Tamagotchi caretaking quiz?


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
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United Kingdom
Question 1.Have you ever put your tama on pause

Yes or No

Question 2.Has your tama ever lost all four hearts????

Yes or No

Question 3.Have you ever go out on a long trip and left your tama at home or wherever

Yes or No

Question 4.Have you ever hit your tama on the floor

Yes or No

Question 5.Do you take your tama to school

Yes or No

Just five little quiz questions i wanted to ask you mine is

Q1.Yes-i had to

Q2.Yes-one or two times

Q3.No-i always keep it with me

Q4.No-i be careful but i nearly dropped it

Q5.No-i dont my dad looks after it

at the bottom i wrote this

Q1.Yes-i had to

Q2.Yes-one or two times

Q3.No-i always keep it with me

Q4.No-i be careful but i nearly dropped it

Q5.No-i dont my dad looks after it

they are my answers but what about you???

Question 1.Have you ever put your tama on pauseYes or No

Question 2.Has your tama ever lost all four hearts????

Yes or No

Question 3.Have you ever go out on a long trip and left your tama at home or wherever

Yes or No

Question 4.Have you ever hit your tama on the floor

Yes or No

Question 5.Do you take your tama to school

Yes or No

Just five little quiz questions i wanted to ask you mine is

Q1.Yes-i had to

Q2.Yes-one or two times

Q3.No-i always keep it with me

Q4.No-i be careful but i nearly dropped it

Q5.No-i dont my dad looks after it
1-yes-i didnt want the grownup 2 go away

2-no-of corse not


4-no-my cat nocked it on the floor 1ce


1. no.... because of what happen

2. yes....... i wasen't looking

3. no....... because of what could happen

4. no...... i once almost did

5. no...... my school banned them

1:Yes, often.

2:Yes, in school.



5:Yes, because I am a REBEL! *air guitar*

Question 1.Have you ever put your tama on pauseYes or No

Question 2.Has your tama ever lost all four hearts????

Yes or No

Question 3.Have you ever go out on a long trip and left your tama at home or wherever

Yes or No

Question 4.Have you ever hit your tama on the floor

Yes or No

Question 5.Do you take your tama to school

Yes or No

Just five little quiz questions i wanted to ask you mine is

Q1.Yes-i had to

Q2.Yes-one or two times

Q3.No-i always keep it with me

Q4.No-i be careful but i nearly dropped it

Q5.No-i dont my dad looks after it
1. yes

2. yes




1. no.... because of what happen2. yes....... i wasen't looking

3. no....... because of what could happen

4. no...... i once almost did

"5. no...... my school banned them" this is retarded!
tamas were banned at my skool but ya will still see me bring them!!!!!!!!!

Question 1.Have you ever put your tama on pauseYes or No

Question 2.Has your tama ever lost all four hearts????

Yes or No

Question 3.Have you ever go out on a long trip and left your tama at home or wherever

Yes or No

Question 4.Have you ever hit your tama on the floor

Yes or No

Question 5.Do you take your tama to school

Yes or No

Just five little quiz questions i wanted to ask you mine is

Q1.Yes-i had to

Q2.Yes-one or two times

Q3.No-i always keep it with me

Q4.No-i be careful but i nearly dropped it

Q5.No-i dont my dad looks after it
[SIZE=12pt] 1) Yes[/SIZE]

2) Yes

3) Yes

4) Yes

5) No




Question 1.Have you ever put your tama on pause

Yes or No

Question 2.Has your tama ever lost all four hearts????

Yes or No

Question 3.Have you ever go out on a long trip and left your tama at home or wherever

Yes or No

Question 4.Have you ever hit your tama on the floor

Yes or No

Question 5.Do you take your tama to school

Yes or No

1) Yes...

2) Yes, but because I was experimenting with characters *pokes Tama Angel in my siggy*

3) Well, if it has batteries its in my pocket :ichigotchi:

4) No

5) Kinda. It sits in my backpack on pause all day. But I play on the bus :ichigotchi:

Question 1.Have you ever put your tama on pauseYes or No

Question 2.Has your tama ever lost all four hearts????

Yes or No

Question 3.Have you ever go out on a long trip and left your tama at home or wherever

Yes or No

Question 4.Have you ever hit your tama on the floor

Yes or No

Question 5.Do you take your tama to school

Yes or No

Just five little quiz questions i wanted to ask you mine is

Q1.Yes-i had to

Q2.Yes-one or two times

Q3.No-i always keep it with me

Q4.No-i be careful but i nearly dropped it

Q5.No-i dont my dad looks after it
Q1 yes

Q2 yes




This are my answer for your quiz.

Q1: I only did it once because it was still in baby form and I was at school. Knowing how much attention baby tama's need it would be dead or someting when I finally had time to play or feed it.

Q2: Again only once because I woke up late, my dad turn my alarm clock off.

Q3: Never my tama is with me 24 hours a day. In my pokect, around my neck, next to me when I'm sleeping I'm never seen without it.

Q4: Happy to say I've never dropped my tama or hit it on somthing.

Q5: Yes I take it to school, my tama is acually great to have around at school because I'm not all that bored anymore. Yes I do my work in school and not just play with my tama.

Thanks :pochitchi:

But in regaurds to question four about dropping it. My sister dropped my tama when she wanted to see it does that count?

I praticlly lost my voice screaming at her to be careful. Not that I have a metal problem with obssetion wih tama's its just she is really irrisonable with other peoples things, that and you have no IDEA what I went through to get my V3.

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