawatchi: *leaps just intime to push luke to safety*

Tina opened a portal just intime to save them from the explosion. When they looked where they were they discovered that they were....

in the The death tama star! :mametchi: Oh wow...*looking around* :mametchi: Urrrr,lets get outa here! suddenly a group of :mimitchi:come out and arrests them.

It was energy cuffs.Then :wub: rememberd that he had the tama saber!He turned it on and jumped sidways and sliced the mimitchis in half.He then cut the cuffs and :lol: and :wub: run off

by now the security alarm had been activated and the mimitchi army were heading tto them from each side, they were surrounded in four directions.

;) i know what to do!*pulls out tama sword and slices hole in ground so they fall through*

they landed in.....

a robotic snake pit!

:blink: What do we do!?

:kuribotchi: for starters don`t panick!Ahhhhh!One is on my faaaace!

;) (Sigh)seems like I have to do this myself!

Tina got :furawatchi: `s tama saber and turnd it on.She threw the saber at the snake genorater and it blew and all the robotic snakes died.

:gozarutchi: at least we didn`t panick!

:D (sigh)

Then a green guy says Toda I am Tama master I am. Come with me young tamawalker :wacko: says do I have to :gozarutchi: ( thats toda)

yes must you replies :gozarutchi: and tida come with me and tama walker you must.

are you on the black side says :p no am i not replies

:mametchi: just then a robot comes out :wacko: gets his tamasaber

:mametchi: says not he is good his name is a5-f3

:wacko: (thats a5-f3) beeps then...

Suddenly,Battle Tama droids came out of the door and began firing!

:lol: Tina!Get back! He got out his saber and was about to slice when...

:lol: Mmmmm!Easy,this is!Hahahahaha!

:( :furawatchi: Hu?

:lol: This way.To the ship.Mmmmmm!

They run to another corridor leaving the droids crumpled on the floor.

:wacko: Pirooroolee loo!

:unsure: :gozarutchi: Hu?

This way!

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