Tamagotchi Growth Chart Help


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Jul 16, 2006
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I've searched all over the net to find a growth chart for my Tamagotchi Connexion v2 but i've never found one yet with my current pet, or the pet i had when it was a teen.

It started out as a 'babytchi' then a 'marutchi' but when it was a teenager it looked like it was floating in a little spaceship maybe? It was floating nontheless. And now it looks somewhat like a 'mametchi' only with sharper ears, no colour in them, a thinner body and pointed feet. Any help on what they are, or rather an accurate growth chat?

This is my first gen, although i just got the matchmaker tonight.

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it should be in the refrence section the v2 growth cart. hope this helps! :( :( :(

it should be in the refrence section the v2 growth cart. hope this helps! :( :( :angry:
imean the tma talk reference section. sorry! p.s. i have had that same tama before only mine was a v3 whith the pointed ears i forgot its name. :( :angry:

The teenager's a Yufotchi/UFOtchi. Ver. 2 is the only version it's on... at present only my v1 is being properly cared for, I'm neglecting my v3 because I hate it so much! Oh yeah, the adult is Cho-Himetchi, my friend's v1 had a little glitch and Cho-Himetchi was on it!

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