Tamagotchi Love


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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
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In Candyland. =D
The characters are:

:( =Lacy

:furawatchi: = Flora

:( = Conner. All the girls like him because hes a football star

:angry: = Jack. Is in second place of conner and is filled with jealosy over Conner. Almost all the girls like him

;) = Lacy's Enemy. Name = Jade

:( = Flora's Enemy. Name = Mimi

Lacy and Flora are the bestest friends ever. Lacy likes Conner and Flora likes Jack. They are to shy to even spit out a word to Conner and Jake about it but they wanna date them. Jade likes Conner too. Mimi likes Jack. Lacy decides to tell Conner. She rushed down the hallway looking for Conner she didnt relized that Jade was looking for Conner too.They both found him at the same time. When they both told yelled at the same time I LIKE YOU. Lacy and Jade started to........

You continue.

P.S Make it TRAGIC!

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Meanwhile Flora decided to tell Jack. She told him but he said "I'm already going out with Mimi" Flora goy angry > :wacko: She said "When I get my hands on Mimi... "

Lacy: I do!

Jade: I like him more!

Lacy: No you dont!

Jade: Yes i do!

By the side Conner was watching with amazment

A huge cloud of dust forms.

On the floor are two tama's; Lacy and Jade, they are both bruised and injured. They were unconcious ('0')

Conner Picked them both up and took

them to the nurse, then Lacy woke up

and conner was by her side asking her

if she was ok, lacy jumped up and said

"YES!" you wanna go to dinner with me?

Conner Said Sure and Jade was awake

but pretending she wasent, she acted like

she was realy hurt, and conner rushed to her

and asked are you all right Jade said yes im

not sure but i sure could use a...........


KISS!" she shouted, and tried to knock him down. But muscular Jack did not fall on Jade. "Sorry, I'm already going with Lacy....." He said, and then kissed Lacy as they left the nurses office, hand in hand.

Ya mean 'Conner'!

~~~At the 'Jack and Flora' scene~~~

Flora says "I'm gonna kill her!" (Not really of course..). She rushs off to find Mimi.

She found her and said"JACKS MINE!"and Mimi said"HES MINE!"and beeted Flora up.Jack saw what happend and broke up with Mimi.he brout Flora to the nurse's offece and when she woke up he asked her out,and she said yes,and they walked out of the nurse's offece,hand in hand. :D :gozarutchi:

Then Jade was walking by a restrant and saw that conner and lacy


There kissing and holding hands and jade feels devistated and begins to cry. meanwhile mimi finds true love with a tama named chilisha...

then jade come's up with an evil plan to......,.......


lock herself in lacy's closet and say lacy did it

well conner believed jade and then got mad at lacy so to show her how much it hurt jade made out with conner right in front of lacy and said he never wanted to see her again :nyatchi: :) then lacy locked herself in that closet after they left and cried for 3 hours :( :angry: then flora :furawatchi: found her in there before....

dog poop XD at Jade! Lacy said "Nah, that's far worse than what she did to me" Then she had an idea "Let's reverse her plan" she said. Flora said "Huh?" Lacy said "I'll lock myself in her closet and say it was her!"

Flora smiled. "I'll do that too! After all, I used to be Conner's friend back in elementary school, and Jade was always watching me. He will be double upset about this, he knew that Jade and I were in his class. Back then, you weren't in our school, so..." Lacy quieted Flora, then the two of them locked themselve's in Jade's closet.

but Conner didn't believe them. He only got even more mad at her, and left them in the closet.

Both of the two were fuming. "Stupid Connor!" They both yelled. So they came up with another plan. Jade only awoke to her alarm clock. So they replaced her alarm clock with a fake one. As Jade fell asleep that night, she wouldn't wake up for school. Nothing. Smiling, Lacy and Flora put earplugs in Jade's ears, closed her eyes with pins, and they were set, Jade was still fast asleep. Lacy and Flora jumped out the window, and ran away. Connor came to Jade's house and knocked, but..

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