Tamagotchi V4.5 Log (& eventually V1, V2, +)


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NAME: Molly

AGE: 1 yr.

WEIGHT: 27 lbs.





Those are Molly's stats as of right now. She just went to sleep a few minutes ago. :D She is, obviously gen. 2 and she has 2500 GP currently. :eek:

I'm raising her in Fashion, so we played shapes a bit today, as well as she went to school. Tomorrow will be more of each. :D

I won't bother posting stats for Addie and Jamie... Tomorrow sometime they'll be heading out and leaving me with their babies. Addie is still 9 lbs. and Jamie is actually about his normal weight because I played a bunch of slots today to get GP. I bought boots from the shop, which Jamie trudged around in a bit. :eek:

I'm going to inspect the V1 and V2 growth charts on Tama-Zone and see what I can find as far as even generation evolutions. I hope to raise the new babies and aim for something in particular, but not sure what yet...

Molly I will raise in fashion to get the peacock-lady... I was so dumb earlier and didn't realize I even had the games Apples, Shapes, and Manhole, so I was frustrated that she wasn't getting more Fashion points from school... Then I noticed the extra games and did a *palmface* and started to play that for a bit. :p

Tomorrow, hopefully, I see my V3 and Mothra (or at least one of the two), maybe even my new phones traps of Relax Bear for my Tamas. I went to look at the Akai from Jason's store, the one I want, but he's "away" and I couldn't view it... I hope that means he shipped my Mothra before disappearing for a bit. And I hope he'll be back when I decide to buy that Akai. ;)

I'll type it here so that I remember it, in case I lose the thread (although I subscribed)...

You can connect a Tamagotchi Akai to the American Connection versions...


On the Connection, select "Ver. 1" or "Others," depending on which version you're using.

On the Akai, select "Tamagotchi +" (the second option).

There... I have the thread bookmarked, but just in case... I like to be sure of things. :D

I guess that's it for now. Throughout the week I should have some Tamas on the way, so even more things to log about!

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My friend just corrected me...

I just need to raise the Fashion stat to 350+, with 100+ total for the other two stats, and my adult will evolve into another adult, it does NOT have to (and should not) breed.

I didn't know an adult could turn into another adult. And I hope that my Tama is in the right family to evolve into it!!

Credit to dancinkayley for this post, I found it while trying to find how to get secret characters... I wanted to be able to find it later.



Tsubutchi (boy)

Tsubutchi (girl)













Ura Yangu Mametchi- Boy

Kurakkatchi/Crackertchi- Boy

Zouritchi- Girl

Ura Yangu Marotchi- Girl




Daiyatchi- Boy

Kujakutchi- Boy

Ura Yangu Memetchi- Girl

Ura Yangu Furawatchi/Ura Young Violetchi- Girl




Kometchi- Boy

Bokusatchi/Boxertchi- Boy

Ura Young Yattatchi- Girl

Yakantchi- Girl




Hashitamatchi- Boy

Hikotchi- Boy

Ichigotchi- Girl

Yufotchi/UFOtchi- Girl






Uramametchi- Boy (high humour points)

Samuraitchi- Boy (high gorgeousness points)

Matsuritchi- Boy (high passion points)

Horoyotchi- Girl (high humour points)

Tsukkomitchi- Girl (high gorgeousness points)

Urazukyukotchi/Urazukyutchi- Girl (high passion points)




Serebutchi/Celebtchi- Boy (high humour points)

Yasaguretchi- Boy (high gorgeousness points)

Uratogetchi- Boy (high passion points)

Purimatchi- Girl (high humour points)

Uramemetchi- Girl (high gorgeousness points)

Urafurawatchi- Girl (high passion points)




Tenpatchi- Boy (high humour points)

Tougyutchi- Boy (high gorgeousness points)

Urakuchipatchi- Boy (high passion points)

Urayattatchi- Girl (high humour points)

Uradebatchi- Girl (high gorgeousness points)

Shitekitchi- Girl (high passion points)




Mametchi- Boy (high)

Kuchipatchi- Boy (mid)

Gozarutchi- Boy (low)

Mimitchi- Girl (high)

Memetchi- Girl (mid)

Furawatchi/Violetchi- Girl (low)




Hyottokotchi- Boy (evolves from Uramametchi)

Hanagatatchi- Girl (evolves from Uramemetchi)

Mukimukitchi- Boy (evolves from Urakuchipatchi)

Oyajitchi- Boy/Girl (child of Otokitchi and Ojitchi)




Otokitchi- Girl

Ojitchi- Boy

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So, the King visited early this morning and gave me money. The shop had a ticket to, I believe, Canada that I used the cheat to get (I know, I shouldn't have, but by the time I play enough games I think it'd be gone).

