? Tama won't connect


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2006
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ok, my tama won't connect with other tama's. And yes, IT'S A NEW BATTERY!!!!

Please help! It can't connect at all! It's never gotten wet and it has connected before! but now it won't! Please help!

I've heard other people complain about their Tamagotchi suddenly not being able to connect. This may fix the problem for you (it has worked for some other people): press the reset button on the back, then select the download option from the download/reset menu on the screen.

yeah...it's happened to mine, and it was because it was in the sun.

try connecting in the shade??mine can connect now. :lol: :p :) :D :lol:

Is it the v.4 shattered Ice design? That design has problems connecting outside.

Yea, definitely try being out of the sun, or even put your hands over the infrared part at the top. Just as long as the sun doesn't interfere you should be good to go. Unless there is a bigger problem, in which case you may have to reset or not be able to connect anymore. :)

I tried the resseting thing, It worked. btw it wasn't the sun, I tried to do it inside and it wouldn't work. Thanks for all the suggestions!

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