tamagotchi log o' doom


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belle and the baby both took a poo at the same time--baby on top of mom. now that belle should be leaving soon, i'm feeding her all teh special food that i bought--hamburgers and such.

hehehe--using the cuckoo clock w/ the time set to 4:59--it's so awesome. not only do both the mom and the kid dance around under the clock, but a bird-like thingy comes out and calls out the hour--like, 5 calls for 5:00. when the birdy thingy comes out, the tamas look at the clock--it's adorable! hang on--i'm going to try it w/ the sound on to see if it actually "chimes" the time.

yes it does!! it's two little beeps for each hour!

oh forget it. i'm just going to let it go--i'll get enough points eventually. in fact, when belle leaves, i'm going to only gain points--i shall NEVER spend them, except maybe on shovels and chests and such things that might reward me with more points.

i'm posting way too much today, but i think i'm going to do a list of which characters i want most for belle's kid, and some names i'm thinking about.


mohitamatchi or kuchitamatchi would be my favorites for this gen, but mizutamatchi would be ok too, because i haven't gotten that one and also because it's really good at bump, apparently.


young mametchi, piroriroritchi (except that one's got lots of dark pixels, it'd be hard on the battery), or hikotchi, preferably, but hey... i won't complain about any other ones, probably.


any new char.














but i might not use any of them... who knows.

i'm not sure what i'll do when belle leaves her baby--since it'll be school, i won't have time to look after a baby, but i hate pausing my tamas... i guess i'll have to, though, won't i....

oh, btw, i think belle's going to leave tonight--she spent most of sunday and all of today w/ her baby, she should leave now...

i'm going to try to get her to leave now, but i'm not sure it'll work...

and i need to stop playing games and stuff so much--the buttons dont respond as fast now.

belle's leaving.

ta ta.

as i thought i would, i named belle's baby bela. bela evolved this morning into a kuchitamatchi--i tried not to take very good care of her in the baby stage. i'm trying not to take very good care of her in teh child stage, but i'm going to try to take good care of her in teh teen stage... TRY.

also, i just visited her mom! belle gave her a cell phone.

bela evolved this morning! now she's a teen--a hinatchi... v. cute.

she's in the bath right now so i'll say...

firstly, i've been taking fairly good care of her--cleaned up her poo as soon as i noticed it, didn't let hearts drop much (one, if any)... kept her around her base weight.

also, i bought a drum and a ticket to switzerland for her!

now bela's fully trained!!! i put her in my pocket for about 5 minutes to play a song for my dad (on piano) and when i took her out, she had a poo next to her and was sulking... so i cleared it up (no hearts were lost either way) and praised her... now she's fully trained! yay!

nothing much to report today...

bela's 2... still the same char... didn't buy anything or play many games today... pretty much did just the bare necessities--i was REALLY busy.

nothing to report again. i'm rapidly nearing 5000 pts tho. right now bela's still 2, but she might become 3 later today.

should evolve tomorrow or sunday....

i might try to check shopko, walmart, adn target around here for v3s over the weekend. but i probably won't find one.

My Tamagotchi V3 is a Patapatatchi too. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, though.
