Tamagotchi 365 Day Challenge Loge Part 4 (Days 102 - 200)


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Day 105
Mememametchi and Mamememetchi the twins died a few days ago due to messing up the time in the Day/night cycle. I set it 12 hours behind so it was awake all night and died when I woke up

Also I have Neliatchi on my Pix
Also my pix has been snowing often. When your tamagotchi is in the snow, it gets upset due to the snow because it's freezing outside and they're getting frostbites
Day 120

It's been weeks!

At first, I though the lowest rank was 4th place but yesterday,
I got a purple one and I got nothing meaning I was unlucky.

Me: Ooooooh.... Do I get something special?
The prize draw guy: Last place, So sorry.....
Try again Tomorrow

I have Charitchi by the way