I have a full day ahead of playing games with Molly to get her Fashion points up. Jamie and Addie should be leaving this afternoon sometime, then it'll be me and the babies.

Today, hopefully, I'll be seeing the Mothra and V3, but one or the other would work. :)

Whoa... Molly just went fishing and caught a HUGE TamaFish. She got a bit dazed then went back to normal, but it was really neat to see how big it was. ;)

Now to get to game-playing!

The day needs to speed up a bit so the mail comes. :)

Well, I checked the mail a little bit ago and we didn't have ANY... I think I may go check again now, but I'd think if a Tama was here, it wouldn't fit in the box (I live in an apartment, the box isn't very big), so they'd have to bring it upstairs. :(

This just stinks, I was really hoping.

Molly is about 1/3 of the way to her 350 Fashion stat, but still needs the other stats raised, too, so that they equal 100 or more. I'll have to keep playing the Shapes game throughout the day, although it gets hard to stare at and play after a while. :eek:

Mothra is HERE!


I pulled the tab, set the time, and there was my egg. It hatched into an anxious little larva that's on my screen now. I fed her and gave her 2 snacks, then played some games with her until she filled the other two hearts... The game is really random, trying to pick which whole she's in, but the first one I got 2 right and 3 wrong, then the next two tries I got 4 right and 1 wrong.


The music is really different, but I like it. And, the game keeps going until you hit C (cancel) to get out of it, so you don't have to scroll back over to it, which is sort of nice.


I think I'll call her Venus. :( Not that she knows any different.

I took photos of my Tamas, finally. Bad lighting, but oh well...

Mothra Egg

Mothra Larva

V4.5 (Molly)

V2 (Jamie + Baby)

V1 (Addie + Baby)

So there you have it! I may post more photos of the Mothra as it grows, maybe of some of the other screens, too. :eek:

I'm posting like crazy now! LOL.

Just wanted to make a few comments.

I noticed that my V1 has the "heartbeat" that some older versions have, I never noticed 'til now when I read a thread about it. Poor battery... :(

The Mothra (ans I assume all the older Tamas) are smaller than the new Connections... I haven't seen an old Tama in a while, so I was a bit shocked. :eek:

I'll post this in the tips/tricks forum, too, but just wanted to say... When playing the game on Mothra, I think the Mothra only appears in each hole once, unless you do not guess that hole correctly (then she can be in it again). So, you're best off not picking the same hole more than the one time that you guess it right. I've found her 4/5 in three games out of the four I've played using this method.

Well, I didn't have tons of time this evening to raise the Fashion stat for Molly, with Venus as a baby and we went to Target... I ended up buying a second V4.5, if I remember I'll take a picture tomorrow. ;)

It hatched a female egg, I named her Ellen. She just evolved into a toddler and went to sleep... She's a Kuchitamatchi, as I seem to get a lot. If she turns into some sort of Mametchi, then I'll... Wait, she's a she... Maybe I can get a Mimitchi or some other character I haven't gotten yet. :D

I wish there were more secret characters because I don't have a male and Molly is already going to [hopefully] become the only female secret one there is (known, anyway). I'll focus on some other stat for Ellen and see what happens. I really want a UraZukyutchi, so we'll see. According to the big blue chart I pasted in here, I need high passion points, so I'll work on that. :(

Well, 5 is already a lot to take care of, when the rest that I'm trying for get here, it'll be hectic! But hopefully I'll manage. ;)

Jamie and Addie's babies are both male I believe, so that's good for Molly and Ellen, assuming they stay at a mating age long enough, otherwise it'll just be the matchmaker. Maybe I'll let their boys get as old as they possibly can. That'd be interesting, I wanna try for 99 years.

