Tamagotchi Death Reason?


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Jan 4, 2017
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So, my Tamagotchi V1 just died very suddenly 10 minutes ago. It was still a teenager and only 5 years old. Last time I checked on it was 45 minutes before its death and it had full happy and hungry hearts then. When I checked it last it had beeped for attention because it was angry (it had its back turned towards me). I didn't punish or praise it because I already had 7 out of 9 training bars and wasn't going for perfect training. There were no further calls for attention until it died - I have it right beside me and would've noticed the call while I was browsing the web. My question now is if a Tamagotchi can die of unhappiness (i.e. it's angry or sad and you don't do anything about it)? That's the only reason I can think of why it suddenly died... unless it got sick in those 45 minutes where I wasn't watching and then died, but that would be rather quick...

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Hello, Sloth!

So was your Tamagotchi hungry or sad when you last checked it?

From what I see here, I think there are a few possibilities:

1) Died by Negative Emotions

2) Died by Hunger

3) Died by Sickness

I know most of them are some of your predictions, but I think you are kind-of right.

I do not have a Tamagotchi V1, but then I am sure the basics are similar to the other Tamagtochis.

Just like humans, it can die in a lot of different ways.

But then here is a suggestion: Make sure you check its status before you leave it alone for a while, and if you have any other Tamagotchis, you can use the babysitter (btw I don't think that the Tamagotchi V1 have a babysitter -_- sorry)

Hope this information is helpful! :D


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