tamagotchi V3 questions


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Jul 31, 2006
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I recently got into tamagotchis & I was thinking of buying the v3s. one for me & one for my boyfriend. do you have to buy a certain one to get certain characters? I know that your character can evolve but are there any ways to get a certain character? Or can you just pick one? I know that my boyfriend will want the gozarutchi character when he gets his & I think I'll want the debatchi character. Are there any special ways to get these? If you guys know any help sites for the v3's that would help also.

ok, to get certain characters, by just picking, you have to debug, which is really risking your tamagotchi , it can ruin your tamagotchi forever so dont do it if you dont want to take that risk, otherwise you cannot pick your character.you get it by how you treat it.for example, you will get mimitchi or maecthi with full training bar and perfect care. gozarutchi will be some bad care. look at my website,Tamacraze101, in my signature. it has growth charts and stuff. growth charts show all the possible ways a tama can turn into,like what certain teenage will turn into what. the even generation and odd generation means, odd and even generation. like for even, your generation has to be 2,4,6,8, and so on, in evens. same with odd,1,3,5,7,9,and so on.


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