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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
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Hello, and welcome to TamaFates!

The topic where YOU share your opinion on what the many Tamagotchi Characters' fates will be!

What will they do? What will they look like? Where will they live? These and more questions can be answered by anybody here! So, what do you think? :angry:


Mametchi: I believe that when Mametchi grows up, he will either be a director, an author, or an illustrator I think he will look a lot like Papamametchi, his dad, except for his clothing being a gray color instead of white, his head being kinda shaped as it is in his anime form now, and for sideburns and a little goatee showing as well. He would LOVE smoothies, and maybe S'mores, too. He would be a mature, hard-working, considerate, sensible guy. He would also be well-known in whatever job he has, not famous, like a rich person who has paparazzis scrambling around him, but just well-known. He wouldn't let his job or fame get to his head, either.


Kuchipatchi: As for ol' Kuchi, he might be a fat, lazy bum who still lives with Mamapatchi, his mom. He would still have a big appetite, and he usually lays around watching TV or reading his monthly Fish Magazine issues he gets.

Hmmm, this sounds like an interesting topic: Since Kuchipatchi was already done...


Violetchi: I think Violetchi will live in a cute little cottage on a pretty hill with lots and lots of flowers. She will get a job as a Fashion Designer, and will be very popular in her town. I know she loves to snack on peanuts, and looooooves apple pie, her fave food! I believe Violetchi would be a bit of a girly girl, who do things her own way, in her own style, a trendsetter! Her clothing would be bright, fun, stylish, and somewhat preppy. Violetchi would also have a very considerate, kind nature in all she does, and knows the true values of life! -_- :lol: ;) :unsure:

Gozarutchi: Mail Carrier

I think our ninja friend is destined to deliver mail with the accuracy, speed and stealth of a... well... ninja. There's already at least one in the TamaTown post office and I think one of the movies in the theater shows a gozarutchi tossing letters with great precision. The Tamagotchi world doesn't really have need for trained killers and assassins, so why not deliver mail instead? :rolleyes:

Androtchi: Definitely a high tech. house on the moon. He would probably run a computer company and build other robots. In other words, he

's smart!

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