Tamagotchi Is More Eco-Friendly Than Us!


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Coco Boy

Designer: TamaTalk Guides Badge
Oct 4, 2007
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Did you realize that Kuchipatchi and his family are more eco-friendly than us?


This is really interesting, and stranger than it may sound, these disturbingly cute Kuchipatchi can save the world one day! It's now the point where virtual-pets that are made up over-rule our trying to save global warming. How? None of us care! Please follow those tips!

Thank you for becoming more aware of Global Warming. :lol:

Ha, he looks so cute. xD I think it's really nice that they are trying to show kids and teens that you can help. They are not asking for too much either. Though, in my opinion I'm not really sure many will understand. It's a start.

Thanks, everyone. Kuchi appreciates it. :)

Aww, thanks for posting this. I agree, global-warming is bad, and we as a world need to take action soon, or it'll be too late. :blink:

Thanks again. :wub:


I'm so glad you showed this to everyone. I'm a big fan of the enviroment and all. I yell people when they throw paper in the garbage, telling them to recycle. Lol.

I'm so glad you showed this to everyone. I'm a big fan of the enviroment and all. I yell people when they throw paper in the garbage, telling them to recycle. Lol.

Oh brother.Cute and funny yes.educational yes. and awaring people of global warming yes.But I mean with tamas advertising?no.Whats next tarakotchi advertising Mcdonalds?I would have chosen a diffetent tama actually I would have chosen Maiditchi 1 She is my fav tama and 2 Key word Maiditchi her slogan Sweeping up global warming It is my opinion but it still is good to alert people about global warming

How cute. Not only that, it's very helpful. A big hand (or paw) for Kutchipatchi! :lol:

im a total environment freak i recycle,save energy etc. my fav color is green (like trees!) and im doing stuff to save the world like kupatchi! kupatchi is my fav character

Aw, Kuchipatchi is ADORABLE!

My friend (well she sits at my table in school) said that, according to the "scientists" and the "stars" Earth will crash into the sun or die in 25 years because of global warming! Then my teacher said they will save the Earth, so I don't know exactly WHO to believe, but either way, global warming is NOT GOOD. I don't want to die young just because of STUPID global warming!!! I mean, who does?

On the other hand, I don't exactly help the situation either. :)

I stumbled upon this site a few days ago, and I thought, this is just adorable!!!And BuzzBee,I really DO hope tarakotchi advertises McDonalds!!That would be SO AWESOME!!!(not to mention cute.)

Kuchipatchi is one of my favorite tamas! :(


As for the Global Warming part, I do turn lights

off and use little water when bathing. I guess I do help! :(

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