Tamagotchi Connection V4/V4.5 Hatching Organization!


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2012
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What Tamas you need: a V4 or V4.5

When: June 16th-June 20th

Requirements: Must have a V4 or V4.5, Connexion (Europe) or Connection (US).

You must reset your Tamagotchi to the Egg stage

How: You will log about your hatchings, and how your Tama is growing, even what generation your Tama is!

I need about 10 people!

My V4 is pink with blue and pink paint splashes (American Version)

The egg was shaking back and forth and in a few minuites I found a cute boy which I named Blue (I named him after my first ever Tamagotchi)


Soon, Blue evolved again and then he got a message about Pre-School. He went there and practiced cute nursery rhymes. Then we went to Tamatown and got a Passport and something else. We loved playing games too.

aw, cute! Mine was a girl (Shirotsubutchi) and I named it Xion. She was a baby and now all the way to Adult, known as Pyonkotchi. She now looks like a cat....O___o

xD I haven't learnt the V4 characters properly yet..mine is currently a Young Mametchi..i got it loads of times but never got a real Mametchi DX

edit: its actually puchitchi

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I reset Xion, and had a baby Tsubutchi (boy) named Ryuk. he's now 1 year, and has evolved into Gourmetchi.

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