Tamagotchi daycare's Log!


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May 24, 2006
Reaction score
YAY! My first log!, this will be a long one!!!

Well, i own 3 tamas. 1 V3, and 2 V2's.

This is the order of events:

V2: Blue with white, blue and green bubbles.

V2*: dark blue with yellow,red,green and blue stars. V3:lite green withhawaiianflower= palm trees.

V2: ( with bubbles)

G1: Frodo, male,final stage: furawatchi! :huh:

G2:Sushi,female,final stage: Unknown - tiger-like tama! :mellow:

G3:Ajax:female,final stage: Whale-like tama! (also unknown) :wacko:

G4: (current)Luna,female,1 yr r, 60 LB, currently hinotamatchi

Luna is half trained! :) YAY! I'm hopeing for a mimitchi HA HA! In my dreams . . .


G1: Jaffa: male,final stage: same as ajax (they had babies together)

G2: (current) Love (sister of Luna) female, currently hinotamatchi


G1:Kapaz:male,final stage: memetchi G2:Tosca,female,final ( & current) stage: bill ???(its a girl thou!) :angry:

I just cleaned up toscas poop, and i am starting to wonder why she hasn't turned six yet, :huh: can anyone tell me if putting the time forward to make them older works??? ;) As for my 2 "girls" (love and luna) they are both fine, and im expecting them to turn 2 today.

Just wondering, is anyone kind enough to danate a v1???? i would really appreciate it, because i dont have any money at the moment . . . :D

YAY! :puroperatchi: Luna just beeped for no reason! (well, not really beeped, cause i always keep the sound off) so she has now got 6 bars of training! YAY :huh: maybe i am going to get mimitchi!!!! (or maybe not)

SCARY! B) Tosca just came up close to the screen, and im telling you, bill's are SCARY ^_^ when they do that!!!!!!!!

Other than ALL that, there isnt anything exciting going on, but ill post as soon as something comes up. :

hey, im bak.

i REALLY want a mimitchi, and i was wondering if anyone could pleez tell how u get them. can hintamatchis turn into mimitchis? :huh: :puroperatchi:

at the moment i am excersizing love bacause she is sickly overweight. ( i also heared theat u only get mimitchi if ur tama is a healthy weight)

STATS :huh:



happy: full


training: 6 bars

currently: randomly jumping around

weighs:55 LB

1 yr old


currently: playing "bump" (so i cant tell you his stats)



happy: 3 full


training: full

currently:jumping around

weighs:80 LB !!!!!!!!

5 yr old (STILL)

ill update u again LATER

YAY! I just caught luna with the squigly lines, so i quickly sent her to the toilet and it was SOO cute! Can you actually train your tama to go toilet by itself? CAN SOMEBODY PLEEZ TELL ME! or do u have to memorize the poop schedule? I'll try to do something REALLY special for whoever can tell me the answerr!

i have managed to get love down to only 29 pounds, but thats still over weight , isn't it? Nothing else is happening thou, so ill promise to post mmore later. :puroperatchi:

hi again :angry:

i want to thak colonelJ for all her help, because she is the one that actually told me how to start a log. i reccomend her TTLOM(the tamagotchi log of madness) as it is informative and just totally awesome!

also, pleez pm me foreverflame as i have been waiting for an answer.

srry, ill try to stick to tamas now.love has made a huge improvement, now a healthy 16 LB teen tama.At the moment i am doing the same with luna, who was 55 LB last time i looked!

STATS :wacko:


( currently playing bump to loose weight so i cant tell you her stats now)


weighs:16 LB!

training:5 bars

(nothing else has changed from last time so i wont bother putting it up)

:mellow: :huh: :huh: :D ;) B) :puroperatchi: :huh:

Just to let you know quickly, love was just in a bad mood, so i praised her and now she has 6 training bars just like luna! :huh:

Also luna is down to an impressive 26 LB !!!!!!!!! ;)

:unsure: GO LUNA, GO LUNA, GO, GO, GO LUNA! :(

***i will update later :(


my little baby love is having a bath! :lol:

BY THE WAY******* I am aiming to get to generation 100!!!

