Tama_dude2010's Tamagotchi log.


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2010
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Under the ocean somewhere.
[SIZE=21pt]Tama_dude2010's Tamagotchi log[/SIZE]

Im a bit late in making a log for my Tamagotchi's but about 4-5 days ago I got a Tamagotchi connexion V3. let me just tell you how I got into Tama's.

When we way really young we used to have them at school. I never had one as I wasnt intrested. :D Anyways one of my friends had a V3 (as far as I remember it was dark blue) and he raised a Mametchi. But The teacher took it away and it died I think. He was pretty upset. :angry: Then my other friend started bringing his V4.5. We had real fun raising his tenpatchi. Then we decided to reset it. We couldnt figure out why the egg wouldnt hatch until we found out we hadnt set the time. :angry: We playedlack b climb with it each day and loved the little blob big time. He was like our best friend. Then the teacher took it. We thought it was dead but luckily, we set the time wrong and it fell asleep! It grew into Tamatchi! Then the battery died and my friend lost intrest in it. Maybe one day I'll buy it from him and I'll connect mine with his like an osutchi and mesutchi. For his birthday I bought him a V5 but he wasnt intrested. :angry: What a waste of £10. :D Anyways I decided I'll get a V3 and It was a boy Teletchi! We played a lot of catch! He evolved into Mizutamatchi. Then whilst I was sitting down he grew into Young Mametchi then when cleaning he grew into Mametchi!

He's still a Mametchi now.

V3, Flame, Boy, Generation 1.

Flame is a Mametchi and he's pretty cute. When I can I'll get photo's.

V4.5 Dlame, Generation 1, boy

Dlame is a ura Mametchi and has a baby girl.

V5, Tama family, Generation 3, Smart family

Sakuramotchi and mousetchi are not the funnest characters ever.

V6, Sparks, Generation 1, boy

Kuribotchi is getting on my nerves always beeping. :D

Anyways thats all for now! :angry:

P.S I would be happy if someone could allow other people to reply to my log and ask questions. :)

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Flame my :eek: is asleep. Tommorow we will work off that weight. :D Next Im aiming for Mimitchi. Sakuramotchi did the laundry with her parents today. It was a boring Job but they survived it. Flame always likes to dance so Im not surprised he's asleep. :eek:

Not much new today. This morning Sakura (I nicknamed my Sakuramotchi) and mameka (Mousetchi) was arguing. It appeared they wasnt happy so I fed them some snacks. Im trying to get bad care smart characters. Bonding is 10%. I reset my V6 but cant get in the mood.

Hey Its Tama_dude2010! Im now inviting my Tama's to join in my Log! They talk in colour!

Flame (V3) blue

Flame's baby Milky (V3) gray

Sakura (V5) Purple

Mameka (V5) Red

Dlame (V4.5) Green

Dlame's baby, Milky (V4.5) Orange

Hey guys, Flame here. This baby's cute of mine. Its a shame pipotchi left after our marridge but still. Im pretty excited for Tama_dude2010 my good caretaker because he's seen a Tama-go he has high hopes on. He will still care for my Milky though because He took good care of me. do You like Tama_dude2010, Milky?

Yes he looks nice!

Good girl.

Hey dudes wassup?

Hey! That was my line!

Was not!

Stop arguing you to! Milky's in this room you know!

No she's not she's in the V3 over there!

Hey what happened to the V6 Petitchi?

Hmmm.....He's on pause!

Oh yeah, I knew that!

Did not!

*sakura sighs*

Anyways we're off now guys! see you later!

Yay! yay! yay! I just saw a Tama-go on the internet yay! But...the Mametchi one is very expensive so why am I happy? :D Maybe my Dad can get one but I guess its cheaper to just get kuchipatchi. But.....Do I really want kuchipatchi? Meh... PM if you think I should within the next day! :lol: Kuchipatchi isnt that bad just the happy face he does....I creeps me out a bit.... :)

Are you still on the computer?


Because I wanna play a game!!!

In a while...




Anyways back to the Tama-go. :wacko: I dont really think I can get one at these prices. :( Life is mean. But theres always a chance! I can see myself with a green Tama-go hatching a kinotchi. (I like boy Tama's! :D ) It may be a non colour english Tamagotchi+colour but I bet its worth the money. B) Imagine if we could just play a game like football and earn 400 (whetever your currency is) It would be easy! :D

Ive got more views! Thanks Tamatalkers! Ive been thinking about if I made my own Tamagotchi and maybe later I'll pixelate what it would look like. Flame my mametchi may be leaving tonight. :p But He had a great time with me and we can meet in tamatown! He dosent want to grow old and be stuck in an egg all his life! His little baby, Milky will be under my care. Bye Flame when you go! I'll miss him but...The Baby needs raising right? I lost the Tama-go again because of the prices. :D Anyways thats all for now!

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Very quick update:

Sakura and Mameka grew into lovezukintchi and this apple thing. I used the cake thing and he turned into KuroMametchi! Which will go on the dating channel though? PM me if you think Mamek should go on it or Sakura! EDIT: there still smart family. :D soon 3G will be done and I will move onto blended or space family. PM me what Family I should get! :p Anyways thats all!

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Milky! Look what Dad sent you!

Dear Milky,

I love you and hope you the best.

Im enjoying this house in Tamatown and I hope your enjoying your life to.



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Lovezukintchi married planetchi. Had a baby girl Iwatchi. CUUUTE! <3 :lol: Saw a green Tama-go on the internet and got excited but I cant afford it. :) If I ever DO get it, I'll make a new log for the Tama-go only. Wish me luck! :D (my parents arent convinced yet. :lol: )

since the Tama-go dosent have a little 'story' I made one. :D

Tama-go story:

There was a Event in Tamatown. All the Tamagotchi's were partying and eating Tama-Snacks. It was the night when sunnytchi went away for a holiday and all the power went. Also Tamagotchi's were visiting earth this festival. Tamagotchi planet caught sight of earth and got excited as well. But when Mametchi told him he isnt coming he got angry and started a storm. All The tamagotchi's got in UFO's flew to earth and were sold to owners in egg shaped toys.

Hope you enjoyed it! :D ~Tama_dude2010 :D

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