Tamagotchi iD L in English


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Along with SamJJE, I also have good news... I just got my Tamas today~~ :DDD That was so super fast~~ I believe I order it on Friday, and it took less than a week to arrive~ How awesome~ Here is a quick photo... I wonder if I should open now, or wait till I give my sister her's... Btw, there is a lot of english on the back of them~ It's a little bit odd, but still understandable~


I gave that seller very good feedback and comments~ I'm super happy :D

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hello so im gonna order a english 1 so exited but i tryed to order i made a account but now im trying to buy but it still needs my phone # please help
Are you sure you're signed in? It shouldn't ask you for your number until you are filling in your shipping address. First make sure you are logged in. Then when shipping info comes up, this is how I did my phone number: (area code) - (phone number) - (1).... there are three boxes.... fill it in like that. 1 just means that it's international, I think ... haha... I live in Canada, so I'm not sure if it'll be the same for you

Are you sure you're signed in? It shouldn't ask you for your number until you are filling in your shipping address. First make sure you are logged in. Then when shipping info comes up, this is how I did my phone number: (area code) - (phone number) - (1).... there are three boxes.... fill it in like that. 1 just means that it's international, I think ... haha... I live in Canada, so I'm not sure if it'll be the same for you
So what shipping did you use?? standard or the EMS one?
So what shipping did you use?? standard or the EMS one?
You really should read over my older posts... because I've said it at least two times... haha~ I didn't realize there was a shipping option... the seller contacted me asking for more money after I had paid for the item... so I can't really help you out there... :/

Also, I took a picture of the back, because I thought it was interesting... it says it does not include batteries, and... it's not intended for sales in US, Canada and Europe... haha~ I opened up mine (the blue one) and yeah, no batteries... the packaging is exactly like the Japanese one, with room for the batteries. Luckily, I have spare AAA batteries, so I tried it out~ Everything is pretty similar and looks great~ Some words are not translated exactly as it, like the running game which the Japanese is something like "Aim for the goal" but the English one is translated as "Run and Jump" or something like that.... Also, the tamagotchi's name doesn't show up at all in the status... oh well :/


@superdonut: Great to see that you've already received your English Tamagotchi iD Ls! Nice colours; I was thinking about getting Green, but ultimately decided to go with White. I just hope that the Green Tamagotchi P is nice!

Also, that "Not intended for sales..." notice opens it up for release in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), although when I asked Australia's main Bandai Distribution brand, they said that there were no plans to distribute the Tamagotchi iD L in Australia. Still, anything could happen...

In other news, my Tamagotchi iD L has been shipped! I've been given a tracking number, and I'm now just awaiting it for it to arrive. So exciting! :)

I just have to say, I am very glad these aren't fakes. It seemed too good to be true at first! -KuroMame

99$ if i want to buy 1 omg im gonna wait till they come to ebay so much money but i got my japanese id l and probably getting another 1 or a TMC+C

Since users have now discovered this is an official release from Bandai and the Tamagotchi is no longer being questioned as a fake, I'm going to move this topic to the "Comments and Rumors" subforum.

*Topic moved to 'Comments and Rumors'*

There have been a few other topics created similar to this over in that subforum, so to eliminate repeat topics from popping up, I'll move this topic over there. I'll also edit the title of the topic to reflect the changes we've discovered (the original title was a question if the Tama was real or fake). The new title will read, "Tamagotchi ID L in English".

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Ooooh nice~ Hahaha~!

I gave my sister her tama today.... I opened with something like "Oh, I came home one day and found this in the mail" and I tossed it at her... and she was super ecstatic! And I told her to read the box, and she was like "But it's all Japanese...." and then realized it was in English~ She was soooo happy~ Hahaha~! We started them both up and played a couple games, and I sent her a present from my Japanese tama to her English one... We both started with girls, and they both evolved to the same toddler... we don't live together, so I'm curious to see which adults we end up with... ^^

Okay, so I managed to take a couple of photos of the new English iD L I got the other day... I gave my sister the green one, so it's not in this photoshoot... haha~


Comparing the two boxes side by side... They are pretty much similar on the front, except for the color.


A little blurry, sorry... But the back side~


Also a little blurry, the instruction manuals side by side...


Some shots of the inside... as you can see, the English is actually pretty good~


There is still a few words that aren't translated quite well, but overall, it's fine~


I just like the way Lovelitchi confesses to him... haha~~

Continued in next post....


My only problem with the English one is that it doesn't include the name of the Tama you are raising... There is just a blank spot... But it's a small small problem~ Haha


In the Japanese iD L, this pie is actually Pumpkin Pie... but in the English one, they translated it as Sweet Pie... Once again, a small detail... haha~ I just like to point it out = =++


As you can see, the Japanese tama was able to connect to the English one... And the English one recognizes the Japanese text, and vice versa


Haha, a photo of the two together~


Both going to the TamaDepa


Aw, he's such a big fan~


What a jerk~ Getting my hopes up like that... haha

Okay, that's all the photos I took today~ If you are interested in anything else, let me know, and I'll take a photo of that~ Haha~ Overall, I'm really pleased with the English one~ It was slightly cheaper than the Japanese one, but just take note that the English one does not come with batteries! Any other questions, let me know! :D

Yeah, I heard from somewhere that there are English iDLs out in Singapore...I wasn't sure if it was true or not...
It's true becoz I jus got it today from my neighborhood mall omg (>,<) but rite now there is nothing to download other than the jap IDL downloads

If u all wan I can help u all get so jus PM me so far the place I got onli have pink, blue, purple

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If these are fake, they're very well done - not like the obvious, sloppy JD fakes that we hear so much about. I checked the features of that against those of my 15th Anniversary iD L - all perfect, down to the smallest sparkle on the faceplate. Whoever made these English iD Ls is a lot smarter (and listens to the fans a lot more!) than whoever in BanDai America is supporting Tamagotchi L.I.F.E! I won't be buying one because I know it sounds weird but it wouldn't be the same without Japanese...and I'm still not sure if these are just very realistic fakes. Since they're not completely lame and sloppy, if these are fake BanDai Japan is going to get really mad at whoever is making them.

If these are fake, they're very well done - not like the obvious, sloppy JD fakes that we hear so much about. I checked the features of that against those of my 15th Anniversary iD L - all perfect, down to the smallest sparkle on the faceplate. Whoever made these English iD Ls is a lot smarter (and listens to the fans a lot more!) than whoever in BanDai America is supporting Tamagotchi L.I.F.E! I won't be buying one because I know it sounds weird but it wouldn't be the same without Japanese...and I'm still not sure if these are just very realistic fakes. Since they're not completely lame and sloppy, if these are fake BanDai Japan is going to get really mad at whoever is making them.
They're not fakes; Bandai Japan and Bandai America aren't the only two Bandai branches, there are many others, including Bandai Asia, who were the ones behind the release of the English Tamagotchi iD L. They are very much genuine. :)

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