Tamagotchi: The Novel


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Nov 22, 2009
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Paparaitchi climbed out of his limo and brushed past the paparazzi. "Move it, out of my way!" he roared, brushing past a young reporter who was looking angry. "I must meet with Professer Tsutayatchi now!"

The mob of Tamaotchis fell silent, whispering as Paparaitchi ran past them. "I didn't even get his autograph," whined a teenage Tamagotchi. The cold, metal doors opened and closed behing Paparaitchi, and the room turned dark.

The movie-star now felt a new feeling; fear. His body shook cowardly. "Professer, it's me," said Paparaitchi quietly. "Ah, we have been expecting you," boomed an old voice. We?

Paparaitchi stepped forward and met eyes with a girl. "What?" he squealed, yet relaxed as he saw it was only a telegram. "It's from the other world," murmured the Professer. His old hand pressed down on a button and a flurry appeared on his computer screen.

Eyes narrowed, Paparaitchi glared at the professer. "What is that?" The Professer's eyes looked troubled as he spoke, "That, young one, is what our world will become if," he nodded to the girl telegram, "that girl doesn't help us."

Paparaitchi left the cold, dark building, shaking his head.

Chapter 1-

Cherry sat on her cream-pink bed, eyes glued to the screen of her Tamagotchi Color. She picked the food icon and was given a choice of meals. She chose sushi and was about to click the play icon when a sign flashed on the screen.

"It needs batteries," Cherry sighed and set down the Tamagotchi on her bed. She grabbed a set of battries and noticed odd writing on it. "'Save us?'" she read, puzzled. She snapped the batteries in place and waited for her Tamagotchi to start up.

Whir. Whirr. "Hmm, this toy isn't supposed to make that noise," thought Cherry aloud. She suddenly felt something sucking her into her toy!

Her eyes closed as her bed seemed larger and larger. She was going into her Tamagotchi! She dearly wished to scream, but her voice didn't come to her.

She felt like she was in world she no longer knew. Her eyes stayed closed, but she knew she was going, down, down, down.


"Is it alive?" asked Pandazitchi, carefully poking at Cherry's motionless body. "She's alive, alright!" Mametichi yelled, making Cherry open her eyes. "W-what are those things?" she asked loudly. Violetichi looked accused. "'Things?' Well, excuse me!" she sniffed. Mametichi smiled.

"She has a temper problem."


Pandazitchi smiled. "Greetings. Where are you from?" she asked quietly. "The other world, I guess." Cherry said.

"Well, who sent you here?" Violetichi asked angrily. "I want you to go back to your litte home."

Cherry sighed. "My toy sucked me in here..." she closed her eyes and wished this were a dream. "Well, I'm going to ask the Prof about it," Mametichi explained. "I mean, about you." He corrected himself.

Cherry gave a sudden sigh. "'Prof'? You mean 'Professer'." "Whatever!" Mametichi blushed, as he was mad about being corrected.

"Well, I'm off," Mametichi said. "C'mon.," he nodded to his friends, "you, too."

Chapter 2-

The friends walked toward a once lush lab, now a metal, rotting place to be forgotten. "Why are we here?" whispered Cherry. "This is where the Professer is!" Pandazitchi said, carefully weaving through the narrow path. The metal doors opened and closed slowly.

"Welcome," came a loud voice. "That's the Professer," whispered Violetichi urgently. "Step forward," the voice's reply came quickly.

The four friends walked toward a large computer.


A light shown over an elderly Tamagotchi. "Um, Professer-" started Mametichi. "Call me Tsuta," interupped the elderly Tamagotchi. "I see... ah!" His ember eyes widened. "It's her!" He pointed a bony finger at Cherry.

"Uhm, yeah!" Cherry sqeauked. Tsuta's eyes softened. "Of course" he rumbled, "you will save us all. A long time ago, a telegram fortold you will be the one to save the Tamagotchis from evil. You will save us, and you will need this." Tsuta handed Cherry, Violetichi, Mametichi and Pandazitchi a small, grey device.

"You may use it to find me when you need help," Tsuta said. "Of course, I made this wonderful, ever so useful thing." Cherry cried out, "But what if I want to go home?"

