Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:


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Welcome to my log's second page ;D

Polly got her letter from preschool :)


How cute. :D

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Hello, there.

We're having a little bit of...majorly scary family drama over here right now.

I was trapped in the living room for about 10 minutes but I made it to my room 0.o

I'm locked in here now with my two dogs, Pixel, and Polly.

Kinda an extension on my post in this topic...: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/163204-how-do-your-tamas-feel-to-you/

I'm sorta terrified right now.

But at least I have my tamas here to comfort me, :)

But! Onto other things.

Now that I have two tamas, both the same versions,

I think I'll start doing the color-coding business.

So, Pixel, or my globe tamagotchi (because the colors won't be changing) will be in blue,

And Polly, or my Peacock tamagotchi, will be in green.


Okay. maybe I'll have to put this post off for a while..

TamaTalk is glitching and I can't use colors..

I'll update later D:

Hello, there.

We're having a little bit of...majorly scary family drama over here right now.

I was trapped in the living room for about 10 minutes but I made it to my room 0.o

I'm locked in here now with my two dogs, Pixel, and Polly.

Kinda an extension on my post in this topic...: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/163204-how-do-your-tamas-feel-to-you/

I'm sorta terrified right now.

But at least I have my tamas here to comfort me, :)

But! Onto other things.

Now that I have two tamas, both the same versions,

I think I'll start doing the color-coding business.

So, Pixel, or my globe tamagotchi (because the colors won't be changing) will be in blue,

And Polly, or my Peacock tamagotchi, will be in green.


Okay. maybe I'll have to put this post off for a while..

TamaTalk is glitching and I can't use colors..

I'll update later D:

I have exciting news..but its still glitching and I still can't use colors..

:( :( :(

Well it seems like that glitch is never going to fix itself.

So for now, no pictures, no colors, no links.



But here's the events that have happened today...


9:10am - Got a fortune letter.

One hunger heart down, two happiness hearts down.

Fed 1 sushi, 1 corndog, and 1 melon.

10:17am - Cleaned poop.

One hunger/happy heart down.

Fed 1 tart, and 1 omelet.

11:07am - Crying, got praised.

1:58pm - One hunger heart down, two happy hearts down.

Fed 1 sushi, played climb once.

Got one fortune letter.

Got a letter from the king with 600gp.

3:49pm - One hunger heart down, fed 1 cereal.

3:59pm - Got a fortune letter.

5:07pm - One hunger heart down, two happy hearts down.

Fed 1 taco, 1 cupcake, and 1 bananas.

She cried, I praised her.

7:54pm - Cleaned poop.

Two hunger hearts down, one happiness heart down.

Fed 2 sushi and 1 orange.


9:10am - Got a fortune letter.

One hunger heart down, fed 1 drumstick.

Bought a piano on sale for only 14000gp! :)

10:17am - Cleaned poop.

One hunger/happiness heart down.

Fed 1 hamburger and 1 soda.

Got one letter with a snake in it.

Dropped 3 happiness hearts.

Fed 3 puddings :p

11:07am - One hunger heart down. Fed 1 pizza.

Got robbed.

2:01pm - Cleaned poop.

Two hungry/happiness hearts down.

Fed 1 taco and 1 sausage.

Played climb once.

Got a fortune letter.

Got a letter from the king with a shovel.

3:49pm - Cleaned poop.

Two hunger hears down, one happiness heart down.

Fed 1 taco, 1 cereal, and 1 orange.

4:00pm - Got a fortune letter.

4:30pm - Got one letter with a snake in it.

Lost 3 happiness hearts, played tug-of-war once.

4:55pm - Polly evolves into a UraYoung Marotchi. ;D

5:09pm - One hunger heart down. Fed 1 sushi.

6:53pm - Cleaned poop.

One hunger heart down, two happiness hearts down.

Fed 1 sushi and 2 oranges.

Got a letter from preschool, leaving.

Immediately after, got a letter from school.

Teacher gave her a party hat.

She went to school, and chose humor points.

Thats all for today.

I'm so sorry about the glitching and the lack of pictures. :(

Hopefully that will all be fixed tomorrow.

If not...well I just don't know what D:

Bye for now :)

Here are some random pictures that I took and wanted to post yesterday but couldn't.



Thats it, actually.

Next post will be their daily events. :)

Again, my globe tamagotchi will always be in blue (Pixel for now),

and my peacock tamagotchi will always be in green (Polly for now).


9:20am - Evolved into an adult! :)

Is now a Purimatchi.

Got a fortune letter.


11:07am - One hunger/happiness heart down.

Fed 1 scone and 1 cone.


12:02pm - Got a letter from the King with a fishing pole in it.


3:39pm - Cleaned 2 poops.

3 hunger hearts down, 2 happiness hearts down.

Fed 1 cherry, 1 sushi, and 1 bread.

Played Climb once.

Got a fortune letter.


4:01pm - Got a fortune letter.


4:29pm - Got a letter from the king with a shovel in it.


5:29pm - Got a letter from the king with 900gp in it :)


9:20am - Got a fortune letter.

One hunger/happiness heart down.