More tomorrow, I'm worn out. :angry:

Jamie and Addie left this morning, which was sorta sad, but oh well... They left their two baby boys, who I named Adam (V1) and Sid (V2).

Ellen's preschool/kindergarten teacher arrived this morning, so she needs to get to school at some point.

Venus is fine, actually, the most low-maintenance of them all.

Molly is just sweet little Molly. ;) She isn't overly needy and she has a great future ahead of her, I really need to get playing Shapes today. I have a little time (as in a few days) before the matchmaker will come, so I guess I'm not too worried. :D

I found that when you click on "meal" or "snack" you can click the B button again to go back into the food menu, you don't have to watch them eat (which saves time, especially with twins). I didn't know that and thought you had to watch the scene of them eating. Same with after you give them food, you can hit C (cancel) right away and it still counts.

*Sighs* Time to start a long day of Tama care taking... :D

I found out the other day that the heart that the King gave Molly was actually chocolate and just now he sent her a bouquet of flowers... Candy... Flowers...

I really think the King likes Molly, LOL.

Sid and Adam just evolved into toddlers... Adam is a Kinakomotchi and Sid is a Kuribotchi (an gourd and an acorn?). ;)

Well, I connected Ellen to the others so they've all met. She won both games against Sid and Adam. Her and Molly just visited (as there's the option to visit, give a present, or play a game instead of it being random). I played more Shapes with Molly, she's up to 200 fashion stat. She won't play anymore right now, so I'm waiting. She played one game of Apples and we're going to play a bit of manhole later, too, to make sure I have the extra 100+ for the other two stats.

Someone posted that in TamaTown it says you have to have 900+ in the stat with 2000+ elsewhere in order to get a secret character...

I hope this isn't true, that'd be a lot to handle!

Jason is on vacation until the 14th (so 9 more days), so I hope to buy an Akai from him then. I am watching a UraTama, Entama, Keitama, and an Angel that I can hopefully get eventually.

The Mesu/Osu pair will be mine in about half an hour unless someone swipes them...

After the Mesu/Osu gets here and the Akai, I'll be up to 12 Tamas... Then, if I get the others I'm watching, I'll be up to 16 Tamas. PLUS, I have a friend (or two) that may be "donating" theirs.... Then I'm done buying and will get to enjoy playing with them... Until December when the V5 is out. ;)

Ellen used the potty today, which I was surprised at... Molly did, too, but with her being a teen I wasn't surprised and her potty looks like it should. Ellen's looked like... a duck. It was weird and cute at the same time. :D

Molly got ANOTHER bouquet from the King today and also got a random heart in the mail. Ellen has gotten 2 random hearts in the mail.

On Ellen's Tama I managed to find a magic lamp in the shop, the genie scared me at first because I thought something bad was going to happen... I lost all of my happy hearts, but gained 3000 GP... Not bad at all!

Sid and Adam are pretty relaxed, like their parents. I read that in order to get the type of Tama that Adam is, I needed to have gen. 2 or higher (which he is) and well-trained parents, which they were. For Sid, it said that I needed to basically ignore my Tama to get his character. I felt a bit sad because I didn't try to ignore him and took care of him the same as Adam. Maybe I took a moment longer for him on things or something, I don't know.

I think on Ellen I'm going to focus on her Arts/Passion skill points, as I haven't done that yet. If she were a male I'd aim for a secret character... Maybe I can still get something neat. :D

Venus is still cute little Venus. She causes almost no trouble. She tore at her first tower a little bit ago, so I scolded her to raise her justice meter (basically, her training). She doesn't need to eat or play games, nor does she poo, as often as the others.

That's about it for now. :D

V4.5 (Ellen)

Lined Up

Just took some quick pics... My second V4.5, red with butterflies and flowers on it (It's really cute) and then the 5 I currently have on-hand lined up (I'll take group pics when they're all here!).

And, a correction for an earlier post, Adam's character is a peanut, not a gourd. ;)

[SIZE=21pt]Molly evolved![/SIZE]

Well, that's spiffy. She is, in fact, a UraMemetchi. Now to keep raising her Glamour stat!!

