Tamagotchi v3 Question need answers!


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2005
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In my v3s shop there is a rectangle thing with a moutain on it and it costs like almost 6,000 points! is it a travel ticket thing? and is their a way for me to get points really quickly? PLEASE RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!! :( :p :( :( :pochitchi:

There is a way... to earn points. play the bump game. to win... (this works for me) i listen to the music than i keep clicking the B butten... than u can see the bar i almost or full... than ur tama wins!! :(

im playing heading cause its faster and i can win easier. thanks for ur help tho! the music think worked!

It is a ticket for switzerland... and if you want more time to earn points... change the time to 3:01pm. you now have until seven do it again for more time until you have enough points.

Hey i know how to get points without having to play games... its kinda slow, but you can do that thing where, if u set the time to 6:59pm, and wait until 7:00pm, theres new items in the shop, then u check the shop and see if theres any chests or plants, buy them, then do the 6:59-7:00 thing again and check the shop for more chests and plants, and you use the chests+plants, and usually they'll give you points... but not all the time so don't get angry at me if all you get is pizza :D :D

In my v3s shop there is a rectangle thing with a moutain on it and it costs like almost 6,000 points! is it a travel ticket thing? and is their a way for me to get points really quickly?
Congrads! You have came across a Travel ticket!

When you select the ticket you will see a short animation and will soon be given a password on your V3.

Make sure you have a pen or pencil ready as it will soon be gone!

The souvenirs you get from the travel agency I have listed below:

Austrailia- 4400p SURFBOARD

Switzerland- 5800 SKIS

Chile- 2200 MARACAS

China- 5000 PANDA BEAR

Hawaii- 2200 PALM TREE

I hope this will help you!

:D Itachi :D


To get points really quickly is to....well there isnt really a way to get points quickly other than to play games with your Tama.

When your Tama doesnt want to play games any more is because it's wieght is at the minium weight and you just have to wait until it needs to fed. Because when you play games it excercises your Tama and he/she will lose wieght! Try not ot tired your Tama out! :D

Well sorry I forgot to put this in but here you go now!

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It is a ticket for switzerland... and if you want more time to earn points... change the time to 3:01pm. you now have until seven do it again for more time until you have enough points.
Setting it to 3:01 only gives you a few hours, though. If you set your Tamagotchi to the time it wakes up, especailly if it wakes up early, that will gave you more time. Keep an eye on the clock, though, so that if it does reach 2:59, you can change it.

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