( i am up to generation 4 on my bubbly V2, and generation 2 on my other tamagotchis) :) :D :ph34r: :D :( :lol: :eek: :( :D :huh: :unsure: ;)

Thanx cutie pop, but please dont post in my log just like the rules state. :p

Hey, i have some great news!!!!!!!!!


and she just left today, :D i called her (note, it was a girl) Yari! Woop Woop :ph34r: im now on my 3rd generation!!!!!!!!

Other than that, nothing much is happening. Yari is currently a tamatchi, and is EXTREMELY overweight, 34 POUNDS!!!!

Here are my Stats :wacko: :ph34r: :angry: :angry: B)



Happy: full

Hungry: full

Training: 1 bar

0 years old

34 pounds

3rd gen,


V2 :wacko:



Happy: full


3 years old

46 pounds

4th gen,


Happy: full

Hungry: full

Training: full bars

3 yrs old

24 pounds

2nd gen, :angry:

Hi! :angry:

I have some great news! :D

My two darling girls (Love & Luna) have grown up!

Love is dorotchi and luna is hirachi! (oh well, maybe a :D mimitchi nxt time!)

I thought i should show a chart of all my adult characters i have got so far:

Furawatchi :huh: = Frodo (G1)

Toratchi (tiger-like tama) = sushi (G2)

Whaletchi (whale-like tama) = Ajax (G3)

Hiratchi (???? ) = Luna (G4)

Dorotchi (Ghost???) = Love (G2)

Memetchi :angry: = Kapaz (G1 )

Bill ( a random-man tama?) = Tosca (G2)

B) :huh: B) ;) B) :D

Well, thats only 7, but i just realised i have raised 9 generations of tamagotchi and none of them have died!!! (none of my tamas have died since i bought them)

Here are ALL my Tama names!

Frodo - Lord of the rings by PETER JACKSON! (NZ)

Sushi - FOOD!

Ajax - Thanx ColonelJ!

Luna - Thanx ColonelJ!

Love - Gwen Stefani's "Love Angel Music Baby"

Jaffa - FOOD!

Kapaz - Sort of like "Kapow", but adapted into a name)

Tosca - From "Meercat Manor" (in NZ)

Yari - Thanx ColonelJ!

You can use these aswell.

StAtS: :angry:

All are sound asleep . . . . . .

See ya!

Hey, I forgot to update you on poor Yari!!!!! :D

Well, she recently grew to become a Nikatchi, and is just turned 1 year old! How cute :huh: !!! I will tell you all of my suvineirs! ;)

#1 Passport




#5 Text book



#8 Cell Phone


#10 Skis

#11 Palm Tree

#12 Surf Board

#13 Panda Bear


#15 Ring








#23 CD

#24 Shoes


#26 Movie Poster

#27 Movie Poster

#28 Bandai Ribbon

#29 Microphone

#30 Suitcase

#31 Medal / Cup


( i still need to get he balloon, baseball hat, etc. because you loose those things when you change generation )

Hope this is useful for those 'begginers', but no negitive feedback Please, especially not in the actual log.

Thanks, i will post more later. :huh:

Well, i just woke my 2 V2's up. both are fine and are actually a HEALTHY WEIGHT!!!!

Also, just to inform you,whenever you come up with an extremely good tama name, please PM me and if i like it, i will do ALL of the following;

Name the next Generation your suggested name

Thank you every time in my posts until that tama leaves

Add you to my friends

Advertise your log?or whatever in my Posts and My log.

