tamagotchi hall of shame


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that is just CREUL!! :( :( what kind of people would create a website like THAT :(

I do think that is wrong...but I do have to admit that Godzilla one was kind of funny...

Don't worry.

As you can see there are only 2 tama hate sites...

But many tama love sites!!!!

Tamas rock muh socks!

i will try to add more to the tama hall of shame

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Okay you definitely shouldn't be linking websites like "*Link removed*" to THIS website. There's a lot of kids on this website who should NOT be reading things like THAT.

Note from Guide: I removed it from the orgianl post... and your post :p

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Plus, that guy is terrible with his rants. Most people like Maddox who have websites devoted to ranting at least show some signs of intelligence in their posts. This guy just basically says "I DON'T LIKE IT" with a bunch of curse words he probably learned from his older brother last week mixed in.

not 2 be heartless or anything,but anybody who finds the godzilla site abusive is a bit to much of an overcarer of tamas

the other 4...*words removed by Black_Buster*

I hate all those sites! They are all so mean to tamagotchis! Who would make a site like that!?


I got a question...if we hate all those sites, why are we drawing attention to them? If we ignored them from the beginning, we wouldn't ever have to see them. And complaining about them only draws attention toward the sites.

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