Fed 1 pudding and 1 bread.

10:18am - One happiness heart down.

Fed 1 tart.


11:07am - Cleaned poop.

1 hunger/happiness heart down.

Fed 1 sushi and 1 orange.

12:01pm - One happiness heart down, fed 1 orange.


3:55pm - Cleaned 2 poops.

All hearts empty.

Fed 1 sushi, 1 scone, and 2 cereals.

Played climb once.

Got a fortune letter.

Got a letter with poop in it.

Lost 3 happiness hearts.

Played Climb once again.


4:56pm - Got a fortune letter.

After this, I took my tamas outside where there's good lighting and got some pictures taken :)

Next post will be those pics!

Okay. On my blackberry again so this is fast, but..

I have horrible news.

My globe tamagotchi just..stopped working.

The battery didn't die, it just..stopped.

Pixel isn't on my screen, and nothing works.

I'll try to do some tama surgery to see if I can fix her..

But I don't know if I can.


Okay. On my blackberry again so this is fast, but..

I have horrible news.

My globe tamagotchi just..stopped working.

The battery didn't die, it just..stopped.

Pixel isn't on my screen, and nothing works.

I'll try to do some tama surgery to see if I can fix her..

But I don't know if I can.


Still on my phone :)

I'm at the shoe store.

I have two good things to share :)

One - I fixed Pixel!

Two - My mom won me two tamagotchis on ebay!

A v1 and. v2 :D They're used but still.

Yay! :D I'm gonna go get some batteries.

Bye ;D

Alright. I'm sorry I didn't really make an official post yesterday.

I was busy, and by the time I actually could make a post, I was exhausted.

So, I'm going to make that post now.

Except, this one is just going to be those pictures I promised :)


^ Pixel, as an adult Purimatchi :D ^


^ Both of my tamas, outside on a nice day :) ^


^ The new little bag I keep my tamas in :) ^


^ Polly, as a teenaged UraYoung-Marotchi :) ^


^ Polly, with my puppy! :D ^

Okay, I have a little news, and some stats to post, SO.

Bye for now :)

My tiny bit of news is...Polly evolved into an adult!

Just a few minutes ago, actually ;)

She woke up just to evolve then went back to sleep until 10 :eek:


Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 7/10 :(

Humor Points - 53

Gorgeous Points - 46

Spiritual Points - 38

Age - 3 years

Weight - 74lbs

Generation - 2

Gender - Girl

GP - 6920


Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training - 6/10 :(

Humor Points - 24

Gorgeous Points - 18

Spiritual Points - 20

Age - 3 years

Weight - 75lbs

Gender - Girl

Generation - 1

GP - 6530

Wow. I'm a bad tama parent ;_____;

Being a senior is really busy work.

Its hard being a tama parent..

Well anyways.

Here's a pic of Polly as an adult...


An adult Horoyotchi ;P

WELL, time for me to go get something to eat :eek:

I'm so hungry.

Later ;)

My tamas have been on pause all day today..

I know, bad parenting.

I'm just worried that something will happen like on Friday.

Polly almost died D:

I suppose I could pause them or put them to sleep while I'm at school.. :/

I'll update if anything happens though! :)

Good morning, readers! :)

I'm loving the fan mail, makes me wanna post more and more!

Thanks for 200 views!

Bad sadly, I have to tell you that today will be rather boring..

I just switched Polly and Pixel's clocks back and they will be sleeping in until 3:30pm!

But they are both 5 years old, (somehow..) And I expect a Matchmaker soon :)

Yes, I will miss them, but I've been such a bad tama parent AGAIN, that I really want another start!

We'll see.

I will post later :)

Bye, and thanks again!

Nothing really to report.

But you haven't gotten any pictures in a while, so I thought I'd post one.


Haha, in their little bag while I was in the car on the way to chick-fil-a xD

Yes I know, kinda boring, but I promise when something happens, I'll post right away ;P

I'm going to go get some GP for em on TamaTown.

Bye! :)

I have some very exciting news!

But before I say, I'd just like to thank missvioletchi for referring me in her log.

And I think its only polite for me to do the same ;)

You can read her log here :)

Now! The news!

Pixel and Polly BOTH got the matchmaker today...at the EXACT same time!

And I mean literally...the exact same time! :D





So there you have it! Polly had a baby boy, and Pixel (for the THIRD generation...) had a baby girl!

I think I may try to get them to marry...? ;)

I think its so strange that this happened, because I had Pixel for an entire day and a half longer than I even had my peacock shell tamagotchi!

Its fate, they're meant to be :D

Well, other than that, not much else to say..

I'll update when something happens :D

Bye, guys!

Nothing new with Pixel and Polly. They're just doing well with their babies :)

Neither of them have gotten sick!

And..my new tamas came today!!! :D

So this post will be short, and the next few will be of unboxing and hatching! :D

Bye guys!

Unboxing ;)


censored the addresses ;P




Aren't the shells cute?! :)

Orange is my favorite color, so glitter orange is only way better ;)

And the candies on the v2 remind me of mike n ikes, which are really delish.

Next post will be hatching my v1!

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