Tamagotchi Fanatic from New Zealand


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Aug 4, 2006
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Hi, just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I'm new here so yeah, anyway my name is Mocchaccino.

I'm from New Zealand. I was 12 the first time I saw a Tamagotchi and now 9 years later I can afford one! A friend of mine had one and I was jealous because she had one and was younger than me, plus my parents wouldn't buy one for me. I've always wanted one! I couldn't afford it back then. Another reason I got one is because I can't have a real pet because of my working situation - sad huh? But yeah I am lovin it now!

Im from New Zealand! There are never people from New Zealand here from Tamatalk! Hope you enjoy your tamagotchi and welcome to Tamatalk! :unsure:

Welcome to TamaTalk! I'm ZAINA_TAMA_FREAK, (ZTF for short) nice to meet you!

There are lots of interesting things to do here on tama talk. But please read the rules followed here.


But besides that, there are, like I said very good information here. For information, you might want to check out The Tama Talk Reference Section. ;)


There is a chat side of tama talk. Its called Tama Chat. There is a little information on it. :lol:


Well I hope you enjoy Tama Talk for it is a wonderful (and may I say, addictive :blink: ) site. Have fun here and if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me! :unsure: -ZTF

:) well i'll be!!your from new zeland!!!!!!!welcome to tamatalk!!!!!!!please pm me if you have any questions!!!!!!
Im from New Zealand! There are never people from New Zealand here from Tamatalk! Hope you enjoy your tamagotchi and welcome to Tamatalk! :eek:
im from new zealand too!!!! ( i know what u r saying no-one in tamatalk is usaully from NZ)

bye bye fellow newzealanders! :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

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