Tamagotchi 2 questions


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Aug 28, 2005
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How do you play the Bump game? Every time I click and get the button (getting a long or short line for strength, it doesn't seem to matter) my character loses at Bump.

Does it have anything to do with her age? Do I have to press buttons while they are fighting? I am very confused!

Also, how do I get the shop to give my Tama child a doll so she can sleep with it? I have reset the time several times and a doll is never an option to buy.

Is it worth buying things like the Computer from the shop? What are the coolest ones to buy and see in action? Which items stay and which ones go away after one use?

Is there anywhere I can look up items from the shop and what they do...a cross reference list somewhere online?

Is there anything special you can do with Tamagotchi Connection 1? I bought a second Tama yesterday and on looking at the box it is a Connection 1 and not 2.

Thanks for the help!!

Shell :marumimitchi:

I have a Tama v2 and I can purchase a teaddy bear in the shop and my baby/toddler sleeps with that at night and I think (not really sure cant tell) it also takes a nap when I give it to them before they go to bed.

bump game, the higher you can get the bar the better chances it can win. it all depends if your bar is higher then the one they are playing with. (won't know unless you win) I've had the bar all the way up and also have lost..

jump game is easier, just make sure you press the coresponding buttons fast enough.

slot game.. make sure you do 9p everytime.. get all 0's and you recieve 999pts.

heading is fine, but sometimes when I press the button it won't head the ball you have to be fast. I like to always go back to the middle when I head the ball, gives me a better chance.

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Thanks for the info sweetie! I will keep looking for the Teddy Bear. I am on Gen3 and have had 3 girls ONLY! LOL! As soon as I get a teddy I will get a next gen Boy and need the action doll for him I bet!

I LOVE playing the Slot game. It is really the easiest and best one to get points on. The ball one...I will try what you said but I STINK at it anyhow. :)


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