Everyone else is well, nothing's really changed. Just took care of Venus, played a couple games with her. I hope today she turns into a cocoon! Or at least a bigger grub. :lol:

Poor Ellen, she's had like 3 robbers today and was mailed 2 snakes. :(

Molly is enjoying a bath right now... She's taking her time, making the most of it. :)

Adam has had a decent day and hasn't been fully on schedule with his brother, which is good, I like the variety.

Sid... Well, I fed him a lot of snacks (and had to cure many toothaches) so I could get him to 99 lbs. to play the Bump game because SUPPOSEDLY something happens... Yeah, nothing did. So now he's just obese and will probably turn into a bad thing. Poor Sid.

Venus is a darling, of course. She's been giving me a hard time with games this afternoon, so she's eaten a few snacks more today than yesterday. But, as long as she's happy. :D

It's getting hard to post stats, so... Venus has 3 justice and Molly has about 130 more Fashion points to go. :) I don't think anything else is really changed worth mentioning, so that'll be all for tonight (unless of course someone decides to evolve!).

Well jeez... Evolution!

Adam and Sid both evolved... And guess who into...


....Did you guess? Young Mimitchi. I didn't know that could be a boy and now I have two males, LOL. First a female Mametchi, now I may be on my way to male Mimitchis.

Ellen evolved, too. She's another Ura Young Memetchi. I'm going to raise her arts/social skill points to see if I can get something different. :)

Molly has another day of games ahead of her, she still has to get to 350+ in that stat. Venus hopefully will become a bigger grub today!

At a glance, I thought the King's present today looked like a perfume bottle... I went in the inventory to give it to Molly and... It's a RING. She's oogling over it right now, wide mouth and eyes, she's very happy. :)

I wonder if she really can marry the King, LOL. She's going to fly to Canada in a moment here, so yay for her. :)

Well... I let Molly draw today and she drew a ring. I'm not sure if she's supposed to or if she has the ring on her mind from the King. She ended up getting a job, but I'm not sure what you do yet. The King is who gave her her item, so maybe she's getting lucky. :wacko:

Poor Ellen has gotten another snake in the mail... :wacko:

Adam and Sid, the Young Mimitchi twins, are still on a very similar schedule. I'll let them breed with a matchmaker pick so hopefully I get some variety. :wacko:

I thought long and hard about getting an Akai or Keitai even (there was a cute one with clovers that I thought my lucky cat charm would be silly with), but I'm going for a UraTama instead. It's supposedly awesome. I looked between the Entama and UraTama, but I like the unique blue screen (plus found a pattern I really like) and the "special" group of characters on the UraTama is one I prefer. I downloaded EnWarehouse for when I get it. I already bought it, but have to pay still... My first $50 transfered today as it should've so I could pay for the V4 and Osu/Mesu pair and the butterfly charm (for Venus's Tama), but the second one is being pokey... Although the details still say it'll be today. So, I bought the lucky cat charm and the UraTama and will pay this evening when my money shows up.

I went out for about 4 hours today, Tamas included. In HotTopic, the lady we normally talk to asked me if I actually had batteries in them (after asking what "they" are) and I said yep... She said that's a lot of "kids" to look after. I just nodded and smiled. :unsure:

Ellen's now taking a bath while Adam dances around on his screen. He came from a happy mum and is a happy boy. Poor Sid isn't normally so cheery.

I have to play more games with Molly and check out her new job... After finishing checking the usual here on TT.

Hopefully I see the V3 tomorrow, but who knows.

Well I'll be!

I raised Molly's skills enough and she evolved! Now she's a Hanagatatchi. :D

I, of course, have photos to share...

Molly Normal

Molly Makeup

Molly Dance

There ya have it! I read somewhere that the secret characters will stay adults a few days longer than regular adults before becoming an oldie, so that's neat as well. :)

I awoke this morning at 10:30AM (an hour ago) and everyone needed attention in some way. Venus was really seeming to need me, but she also evolved while I was asleep. She now has an extra segment to her grubbiness. :D I hope that means tomorrow she'll go into a cocoon.

I wonder if Adam and Sid will evolve today... As well as Ellen. I guess we'll see!

Molly is still her glamourous self. :)
