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I wanna mametchi and luvlitchi but i have even gen and 11 train points ... and ze boy

okay...to get mametchi...i'm not entirely sure (i don't have a lot of experience with the tama go...i'm still trying to figure out training :p ) it seems like you have to take perfect care of a boy teen. i think it might have something to do with generation (i got a kuromametchi for my 1st generation) THIS topic might help, please be sure to read at least the first page as it seems to be pretty helpful. ;) good luck with getting mametchi!

To get Lavulitchi,

||||||||||| 11 or more training points.

No care misses.

Never let it call: *name here*...... That ruins your chance of getting her.

Full Happy hearts and full happy hearts at ALL TIMES.

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