Tamagotchi Akai log


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
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Hello peoples, and welcome to my Tamagotchi log, featuring my newly obtained Tamagotchi Akai. In case you are wondering what exactly a Tamagotchi Akai is, it is a Tamagotchi released in Japan only around 2003 or 2004 featuring a screen with red pixels. A few items where also added that add to the cuteness of the red pixels such as red wine for adult characters and red themed characters. Anyway this log will be set up so that I post at the end of the day, Ill try to post every day. Please message me with any and all questions. I may also be posting a Mesutchi and Osutchi log as well as an American Tamagotchi angel log. I have all the English Tamagotchis so it you would like to see a certain one logged just message me.

[SIZE=14pt]Day 1[/SIZE]

My Akai arrived from Japan, the case is half dark blue and half white, and the background features a yellow, orange, and red swearling flower design.


The icons all have what appear to be yellow or orange moons though I'm not 100% sure what they are exactly. Anyway I open the box witch is entirely made of clear plastic.


Despite not knowing really any Japanese I flip through the manual which is a small booklet that enplanes the various features of the Akai.


Apparently, there is no shop feature on the toy it's self, all shopping is done though communication with a cellphone.


Then you get passwords to put onto your toy which allows you to buy certain items. Not having a Japanese cell phone, I just simply found a list of all the shop items. Anyway after flipping though the book I finally pull the tab... And nothing happens. XD


I open the back up and it turns out the batter wasn't pushed in all the way. So after pushing it back in it starts up and there's the egg.


Red with white spots, as with every other Tama I press the middle button to set the time. Surprisingly enough the date is set up as it is on American Tamas with the month first and the days second. After setting the time, and waiting the 5 or so minutes my new little girl is born.


My brother suggest I name her kitsune with a heart at the end and helps me type it out. I must say the characters on this version are very adorable, she looks some what like a little white heart. After feeding her some red rice, turnips, shrimp and pizza I play the first game with her.


There are 3 games on the Akai one were you catch poo in a trash can, one were you try to time and hit mail into a mail box and another were you guess which place your pet will come in a swimming race. I decide to play the envelope game and after getting the timing right I manage to get the 30 it takes to win.


The baby stage goes much the same as all others and at the end of taking her nap, she evolves into what looks like a little cherry complete with a stem and leaf, right after she becomes super happy and is awarded with 100 points.


I put in the codes for the free items and buy some octopus for later, then randomly I am surprised by Kitsune beeping. I look and see that she has a visitor, and am shocked to see that he is in fact a traveling sales men.


I buy some what I'm guessing is sushi and despite beeping 2 times for discipline and then praise, she ended her day at 8pm to sleep.

[SIZE=14pt]Day 2[/SIZE]

kitsune stats:

Happiness: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Age: 2

Wight: 11 grams

Discipline: ||||||

Money: 220


Pictures YAY:

Kitsune brushing her teeth.

Playing on her ball

Ball Again


Sleeping with her stuffed bunny

Name screen



Kitsune woke up as usual but I was still asleep until my Tamagotchi Angel beeped and woke me up. That thing beeps like a 1000 times when it wants something. Anyway, I played some envelope and got some money for Kitusne. I was just about to type in the code to get her a ball when the traveling sales man came, and sold me one XD. Around this time Kitsune also evolved into Ringotchi and was also awarded with 200 points, Ringotchi looks especially cute in the red pixels. Throughout the day she beeped three times for discipline. But because I played with her enough she didn’t need any food or play time. Also I was happy to see that the sales man comes twice in a day. I bought what looks like cotton candy, though it may be pop corn XD. Anyway I’ve been trying to translate the manual more but to no avail. Though I think certain items sink with your cell phone and you get other little games or something. Only a few items have a symbol that looks like a heart with two lines by them. Though I’m not a 100% sure what it means exactly. If anything it's just like the little games you see when you connect to version and they play. Also I tried to connect an American V3 to my Akai and it freaked out and started beeping at me. So, yeah that doesn't work but is funny to watch. XD

Anyway Ta Ta for now!

[SIZE=14pt] Announcement [/SIZE]

I want to start another log so that I can have two going for no other reason then I just want to, but I'm going to leave it up to you, the readers, to tell me which I should log. The following is a list of all the Tamagotchi's I have. If you would like to see one of them logged simply message me, chances are I'll just take the first persons suggestion and do that.


I have:









Tamagotchi Angel

Mesutchi and Osutchi


Also I have a Pokemon Pikachu Pedometer, a littlest pet shop, and a Webkins. I know that these are not Tamas but I would be happy to explain to anyone how they work.

[SIZE=14pt]Day 3/4[/SIZE]

kitsune stats:

Happiness: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥


Wight: 16 grams

Discipline: Maxed out

Money: 50


Pictures YAY:

Kitsune’s new form

Kitsune after drinking wine

Close up hello

Playing the flute

doing magic with her new top hat

more magic

end of the day shower



Sorry for the lack of writing yesterday, I went over to a friend’s house and the roads where awful so I couldn’t get back to my house. Anyway day 3 for Kitsune went pretty much to be expected she filled up her discipline played some games, and ate some random food.


The traveling sales man came the first time selling something that looked like a conch shell. I would have bought it but I didn’t have enough. The second time he came trying to sell me some food item I already have, and in this one you keep the food items after you buy them no matter how many times you use them.


Day 4 started with Kitsune waking and the traveling sale man brought escargot, which was too expensive at 900 points. The second time he brought a crepe which I bought. Then Kitsune evolved into her final form and was awarded with 500 points. She now looks kinda like violetchi without the flowers and with a large bow on her head( See pictures).


A little later I played some games with her to get enough to buy her a top hat, which actions can be seen in the picture of Kitsune doing magic. What I like is that the character will keep playing with the item until you press another button, which makes taking pictures extremely easy.


As some know when you press the C button on certain versions when nothing is highlighted your character will do something. Usually it’s simply marching up to the screen, but on this version she does any of four things. She ether will spin in circles until she gets dizzy and looks like how she looks in the drunk picture, turn around and moves around a little then she starts blowing red and white heart shaped bubbles, march up the screen like in the other versions or just do a dance with music notes flying all over the place.


Also, I finally figured out what those items that have the heart are for, when you connect to other Tamas they unlock other little mini games. Which as you may know you really can’t play it just matters who hits B first but it’s cute all the same. They also have their own little animations on the toys, but as of right now I only have the ball.

Ta Ta for now and don't forget to message me if you have any questions!

[SIZE=14pt] Announcements [/SIZE]

So yeah, haven't posted in a while. Manly because nothing is happening, Kitsune is 8 now and I'm still waiting for the match maker to come. I've restarted my music star and I kind of want to make a super cool log of that. Yeah I know that someone told me I should do a Mesutchi and Ousutchi log, but the thing is that I like the items and stuff and also there is the fact that they take 5 days to reach full grown then another before they can breed. I can't have nothing to do other then one game to play for that long. I will at some point but eh... Anyway once Kitsune gets "busy" I shall post at that point, and also look for my new log.


TaTa for now
