~Tama_Tama_gotchi~'s tama log


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Welcome to my log I will try to update every day

Cecilia: You done yet? Oh and by the way I'm Cecilia, Tama's kid

Me: Cecilia! enough about you!

Cecilia: -blocks ears- lalalalalala he he he

Me: Cecilia is my musicstar she's an Mimitchi here are her stats:

Name: Cecilia

Age: 7

Hungrey: 4 full

Happy: Full

Me&Cecilia: Bye TamaTalkers!

Hi status is the same as up there for Cecilia So here's what happened yesterday

Cecilia: Mom can I stay home from school today?

Me: No!

Cecilia: But the manager might come today!

Me: I'm sure he will come to your school

Cecilia: ........

Me: I know your thinking of a excuse

Cecilia: Fine I won't think of one lets go

At school...

Gutartchi (sorry if I spelt it wrong): Hello you must be Cecilia

Cecilia: Yes I am

Gutartchi: Well Cecilia I have a mate for you

Cecilia: ooooo let me see

Cecilia: His perfect!


Me: hi Cecilia did the gutartchi come?

Cecilia: Yes! and I have a baby girl!

Me: -looks a little sad

Cecilia: What's wrong?

Me: This means you'll be leaving soon

Cecilia: ya


Cecilia: Hmm I'll take my gotchi points and my music mabye not my music

Me: your leaving?

Cecilia: yep

Me: When?

Cecilia: Tonight

Me: What do I name your baby?

Cecilia: Chloe

Update for my log is tonight or tomorrow


Hi this is Cecilia's stats:

All hearts full

weight: 35 lbs

Instrament: mic

Cecilia: Oh hi tamatalkers!

Baby Chloe: hewo tanatawkers!

Cecilia's husband: Hi tamatalk!

Me: that's enough of the "hi tama talker's"

baby Chloe: lalala im a pwety pwincess

Cecilia: yes you are like mommy!

Cecilia's husband: Yes just like mommy

Me: Cecilia this is inappropriate language young lady!!!

Cecilia: Mom reality check! I'm married and I'm going back to Tamaplanet to night

Baby Chloe: mommy weaving?

Cecilia: yes I have to but tama will take good care of you

baby Chloe: will I see you again mommy?

Cecilia: yes

baby Chloe: nooow! you now gow

Me: this could take a while bye

Tama, Chloe, Cecilia's husband & Cecilia

Hi Cecilia has left me with no gotchi points! pm me if you know how I can get gotchi points for when Chloe is a teen

Chloe: Where's mommy?!

Me: She's at Tamaplanet you can see her when your all grown up

Chloe: But I want to see her now!!!

Me: It's ok

Chloe: But I want to see mommy!

Me: ......


Chloe: bye bye tamatalkers

Hi I'll to Chloe's stats tomorrow but this is what happened today.....

Me: Chloe time to get up!

Chloe: But I'm tired

Me: Where were you last night?

Chloe: At a party till 3am

Me: That's it young lady your grounded!

Chloe: But..but

Me: Don't you but me!

Chloe: Fine I'll get ready for school

After school....

Chloe: hi mom lets get home quick I have a lot of homeowork

Me: Fine lets go

At home....

Chloe: I've done my homework

Me: Did you study for that test?

Chloe: -sigh- No

Me: Well someone should be studying

Chloe: Who's that

Me: You!

Then later Chloe went to bed

Sorry for a short story I'm just busy and have limited computer time but hopefully soon I will have a laptop btw thanks for all the views and the 5 star rating!



Hi I'm going to not do this log for a few days but here's a shorts story.....

Me: Chloe time to get up!

Chloe: I'm tired

Me: Chloe get up!

Chloe: Fine!

Me: Did you remember to study?

Chloe: Yes! That's why im tired I was up until like 3 in the morning!

Me: Good do good on the test

Chloe: I'll try

At school.....

Chloe: Bye Mom!

Me: Bye Chloe!

After school.....

Me: Hi Chloe what's your grade from the test?

Chloe:...... a B+

Me: That's great!

Then we had pizza for dinner and went to bed still don't have enough time for a long story!

Sorry for not posting for so long! I now have a new pet called Alyssa.

Alyssa: Hi! My names Alyssa! I'm a 0 year old Hitodetchi who pl;ays the harp and in in the asian music genre.

Me: Alyssa, your MUCH more behaved than the others!

Alyssa: I have homework, bye tama talkers!

Alyssa is currently playing with her panda toy after finishing off her homework.

Alyssa used to be in the genre: hip-hop. She weighs 10lbs and is in gen 1 (I restarted)

At school the next day:

Alyssa: Aww bye Mom, I'll miss you!

Me: Bye sweetie! I'll miss you too!

Alyssa: Hello Tama talkers! today I'm going to show you what school is like for a tamagotchi

first, I have english, but tama english is different fom human english.

We have pixelated books, we use our fingers to write, with pixelated ink!

Next, I have math, it's basically the same as human world math.

Art is acting and drama, sometimes drawing with our fingers!

We have a lot more classes and school starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 3:30 pm.