"You must complete the task of saving our world," explained Tsuta, "only then will you be able to return to the other realm." "Other realm?" echoed Cherry. "Your world," translated Mametichi boredly. "Yes," Tsuta said. "Now, off with you." He pushed a button and Cherry, along with the others, were standing in the sunshine.

"You guys! Why didn't you tell me?" screamed Cherry. "Uh, we didn't know," Violetichi yawned. "Besides, you have to save us or you can't leave this world and you'll be destroyed with the rest of us." Sigh, she has a point, a thought dwelled in Cherry's mind. "Fine. I'll do it."

Chapter 3-

Cherry stared at the now stormy sky and stared at the phone device Tsuta had given her. Oh, did I make the right choice? she thought to no one but herself.

Mametichi put his hands on his hips. "What are you doing, just staring at that phone like that? Are you going to call Tsuta," he nodded in respect, "Thta's not a bad idea. We could use his help." Violetichi looked smug. "It's a good idea," she said, "if you're crazy."

"Shut it," Pandazitchi complained. "I can't hear myself thinking. Let's go to the Cafe, where it's warm." Everyone agreed. On the way there, Cherry called Tsuta. His old voice was crackly as he said, "What do you want?" "I want to know where to go first," Cherry snapped.

"Ah, it is young Cherry," beamed Tsuta. "You must go to the Stormy Midnight Sea and get to Tama Island from there."

"Why called Stormy Midnight Sea?"

"That, my dear, I can not tell you. Listen to your heart and find your answers."

Cherry hung up angrily. "He shouldn't keep a secret from me! I hold his fate in my hands," she growled. And mine, too, Cherry realized gravely. She hurried after her friends and saw the cafe. A small apple Tamagotchi was behind the counter, giggling. "Yeah, we're both fruit! I mean, like totally want to go to the movies one time?" she was asking into a small, apple-shaped phone. She slammed it shut when she saw her customers walk in.

"What would you like today?" she said, whipping out notebooks. "Four hot cocoas," ordered Violetichi. She gritted her teeth before saying, "Don't mess it up like last time."

Cherry giggled. No one wanted to get on Violetichi's bad side. These Tamagotchis have lives like I do, she thought. I have to help them.

They sat down at a booth as they were served. "Well, Tsuta says I should go to Stormy Midnight Sea." Cherry said, sipping her drink loudly. The server said, "I know that place!" The friends listened eagerly. "I mean, it's dangerous. Not many survive the journey to the Island, and if they do, they don't survive the trip back." The server said, tossing her arms to the side. Loud sighs came from the friends. "But do you know where it is?" Mametichi looked hopeful.

"Well, sure I do!" said the server. "When it rains, like today, the sea near here becomes stormy. But at midnight, the spell goes away, and so does the Island. But if you're already at the Island, you will be able to go back, if you survive," a dark look clouded her eyes, "I wouldn't go if I were you."

Cherry got up and beckoned for her friends to follow. Pandazitchi pulled away. "I'm staying here," she sighed. "Don't think of me badly, but-" Cherry smiled. "It's okay," she said. "I'm scared too. Please come." Pandazitchi frowned.

"Okay," she sighed. "But I'm still scared." "Don't worrt, we'll be together for the rest of the way," Cherry encouraged. The four freidns headed to the door.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," yowled the server from behind them.

Chapter 4-

The rain thundered overhead and the black water churned as if it were angry. "A-are you sure about this?" asked Pandazitchi in horror.

"Of course," Cherry said, climbing into the rowboat. "The waves aren't that bad." Violetichi frowned. "I'm supposed to be having my hair cut right now," she snapped, "this better be worth it."

"It should be," Mametichi was already sitting the the boat, swinging his tiny legs. The friends began to row. Violetichi looked in the mirror. "Ugh, today of all days I have to have a bad hair day," she grimaced. She frantically looked for a brush. "Does anybody have a brush?" she asked, shaking Cherry. "Woah," Cherry gripped the row tighter. "I almost dropped that. You should be more- NO!" Pandazitchi rowed the wrong way, which sent Violetichi flying from the boat, being swallowed by the black water.