Add you to my "living Tama legends list" (This will be displayed on my Log soon)

Thank you! Hope to get some good names soon!!!! :huh: ;) :huh: :D


( if you start a"living tama legends" list i will know you stole it from my log!!!!! You will not be listed in my log at ANY time if you do!!! )

1. ColonelJ B)

ColonelJ is on this list because she is pure inspiration to me. I love her log, i love her ideas, and i love her constant positive attitude.Her log: AMAZING! Who new that anyone could keep 7 of those things going - ALL AT THE SAME TIME!?! If you haven't read her truly fantastic log, ( TTLOM or The tamagotchi log of madness) you should leave my silly little log and take a look at hers!!!! Thank You ColonelJ for everything you have done at Tamatalk. ( Being as half my name Ideas i get from you!) ColonelJ is a true Tamatalk LIVING LEGEND!!!!!!! B)

I will add more to this list as soon as some name ideas start coming in)

Thank-You :huh:

Well, Yai just fell asleep and Love is having a bath. Hope i get some name ideas coming in soon.


Hey, in my last post i meant Yari, not Yai !!!!!

Do you like my new sig??? yes, you could be as famous ColonelJ if you PM me with those name ideas!

PM me now!!!!

Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! :D ( over in NZ it is the first of june! )

Well, my 3 tamagotchis are STILL asleep, and im expecting Love and Luna to turn 6, and Yari to turn 2! :D

I'm a bit worried about Yari's training, she only has 3 bars and she is already a teen . . . :angry:

I have already thought up my names for the 5th, 4th, and 3rd generations! I will try to press "b" when the book is open on one of my V2's, so i can get a boy and name it Scree, and on my other V2 i will Press "B" wen the matchmakers book is closed , so i will get a girl and call her lolly! Then i will have a boy and a girl that can breed, and ny V3, i will call Yaris lovely child (boy or girl) Cosmo! :D (But thats only if i get my way!)

Hey, i just did something really cool, i set thje time on my 3 tamas EXACTLY the same! I am going to try to stop playing with the time so i can restock shops, etc, because it messes up the evelution. :blink:

Well, i really cant think of anything eklse to write about, being as my tamas are asleep, so i will update again later, probably not today though.

Bye! :p

So far i havn't got any replies for my "name idea" thing, but here are some good names i thought up anyway:


Sushi *

















* this star means i have used this name) Fell free to use these names aswell!

Im just working out names for my future generations:

nxt: Scree, Lolly, Cosmo

then: Brie , Cupid ,Zebb

Then: Zion , Pluto Oxy

Cool, Eh?

(My tamas are STILL asleep)!

Hi again! :)

I was lucky benough to just get on the computer this afternoon to update you guys B)

well today Yari the 25-pound nikatchi grew 2 years old, But Love the 35-pound Dorochi is still only 5, just like Luna the 25-Pound hirachi!

Today i earned 4000 points with love, bringing his savings to a grand total of 5024! i bought him a UFO, and he looks sooo cute! I thank the "slot" game for that 4000 points! It truly is the best game ever,and i am starting to wish that V3 had it! Just wait a min, i've just realised i have mail, so i will go check it. Maybe its a fantastic name idea!!!! :D

See ya soon :furawatchi:

Well, i have just recieved the best name ever!!!!!

FAITH sent in by Tamafun565! Thanx so much tamafun565! I will now update the tama living legends list;

:furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :mametchi: TAMA LIVING LEGENDS :mimitchi: :wacko: :ph34r:

1. ColonelJ (see discription in previous posts)

2. Tamafun565 :lol:

Tamafun565 is the most creative tamatalk member i have met. Her tamagotchi names are original, spunky, but they have got thaty magical touch that really brings them to life. They have a story behind them, and mould every tama a different way (e.g: they mean a different thing to every tama named that same name) FAITH is a creative, original name that to me, represents peace, loyalty and love. CONGRATS :wacko: to tamafun565, and the next tama to have a baby will become the proud parent of faith (only if its a girl thou! :furawatchi: )THAKYOU SOO MUCH TAMAFUN565!!!!!

I'm now just going to update my sig. Thanx! :wacko:

Well, i am back. My next generation will be named Scree, lolly and faith, the name sent in by Tamafun565, thankyou so much tamafun565!!!! youcould be as fam,ouse if you PN me with your name ideas now! thanx!

also, my tamas are all neutral. (fine, but nothings happening) post again later, bye :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :mametchi: :wacko: :wacko: :furawatchi:
