Tamacollector's Tama-Log


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Aug 30, 2011
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Somewhere in this Tama-Universe
Hi Everyone!

I am fairly new here and I have been enjoying reading everyone's tamagotchi logs! I thought I would join in and start a tamalog myself and share my love for these wonderful pets! I'll officially start posting tomorrow since my 2 Tama-babies are asleep right now. I am currently running 2 Tama-Go's and I'll give you guys some background info.:

1st Tamago

Gender: Girl

Name: Chloe - Lovelytchi

Age: 6

Weight: 25 lbs.

Generation: 3rd

2nd Tamago

Gender: Girl

Name: Lucy - Violetchi

Age: 10

Weight: 25 lbs.

Generation: 1st

Share more tomorrow!! :furawatchi:

Well, woke up around 7am, did the usual getting ready for work stuff. I’ll let Chloe and Lucy tell you the rest themselves.



I woke up at 8am and boy, was I starving. My mama fed me sushi and cereal, which she thinks is the true breakfast of champions. Then we played some Shoot the Bug which I absolutely love! (In truth I just love to play!) Then I went shopping for more food and then went to the park but there was no one there. I went back twice when mama got a break at work and had a swinging good time with my new friend Frank, the Kuchipatchi!



Started my day at 8am but I wasn’t hungry at all. I just wanted to play but I always wake up that way! After playing a couple of games of Jump I went shopping with my mama where I got more food. I really wanted the ice cream sundae but my mama said it was too unhealthy. Mama knows best right!!


Oh and I almost forgot the biggest news! I got married today! His name is Kyle and he’s a Kikitchi! He’s just adorable and he loves my mama just as much as I do!

It will be time for them to get to bed soon. I’m watching them brush their teeth (they are just so cute!)

Thanks for reading! Share more tomorrow! :ichigotchi:

Another long day (am I tired). But bright side is that I figured out how to post pics of Chloe and Lucy! I really wanted to take them both to TamaTown today but didn’t have any time. I hope to tomorrow.

Here is Chloe:

And here is Lucy:

Also, there was some big news for Chloe and Lucy today. They are bursting to tell you guys:



Today was a really fun day! I played so many games with mama and Kyle was cheering all the way! And today, Kyle and I tried corn! I loved it because it was sweet. I love sweet stuff but my mama is so careful when giving me sweets because once I get some ice cream or candy I just want more. Kyle liked the corn too; he had never had corn before.

Here is a pic of Chloe and Kyle:



Big news! I got married today! His name is Daniel and he’s a KuroMametchi. He loves watching the games I play with mama. I love his smile; it is so mischievous makes me laugh so hard. Haha! My mama thinks Daniel is cute too!

Sorry about the quality of the pics. My camera was giving me a somewhat of a difficult time today, which is why I have not gotten a pic of Lucy and Daniel yet. I had one but it was way too fuzzy for me to display. I'll get one to you guys tomorrow.

Thanks for reading! Share more tomorrow! :furawatchi:

Sorry I haven’t been able to update the past couple of days. It’s been a busy couple of days.

So much has happened with Chloe and Lucy over the past couple of days. Kyle and Chloe had a little girl, Hannah, which they will be leaving with me tomorrow. Lucy and Daniel had a little boy, Kevin, which they left with me today. He’s a cute Mattaritchi now and being quite the attention getter. Haha

Hannah has been quietly with her parents, enjoying the time she has with them. I’m sure she will miss them tomorrow.

Here are some pics I have taken over the past couple of days:

Bath time for Lucy, Daniel, and Kevin:

Bath time for Chloe and Kyle:

Bedtime for Lucy, Daniel, and Kevin:

Kevin as a Kinotchi:

Kevin as a Mattaritchi:

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading. More tomorrow!

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading. More tomorrow! :chohimetchi:

My tama-family grew today. My friend sent me a belated birthday present and it was a Tamagotchi Plus Color. It hatched as a girl, her name is Lena. An hour ago she changed into a Sakuramotchi. She’s just adorable.

In other news, Chloe and Kyle left their baby girl, Hannah in my care last night. She turned into a cute Hoshitchi this morning. We played a lot of games this morning and now she is just chilling in her newly remodeled home.

Kevin grew into a Kilalatchi. He’s been to the park today and has made friends with a Kuchipatchi and a Tarakotchi. He had a playdate with Hannah this afternoon. They seemed to enjoy their day together.

Here are some pics of Hannah, Kevin, and Lena’s day. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


Hannah's parents saying goodbye.


Kevin and Hannah's playdate!


Introducting Lena!


It's cloudy outside.


Play date at the park.

Well, gotta run! I’ll update later if I can.

Thanks for reading! Share more later!

It’s been busy couple of days and just got the time now got to update.

Lots to tell…….

I’ll start with Hannah – she is now 3 yrs. old and a Chamametchi. I’ll let Hannah tell you about how she has spent the past couple of days.



“I have been having a blast with my mama! I enjoy playing games with her! I even got over my fear of the Long Jumper game. I was really afraid of falling. And today I had my first hamburger! It was delicious! I went to the park today but there was no one there to play with. That was sad but I hope to visit Kevin soon; he is so much fun!”

Now, its Kevin’s turn………….. He is 4 yrs. old today and he is a Kikitchi. He really wants to tell you about his day.



“Hi everyone! It’s been an awesome couple of days! I’ve had so much fun that I don’t even want to go to bed on time! I keep going to bed at 8:30pm when everyone else goes to bed at 8pm! I’ve had four play dates and had so much fun on each one even though I keep getting dizzy on the swing. My mama told me that tomorrow I’ll have a playdate with Hannah so that is something I am looking forward to.”

Last but certainly not least, Lena. Lena is 3 yrs. old. At 2 yrs. old she was a Chamametchi and she just turned into a Marotchi.



“Hi! I have had so much fun the past few days! I finally got to go to the amusement park! It was so much fun – I got really dizzy on the ride that twirls around and around. I also went to a place where I had to spin a big drum and see what I get from it. I got a vacuum cleaner, and a fan! When I tried the fan it blew me away! Haha Today has been really bad weather so I have not been able to go anywhere. I hope tomorrow is much better."



Hannah as a Shelltchi




Lena at home


Lena sleeping peacefully


Lena's tree in the rain

Thanks for reading! Share more later!

Sorry this post is late. I had so much trouble with loading up the pics until today. Hope you enjoy!

The following is from what happened yesterday:

Well, today has been a long day. Hannah and Kevin are currently away on a trip with my cousin. She stopped by this weekend from college and wanted to take them for fun while she was at her friend’s house. (We’ve done this before so I wasn’t worried about them at all.)

It has been quite an eventful few days with Lena. Lena got married to a Mametchi named Leo and they had a beautiful little boy, Ethan. Ethan was quite the handful for a bit but turned into a Ahirukutchi as a toddler and is now a Kikitchi. I have planted several trees since starting with Lena but the darn storms keep coming in and blowing them down. I’ve tried again and am crossing my fingers that this time I will see it grow into completion.

Today was a great day though with Ethan. Several new things happened, which I’ll let you tell it from his perspective since he’s bursting with the news to tell all of you!


“Hi everyone! I had a super fun day today! Do you want to know what I saw? Do you want to guess??”

Ethan waits half a minute.

“I can’t wait anymore! I saw a heart cloud today! It was so cool! I’ve never seen one before! I started dancing all over the place that my mama started laughing! It was just so awesome! And then guess what happened? I found a four-leafed clover! And then tonight, I’ve been outside with my new telescope a few times. I wonder if I’ll see that shooting star my mama was telling me about. She explained what a shooting star looks like and it sounds just wondrous! I really can’t wait! I hope it doesn’t storm anymore so I can see it someday soon. Plus, those storms really scare me so much I hide under my covers.”

Here are some pics of Ethan’s many adventures:


Lena saying goodbye to her son


Ethan as a baby


Ethan outside on a great day


Ethan looking at the heart cloud


Ethan on a clear moonlit night

Thanks for reading! Share more later!!

Well, it looks like Hannah and Kevin are on their way to temporarily live with their aunt Becky. My cousin asked me if she could take them with her until winter break. She got quite attached to them over the weekend and she’s also missing her own tamagotchis which are still at her home a long way from college. So I figured it wouldn’t hurt if they changed scenery for a while. Plus, my cousin has been feeling quite lonely since switching colleges so I figured Hannah and Kevin could be good distractions and entertain her with their antics.

So here Ethan and I are. Today Ethan turned into a Nemutchi. He looked so sleepy all day that I was starting to get sleepy too. (LOL) It was raining outside so I guess it was perfect that he had his little hat on when he went outside to check on the tree.

I also thought I would make Ethan’s room different being the fact that he is 3 years old and all. Well, we discussed what he would like his new room to look like and he decided he wanted it to look more rustic than the rest of the house.

Here is the pic of Ethan’s new room:


What do you guys think? Ethan would love to know what you think of his new room.

Thanks for reading! Share more later!

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