tamagotchi Music city


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Active member
Jun 29, 2006
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I think in music city you should be able to type things you want to say in music city, im tyred of all these "check out my room" and dumb stuff like that, iwant to be able to say what i want to and not be limited by little sayings. do you agree?

of course it would be monitored and swear words would be able to be posted

these people were bothering me and I had nothing to say to them so I think we should be able to say nice things :D

i actually agree cause if someone gives out their special characters for trade or give out their house no. and stuff i think we're fine the way it is.

no were not. we need a few more stuff like "can i check out your room" or "stop following me" and stuff like that.

They could make it so you could messege somebody without anyone else being able to read it. It a few people use that to trade code or give out personal information that is there problem.

I know this is a old topic but i am replying to it anyway lol!

anyway i think it would be also for us to chat like we do in tamachat but then people would swear and give out there phone number and bandai would have no way of knowing lets say cat is a bad word this is how someone might say it

"i have a C email adress A do you whant it! T so yea people just like they do in tamachat will find ways to get around the swearing being blocked

now here is the funny part when i first got a music city account i thought i coud type to speak LOL!!! but it would not work *sigh so sad* but i think it should have more games for things to buy for your room some better outfits because personally i only like some for certain characters but that is just me!

People might type in bad words if you are allowed to type in what you want to say...

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you are right i am sorry tamamum :p

but anyway more to the object at hand i hink it would be great to let you say what you whant but then there would be flaming comments and it would be just horrible remember six year olds go on there and they have sensitive feelings so.....if something bad happened on music city the parent would stop buying tam,agotchis and get horribly mad at bandai for it!

I've just deleted a whole bunch of posts from this thread that consisted of one word replies like "Yeah" or "LOL!!!" or "REALLY!" or "Agreed" or " :D " or "Yup".
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Thanks ;)
sorry tamamum.

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