tamagotchi P? Worth it?


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Ah okay. I guess I'll have to do it separate then.

Also, if you get more than one Ps, do you need to get more than one piercing? Probably a dumb question but hey, thought I'd ask.
Not necessarily, but if you're aiming for a pierce-exclusive character on one device, keep the piercing there until you no longer need it :p

I'm picking up the blue one from Amiami. ^_^ But I was going to pick up the love melo pierce but cdjapan just went "out of print" and hlj says it's back ordered. Any chance that they'll have stock in the future?

HLJ orders X number of products. Then they like to confuse people with the way they tell people they are out of stock. discontinued can mean discontinued orders from the last shipment numbers. In this case, I believe that since they don't usually stop selling fairly new products unless they are limited edition products

Out of print can mean they don't have anymore for current order stocks.

When the item is older, likely when you see this, they are done. Usually its after a new product is annouced is when you need to worry more about Backorder/out of print on HLJ.

Likely both are on a waiting list of new shipment of items if you don't cancel your order.

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I don't know if anyone mentioned this but there in stock and about $49 on cdjapan

I guess in other words, I just have to wait until they're in stock again. I didn't even get to order the love melo pierce before it was unavailable. I knew I should've picked it up last night.

I received my blue Tamagotchi P earlier this week and got Raitotchi at the end. :)

Anyway, I just bought the Love & Melody pierce so I'm all excited. I was wondering if it was worth picking up the other pierces? Especially if you only have one Tamagotchi P. I love the design of Royal Change and I like one of the characters on Tama Star Circus but it doesn't seem quite worth picking them up. (Especially Royal Change.) Any thoughts?

I have been having the same thought, but I got a $50 amazon gift card from my aunt for Xmas and I was going to wait for the English P's but honestly, I doubt it will happen, because the popularity in the US and English counties have gone down, and they would have to translate all the pierces and everything, just the more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards the fact that there won't be any more English tamas :-( so I'm probably going to order the Japanese one and just deal with trying to figure out the Japanese, it won't be that hard

I got mine for $53. It is totally worth it. I might not have gotten it if it were higher than $60 though :/

I'm not that into the Ps because u can see its specifically towards girls. If they didn't make it girlhood I still wouldn't go crazy over it but I still want it. The pin part is ok. Like with the tamaGO they're trying to sucker people into spending 15$ on a pin. Except Ill still buy the pins. Its not that I dont like the Ps its that I'm a little annoyed. That's all I have to say :D

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