Tamagotchi Surgery!?


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It works! Me and My friend did it to our tamagotchis, AND IT WORKED

Its DOES work,but when I tried I broke the wire that made the sound!

I was lucky that my dad could fix it!

Is there any way to design the screen so that it is iin color instead of just black and white??

:rolleyes: I am sooo confused. I went on this website and they told you how to change the background screen on your tamagotchi. Does it really work or is it a trick? If it's a trick then you'll wreck your toy. That would suck. :angry:
i agree with pootandlily. Where the heck did you read that?!



--Juliet :angry:

This is infact true and works fine. I did on my v2 a while back and it caused no errors. Its actually very easy, worth a try :chohimetchi:

You can do this. It might sound impossible, but it is true.

It sounds cool but no way am I gunna waste away nearly £13 if it doesn't work. I have taken a tama apart before tjough, to debug it. I didn't do it properly and I took the whole thing apart! It was funny!

Oh I don't like that I think it's sad to hurt a Tamagotchi, and besides I like the background design before it's prettier. :ph34r: :D (The sad face is for to me they're hurting the Tamagotchi and doing work on it, but I think a Tamagotchi's background should not be changed, and the happy face is for that I like the original background design better.)

I hate the picture on the top of the hyperlink the knifre and mamechi they are :huh: :huh: :p :kusatchi: :kusatchi: :kusatchi:

I agree and I'm sorry you feel that as well. :huh:

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