tamagotchi log o' doom


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hehe... first time i've ever played heading and gotten more than about 2 hits--i got 250 pts from it, not sure how many times i headed the ball, tho.

she's sulking. i'm gonna praise her even tho she's already got full training.

still three, BUT SHE'S AN ADULT NOW! AND SHE'S UBER-CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






IT'S A NEW CHAR............


gawd, she's cute.

*sigh... i love her* i'm off to try all my items....

hehe... the clone is so adorable :puroperatchi:

oooh... she looks like a wangsta in her hat. or maybe a truckdriver o_O

ha! the wig has camel lumps on top adn braids on each side!

hey! the batwings are angel wings!

no offense to bela and any other chomametchis.... tehy look dumb in makeup.

i'll update later!

well, truthfully, the trips were almost a disappointment--you just fly off, see the "away" sign, fly back with a code, then get a souvenir. oh, well. the souvenirs are ubercute.

she's 5--mm should come tomorrow. maybe tuesday at the latest.

no luck getting another v3 yesterday.

i think i'm not getting another v3 until the 2nd wave of colors come out--towards the end of march. i've got my little eye on one of them lovely transluscent black and red ones *swoons* but i'll take almost any color. not pink, tho. pink's icky.

actually, i'd probably take pink, too, if i was desperate enough, but i hope i wont have 2.

she turned 6 today--no mm yet, though. probably tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

and i want to catch the mm with a boy baby this time! i shall be mildly angry if i get another girl.

i've got no name ideas yet. i'll have to check my list of names w/ potential.

mm came today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first she came while i was in spanish (i was messing with the time, trying to restock the shop and she came!) with a sekitoritchi (i think that's what it's called)....i said no.... then again in v&c--messing w/ time again--and she brought a hanatchi. i turned it down again, i was dead-set on having a new char mate with bela. 3rd time was on teh bus coming home--she brought a warusatchi... which i accepted....






btw--bela's got over 6000 points now! 6 thou, 3 hundred something.

to my (very slight) surprise, bela left me last night. :) :( (mixed feelings) during geography, her baby woke up. i named her jas (first i asked my friends for suggestions and her best suggestion was poopa, which just goes to show how stupid it was of me to ask her). then, in an attempt to get a mohitamatchi (the little marutchi w/ teh mohawk)--not only are they cute, but they're good at bump, as well--i neglected jas as a baby.

then, during english






also, i bought her a chest on the bus home today... and she recieved 1500 pts from it!!! now she has 7130 pts... and as she's THIRD GEN now... and i just(ish) hatched her... i'll do el boring stats.


four full


four full

3 training bars

0 yrs

37 lbs o_O



(you already saw the pts)

the only new items she's got are rollerblades and a pen.

GRR! HOW MANY GENS DO U HAVE TO HAVE TO GET INTO THE 'HISTORY'! she's got grandparents (bela and the matchmade dude), but i can't get in.

nothing much to say today... she's got 8000+ pts though, that's good!

one training point till full!

they've got the new colors on amazon--but they're "currently unavailable"--GRR! WHEN will i be able to get another v3?????????? i can try to convince my mom to take me to shopko, wal mart, target, and toys'r'us tomorrow, but she probably wont take me ;)

full training! good thing, too, as she should evolve tomorrow. :angry:

plus she's got 9999 pts now! :angry:

today is just a happy day! except i still haven't been able to get another v3... GRRR.

oh, and my tama's making funny noises now. it's supposed to have a beeping "heartbeat", but now that "heartbeat" is a low-pitched buzz... if i remember, i'm going to post something about it in another topic. it's really got me worried.

*sigh* i visited the rents adn teh grandparents on tamatown... got a bike and a cell.

then i spent a whole bunch of points on a boombox.... i've got less than 9000 now :angry: oh well

DANGIT! i just tried to listen to the music disc, but it went in, jas had a ? above her head, then it exploded. :angry: then, come to think of it, i already knew that would happen.

yesterday i didn't have time to update, but......

JAS EVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she became a.....

hang on while i look up the name...........


it's that little rabbit thing....

i LOVE pyonkotchis!!!!!!

i expect mm to come on.... well, she's 5 now, so probably thurs.
