Tamagotchi mini info


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Jul 21, 2004
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It seems to be hard to find info on the tama mini, because its always pushed to the side because of ver2 connection. So i thought i would start a place for people to post what they know about the tama mini. I am doing this because i want info on the mini and i think this will benefit everyone :happy:

Someone already posted a topic with a lot of info on it. I forgot where it was though. If I find it I'll post it here.

Here is the info I previously posted under Chibi Tamagotchi Info:

Since I got my chibi tama a few days ago, I thought I would tell everyone how it works (as far as I can see).

The tama is very small, and has no icons on the screen. It is slightly thicker than normal, and has a smaller screen. The pixels are larger, but all in all very cute. It has buttons a,b, and c, but they work slightly differently.

If your tama needs something, you press button A to find out. If your tama does not need anything, button A will do nothing. If it is hungry or needs happiness filled, a menu will come up in japanese when you press a. Option 1 is meal, option 2 is snack. There is no game for the chibi tamagotchi, snacks make it happy. If it is full, it will shake its head and when you press C to cancel the menu, you will not be able to make anything happen by pressing A if it is fine. If it poops, you press a and it automatically cleans up. When your tamagotchi falls asleep, you press A and it shows the lights on/off menu in japanese. So it's like a very easy tama because by pressing a you automatically do what it needs. B executes, but pressed by itself it shows the time, with no scrolling, it is instant. C cancels per usual. When my chibi tamagotchi hatched, it was a marutchi, and had moderate needs. After one day, it turned into a mametchi. This is as far as I have gotten in understanding the tama mini. I must say, it's easy to take care of and a very cute keychain. It would be great to attach to just about anything just to have a tama mascot with you. You just press A now and then to see if it needs something. When I have found out more about it, I will post. :(

Oh no wonder why I couldn't find it. "Chibi" Tamagotchi threw me off when I was searching x_x

perhaps the admin should put that in the library? It's the most info I've heard about the Mini Tama on this board, so far.

Just 15 dollars plus shipping, that's the cheapest around, I am pretty sure. Only color I have left is white with black buttons, though, but you could use some of those decals on it that come with some of the connections. I had a post about it in tbay that not many people saw apparently.

Oh wow that's so cheap! I can definately afford that and I like the color that you have...I'm just not sure if I want one.

Is getting one worth it? It sounds like it doesn't really do much.

Well it's very cute, and verrry easy to take care of. It makes a good mascot to attach to your bag or keys. I don't know how long they live yet, mine's been going about 4 days or so. It's like an inch and a half tall, an inch and a quarter wide, and three quarters of an inch thick. I think it's great for any collector, but if your money is limited and you don't yet have a keitai, I'd save up for that first, keitais are quite possibly my overall favorite.

Yeah maybe I should wait for a Ketai...

plus, I'm a boy, so a tamagotchi keychain would turn quite a few heads XD. If itcame out in the US I might buy one but I wouldn't want to go through all of the trouble of paying someone across the country if I'm not totally sure I want one.

You should put it on ebay. You'd probably get more than 15 dollars for it too.

I can definitely say the color I have is the best color for a boy, the other two are decidedly feminine for keychains :( My favorite keitai is white with green clovers on it, which is pretty unisex, but Jason doesn't have any more of them. The lowest I have seen a keitai for is 25 dollars, and the highest 50 (for hanerotchi keitai, based on a TV show).

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