It was silent. For once, Cherry missed Violetichi's mean comments and mad looks. Without thinking, she dived under.

She was engulfed in darkness. She felt for Violetichi's fur and didn't feel her. In a panic, Cherry tried to get up. Please let her be back, safe in the boat, she prayed. A wave flipped her back under. She screamed, but only swallowed cold, musty water. She closed her eyes. She felt a body rub against her's. Violetichi!

She felt the waters caliming above her. She grabbed Violetichi and sprung up. Even though the air was rainy, it tasted like candy as Cherry breathed it in. A small cry came from Violetichi. "Cherry?" she whispered, then closed her eyes again. Cherry swam towards the boat and climbed on, tired. Violetichi stammered up. Cherry sighed, then suddenly felt her heart skip a beat. Then, her body shivered violently and she remembered Tsuta's words: Listen to you heart and find your answers. "Duck!" the scream came, but it was too late.

A large wave crashed down on the boat, taking Cherry and her friends with it.

Cherry yowled in terror, but it was no use. She felt her eyelids close, she felt her body shudder and everything blacked out.

Chapter 5-

The sun filtered through Cherry's eyes. Sun? I'm supposed to be in the sea, drowned, she thought. She felt sand between her toes. She looked around and felt relief as she saw her friends, stirring and in one peice.

"We must've washed up on the Island," Pandazitchi observed. She got up and brushed sand off her. "Weren't you scared?" Mametichi asked, shaking. "Of course," Pandazitchi's reply came calmly, "but I was asleep most of the time." A scream rang out. It was Violetichi.

"She must of lost her makeup," Cherry said, pulling pieces of sand from her hair. "No, I really think she really needs us...!" Mametichi jerked around, just in time to see a odd Tamagotchi running at Violetichi. "Islander!" she screamed, running. Cherry ran for her life, beating up sand behind her. "Wait!" screamed the Tamagotchi. Cherry ran faster, when she felt a hard thing hit her foot.

Swoop. Bam. Gulp.

She found herself hanging from a string. "Excuse me??" she growled, narrowing her eyes. "I'm-" started the Tamagotchi. Cherry twisted. "Let me go! You're so mean. You set this trap!" Cherry screamed. A twinkle of amusement came into the Tamagotchi's eyes. "Fancy me. I've found a humna, a fiesty one, too. I'm Thu," the Tamagotchi said. "Whatever" said Cherry. "Please let me down."

Floop. Bam!

"Ouch," Cherry howled as she hit the ground. Thu smiled. "What brings you here?" she asked. "Uhm," Cherry sighed. She opened her pocket and found the device Tsuta had given her. She spoke into it.

"Great. I'm at Tama Island. Now what do I do?" she asked.

"I forgot... you have to get a crystal. Four, actually." came the hoarse voice of Tsuta.

"Where is the first one?" snorted Cherry.

"Uhm, at the cave of diamonds. Can't miss it!" croaked Tsuta.

"Are you okay?" Cherry asked.

"Sure, just the flu," coughed Tsuta.

Cherry hung up and discovered Thu, peering at the small machine. "Amazing," she whispered, then said louder, "Again, what brings you here?" "This will sound crazy, but I'm here to save the Tamagotchis," Cherry said. "Have you any idea where the cave of diamonds is?"

"Well, fancy me. I'm a Tamagotchi myself." Thu said. "Of course I know. I'll show you the cave!"

Cherry found her friends by her sides as she walked up a hill. "That Tamagotchi is called Thu? It's so odd," Violetichi said, her fur blowing in the wind. Thu looked back. "Fancy me. Your names are odd, too." she said. "Well, here you are. The wonderful cave of diamonds!"

Cherry stood still, staring at the icy cave. "Could you go in with us?" she blushed at Thu. "I mean, you were born here, right?"

"No." Thu said, staring at the ground. "I was born in Tama City."

"Why did you come here?" asked Pandazitchi and Mametichi at the same time.

"Don't know. I guess I just wanted to be away from all those lights." Thu said.

