Tamagotchi Item Tips


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This article thingie should help your problems with items. First of all, you should always keep the most expensive items such as the Throne, Gramophone, Royal Costume, and TV.
Total Items So Far: 4/30.

To keep your little tamas happy, you should give them stuffed animals simply because it's cute. So get the Robot, and the Lion Doll.

Total Items So Far: 6/30.

Life wouldn't be complete without some music, now would it? So you should buy the drum, trumpet, music (MP3 or iPod thingie), and the boombox. I do not recommend the music disk for it blows up your boombox.

Total Items So Far: 10/30.

Instead of the pencil, get the pen, which is like a reusable pencil. There is a code for it, but I forget what it is. Look around the boards for it!

Total Items So Far: 11/30

Would you let your tamagotchi run around looking silly? Of course not! You need some nice clothes for your tama. Buy the Bow Tie, T-Shirt, Sunglasses, and Hair Bow.

Total Items So Far: 15/30

Free Items: Stuffed Animal, Costume, and Cuckoo Clock, RC Car are all things you need.

Total Items So Far: 19/30

In order to use the make-up, you should buy the mirror so your tama will look good!

Total Items So Far: 20/30

For the young tamas, you need Building Blocks and a Ball. They are very cute :eek: Don't buy the RC Toy, or RC Car unless you really want to, you can get RC Car 2 for free!

Total Items So Far: 22/30

Get the item !! from a code. I forgot the code, but look around the boards!

Total Items So Far: 23/30

Last reusable items: Shoes + Weights + Wings + Rollerskates. Yes yes, we have room for these items!

Total Items So Far: 27/30

Now you can use the spare room for stuff like chests, lamps, plants, etc.

Good job but i think ball, blocks, RC toys/car is more important than it appears...

See the topic here to see why:


<_< :mellow: :angry: :huh: :(

i can help with that. to delete go to the book icon then go to your presents list. then go to item if you wanna delete an item or food if u wanna delete food.click b button then click a button then b button again. that will get ridd of what you wanna get rid of. but BE CAREFUL after you delete something you cannot get it back

you go to present and go to the ldem and push the a butten 1 and then puch the b butten and say yes

:D :D :D :eek:

Please i will say this: Please look at the date before you post have you seen the jump? May to July? Wow i will ask a guide about this.. thanks for your cooperation.!


thats very helpful!! :D my name is jade 2!lol :D


:furawatchi: :D :furawatchi:

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