Tamagotchi records


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Scranton, PA, USA
I'm trying to write a tama record book. If you think you broke a tama-related record, tell me it (thru PM or posting) Some starters are: Most visits from the matchmaker, farthest gen, Oldest tama, lightest baby, most items bought ect. After a month or two I'll write up a tama recordbook. But no hurt feeleings, if someone breaks your record, I'll add you to! :chohimetchi:

ok, i think i have gen. record:

NOT ONE OF MY TAMAS HAVE DIED!!! and i am on gen. 16!



most mimitchis and mametchis in a row! i had a mametchi, and then a mimitchi, and then a mametchi, mimitchi, mametchi, mimitchi, and then a got a hanatchi. but oh well. i think i broke the record

my friend AKA chicken is on his 22nd generations and he has had mimitchi,mametchi and so on... so he broke the recored for most mimitchis and mametchis in a row..

and my record... most games of slot won on 9 point bet in a row... 17

i think i broke one

i had 26 items from the shop in a row

heres my record (maybe!) - FULL training bar for 6 generations in a row... (not debugged)

ok nvm lol.. umm.. heres another one! The tamagotchi on my v.1 pink w/hearts has never gotten sick (kuchipatchi currently)

Most heading games won in a row:

23 (think that was the figure, I was writing them down) once when my Tama was heavy! Kept feeding it!! I loved that! But the 24tyh game the ball slipped from then on. :eek:

i don't think it's a record but oh well. I've always got 32 items (most you can get) and 24 treats (most you can get)

I'm ganna wait longer until there's a bunch of records. When I give the ok, PM me if you want a copy. If I get bunch of second and third place entries. I might write a runner up book. So far we have...

mi tama is 16 years old. and mi other 1 is on the 32 generation i had it a loooooooong time :lol:

Ok no more. PM me if you want a copy. Pm me before the 15th. If you don't tell me you want one, I have to figure that you don't want one. Peoples who didn't enter a record can have one too. happy posting! :mametchi:

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