tamagotchi tips for all versions!


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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2008
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A Good Food Routine.

Only give your tama the daily meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Do not 'over-drive' with the food. Only give it meals when you

have your meals. When your tama is un-happy, you would give

your tama snacks, right? Well, thats just wrong! If you keep feeding

it snacks, she/he is gonna be really unhealthy. Play games with it

instead! It would be a lot happier if you do that. Give your tama snacks

ONLY at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Thats what I do. ONLY 1 or 2 snacks.

Tamagotchi un-paused in school time.

Some of us don't pause their tamagotchi's because pausing is really bad

for them. But, how are we supposed to take care of tamagotchi's in school

time? This is what you do. Have your tamagotchi in a pocket or in a hand-bag

or something. Every 15/20 minutes you have to go to the bathroom and

feed it and play with it. But, if your teachers get suspicious.. tell them that you

have a bathroom problem! it worked for me, hehe. & take care of your tama

in break time. play lots of games with it, so when you go back to class, your

tama's gonna be tired & just relax. haha.

If you want me to tell you guys some more stuff.

Just comment & request! hehe.

Tamagotchi Connecting.

You all love to connect with tama's, am I right? Of course I am. But heres a tip,

I suggest to not to do the connecting Tama's thing all the time. I remember last

time, me and my friend we're connecting with eachothers tama's the whole day

long. We we're just going to connect one more time before we went to sleep,

we pressed on 'visit' then mine went on hers. & it stayed there! it didn't go away.

then i clicked the reset button on mine so i could start a new game, since it wouldn't

come back . . . it wouldn't work! it was broken. capush! -.- after a while, hers got

broken too. so we had to buy new ones! ;P this is just a tip for all you connecting ppl.

Tamagotchi Connecting.You all love to connect with tama's, am I right? Of course I am. But heres a tip,

I suggest to not to do the connecting Tama's thing all the time. I remember last

time, me and my friend we're connecting with eachothers tama's the whole day

long. We we're just going to connect one more time before we went to sleep,

we pressed on 'visit' then mine went on hers. & it stayed there! it didn't go away.

then i clicked the reset button on mine so i could start a new game, since it wouldn't

come back . . . it wouldn't work! it was broken. capush! -.- after a while, hers got

broken too. so we had to buy new ones! ;P this is just a tip for all you connecting ppl.
are you sure they didn't get married and her tamagotchi froze?

I have a tip for school:

Change the time so they go to sleep all day.

Its always worked for me, and they still age, the only bad thing is that you dont have as much time to train them. Me and my friends still managed to get real nice characters though :furawatchi:

Otherwise I keep my tam in my bag, which is big and deep and dark so no one can see what I'm doing. If anything they will think I am texting like anyone else in the class. :D

Ive played with mine in the bathroom, but most of the time if you take your bag in with you into the BR people think you... have... your... yeah :D Which is why pockets come in great handy :D

I've never heard of tams freezing while connecting. I know its not good for your battery though. Maybe the batts. were fried =3=

Well, I don't have anyone else to connect with, but my tamas are still happy. I agree about the time-switching thing, too. True, there's less time to train them, but at least you can be in school and have less difficulties in class.

Tamagotchi Connecting.You all love to connect with tama's, am I right? Of course I am. But heres a tip,

I suggest to not to do the connecting Tama's thing all the time. I remember last

time, me and my friend we're connecting with eachothers tama's the whole day

long. We we're just going to connect one more time before we went to sleep,

we pressed on 'visit' then mine went on hers. & it stayed there! it didn't go away.

then i clicked the reset button on mine so i could start a new game, since it wouldn't

come back . . . it wouldn't work! it was broken. capush! -.- after a while, hers got

broken too. so we had to buy new ones! ;P this is just a tip for all you connecting ppl.
hes wrong connect alot it gets social skills and they might fall in love


im a tama freak i know all about them trust me... ^_^ :lol:

and his trick about the bathroom problems ... every1 in the class would think ur weird...and if every1 didit it would b to suspicious after a while thell catch on...

:lol: ^_^ :lol:

Mine froze once when I dropped it.
Yaa but that happened to me to and mine still works all I did was reset it


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What should I do with my v6! should I bring him/her to shcool or should I keep Him/her at home????????????? -_- B) :p
i brought mine to school today, I was fine, bring a long-sleeved jacket or shirt, and sometimes I just keep my tama near my elbow.....

