Tamagotchi Mini?


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Baby Pink

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2006
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United Kingdom

I saw some Tamagotchi Mini on the internet and I was thinking of buying one, but before I do, can anyone tell me what it is like/how different it is from normal Tamagotchi's?


Baby Pink

This should be in the "What's on Your Mind?" section.


It's a very simple Tamagotchi. It's only about half the size of a newer Tama and it doesn't do much. You use the left button to feed it and the second button to clean up poop. That's pretty much all there is to it. There's no Health Meter, no games, no Items and no Gotchi-Points either. :furawatchi:


-Tamaguy#1 :blink:

Good idea. It doesn't do much at all, really. A waste of my allowence. :mametchi:

it doesnt really evolve.. it has like two adults >.< (but i dont own one..)

its actually more like a fashion accessory more then the actual tamagotchi.

i woudnt plan on buying one or reccomend it unless its for a small child who isnt ready for a real one.

I have a mini. I understand there are people who don't like it much because it has little features and all that. :D However I think it is an ideal Tamagotchi for when you have tons of homework or work, and your time is reduced. They don't request much care, and they are used more as a "fashion accessory".

What Mini's do (and don't do):

> They don't have icons. You can only interact with it when it needs something. They have hard-to-see pixels, but it is fun to catch them doing silly animations. :p

> The time doesn't have seconds

> No games

> You can cure illness, feed, clean poo and turn lights off with one button

The evolution is:

Egg > Marutchi > 1st adult > 2nd adult

(Some adults englobe Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, Furawatchi, Ginjirotchi, Ojayitchi, Maskutchi (P1 version) and some others).

The Japanese version also has Unchi-kun (the "Lucky" poo) if you ignore it a lot. Marutchi stage lasts 1 day, and each adult about 5-7 days, I cannot remember, but it was a long time. :D

The good thing about minis is their low battery "requirances", so when one of your other Tamagotchis runs out of battery, you can put it in your Mini and it will last a "Mini-life or two".

I don't really think they're that bad. I actually think they're kinda neat. :p I'd probably play with it more, but the pixels are VERY weak, even if I change the batteries (I think the screen is messed up). :D


-Tamaguy#1 :D

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