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Dec 13, 2005
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My sis always trys to connect her tama with me and my other sister it wont connect we all have V2's we connect it goes to the screen were its says connect and we have pressed b. then a few seconds later it says fail what is happening it does that all the time??

Have you tried all connecting at different times. It COULD be that everyone is pushing b at exactly the same time that it doesn't register the connection or something, that's my best bet anyway. Remember you have to push b agian after it say's standby on the screen.

Yeah maybe thats it..

Try it so only one of you press .. The other one will automatically pick up on the IR signal and connect aswell.



I'm having the same problem at the moment - one tama just doesn't want to connect with the others. I'm doing it inside, not in bright light, as i usually do it (and i've done it plenty of times before - lol) and it must have failed about 10 times with each. A liitle later today - it managed to connect with the others for a few goes, but now its failing again.

The battery has only just been changed and its my newest tama - anyone have any ideas on whats the matter and what i can do to fix it???

Hmm... Thats weird, I wonder why this problem is occuring?..

Take the IR cap off, and have a look at the IF signal maybe?.. Maybe somethings in there?..


thanx alot guys

but the strange thing is that whenver she presses B i dont receive the signal u no when u press be it should say connect on both screens it only says it on hers its very weird??

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