Tamagotchi Detectives: The Lost Itchigotchi


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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2006
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It was a hot, sunny day on Masktchi beach. Tamagotchi's were running around every where. A young, small Itchigotchi ran into the water, laughing. "Sweet heart! Don't get too far into the water!" Warned her mother. The Itchigotchi just kept running until a wave came up, and splashed her. Her mother jumped up and ran into the water. "Allura! Are you in there? Allura?" Her mother exclaimed. No answer, no laugh, just the little waves of the water. A couple days after, Tamagotchi Detectives were on the case. "What exactly was the little girls name?" Asked a Furiwatchi, her name was Fiona. "Her mother said her name was Allura McLaw" Replied a Robotchi, his name was Jake. There was two other detectives. There was a Kuchipatchi named Stephanie, and a Hinotamatchi named Rick. "Hey guys! Look what I found!" Stephanie exclaimed. The other three crowded around her. "What is it?" Asked Jake. "Looks to me like...a...leg of an Itchigotchi" Rick said, and picked it up. "Yep, thats an Itchigotchi leg". Since it was the only clue of what got Allura, the four of them went back to the crime lab. "I did some tests on that leg. It dosen't belong to Allura" Jake said. "What? That can't be!" Fiona said. "I also did some tests, and found out that ten more Itchigotchi's got eaten..or..uh..taken away" Stephanie said, looking over her tests again. "Looks to me like whatever ate Allura, loves to Itchigotchi's" Jake said. The day was silent until everyone went home. On Masktchi beach, you could hear a slight whisper saying "Here I come, Itch-i-got-chi, Here I come".....
