Tamagotchi V3 Question!


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Feb 26, 2006
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OK,I got a tamagotchi V3 a few days ago and everything was going great.It had evolved 3 times and I thought it was an adult because it had 4 games....but when I clicked on the costumes and ETC(That are used by adults)it wouldn't let me!So please,anyone with a Tamagotchi V3.....do they evolve more than three times??



My evolving process so far...




The ??? represents my charrie now.

This is a good question, this is the growth procedure:


if u keep it 4 longer it may turn in2 a senior.

most items r only used by adults, so just wait and see what happens-^^

Its a teenager. In V3, there are 6 games. thts why. If you take very very very good care of it, you will get a Mametchi ;) or a Mimitchi :pochitchi: .

Take bad care of it and you will get a Gozurotchi :huh: or a Maskutchi :blink: To get a Kuchipatchi :wub: , take medium care of it

oh yeah! i almost forgot!

on v3s there r more games, so at the final stage u should have 6 games! im sorry 4 not saying this earlier. :<

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