They each stepped into the cave. It was slippery and cold. A light shone ahead. "The crystal!" yowled Cherry, gliding toward it. "Watch out-" started Thu. But Cherry fell into a large hole. She gripped the sides. "Oops, I forgot to tell you about the Hole of Forever Falling." Thu said. Cherry gritted her teeth. She didn't want to be falling forever. She wailed, "Help me!" "Well, we can't," Pandazitchi explained. "Overall, if one of us slips while trying to grab you, it will send both of us flying down."

"Well," Violetichi said, grinning. "I have a purse with an ajustable strap. We can use it as a rope." "Well," Mametichi looked impressed. "That's the best idea I've heard of in days."

Violetichi pulled the strap, then flung it perfectly to the hole. "Grab it, Cherry! Now!" begged Thu.

Cherry gripped the fabric and scrabbled up. "Yes!" Thu was happily jumping around in victory. She frowned suddenly. "Who will get the crystal?" she asked. Cherry sighed. She was willing to risk her life for her Tamagotchi friends. "Let me at it!" she said, a glitter of humor in her eye. "Wait-" started Pandazitchi, but Cherry was already airborn, gliding through the air.

Let me make it! she begged to her mind. She fell and expected be forever. But instead, her feet hit the ground.

"You're crazy, Cherry, crazy." grinned Mametichi. Cherry grabbed the crystal and felt captured in its presence. She knew she could take the leap. She did. And she made it.

She smiled. "One crystal down, three to go."

Chapter 6-

The fire crackled and the stars shone. "Where do you suggest we go next, Thu?" Mametichi hungrily bite into his hotdog. "Well, I've heard of the City of Stones. They have a crystal that was buried long ago. But the trip there is very dangerous; you must cross the water." Thu said between bites. "Well, if there's a crystal, I suppose we have to go." Violetichi sighed.

"Yes, but I suppose you'll find new friends there," burst out Thu. "I'll miss you."

"We will too." Cherry said quietly. "but we might see you again someday."

"But of course," grinned Pandazitchi. But Thu frowned. "Cherry, you aren't staying in this world forever, are you?" Cherry frowned. She hadn't thought of that before. "No, I suppose not," she sighed. Her friends grimaced too. "But I'll visit," Cherry tried to brighten her friend's spirits. "Oh, Cherry. Hasn't anyone told you? You can't visit again without a reason." Mameitchi said.

"But we each have a place in our heart for each other, right?" asked Cherry.

Her friends grinned. "Always."


"Wake up!" Thu shoke Cherry. "Huh?" she whispered. "It's time to go!" Violetichi burst.

"Oh, yeah," yawned Cherry, rubbing her eyes. "I'll take you as far as the waterfall, but that's it." Thu said sadly.

"Oh, we'll never forget you, Thu." Pandazitchi comforted. Cherry got up and brushed dirt off her skirt.

They walked in silence. As they stopped at the waterfall, Thu informed the friends, "You'll have to swim across this." As the friends prepared for the swim, they called out, "Good-bye, Thu! We'll never forget you!"

It's so odd, thought Cherry, that here, after you know someone for the shortest time, you have the strongest bond with them.

"Go! Swim now!" called Thu, disapearing into the bushes. Cherry dived into the water, feeling a sudden strengh in her arms and legs. She swam quickly. She nodded in approval as the others swam properly, too.

They got to the other side and all they saw were rocks. Plenty, plenty. "Let's find that crystal!" sogging wet, Violetichi dived to the ground, digging. Cherry and her friends searched quietly. After hours, Cherry collapsed. "We will never find it!" "Wait!" screamed Mametichi.

Chapter 7-

"Mametichi, this better not be a joke." growled Cherry. Mametichi sputtered. "Since when did I lie? It's the crystal!"

The others galloped toward him. "It's a stone," Violetichi moaned. "It's the crystal!" Mametichi protested. The stone sparkled.

"He's right!" Cherry whooped.

She grabbed Mametichi. "Thank you!" she twirled him around. Mametichi beamed. Pandazitchi suddenly gasped. "But where do we go next?"

Cherry thought back to a lesson she'd once had in school;

The teacher had read a history book about Canyon City. It had said a great leader had placed a crystal upon the canyon, where no one could get it.

"Is there a place called Canyon City around here?"

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