Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:


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Today is the Home Opening Day of my favorite baseball team, the Chicago White Sox:)

So I'm naming both of my tamas in celebration of that.

They also beat the Tampa Bay Rays today! Woo! :D

His name is Ozzie, :) as you can see.

One thing I realized I really didn't like about the v1 is...there's no shop.. :(

And no items!

So the v2 will probably remain my favorite version.

He evolved a little later :)


Next post will be hatching my v2! :)


So, there is my complete family of currently running tamagotchis :)

I'll update when something happens!


Later, guys ;)

V4.5 Entry

Hello! :)

I have my new babies! :D

I took pics of naming them, and after that I'll post stats:)


I decided to name them...on the roof! :D

Well, not really. But when you look out my bedroom window, it feels like you're on the roof.

So close enough :p





They connected a lot :) Two friend hearts so far.

I wanted to name the boy Rocket, and the girl Toffee.

But one letter too many on both.

So on the tamagotchi, his name is Roket, and her name is Toffe.

But in the log, I will spell their names correctly :)

I took obsessively good care of both of them.

Neither of them has eaten even one snack yet!

They played games at the exact same times (a tama in each hand lol),

They got hungry at the exact same times, pooped at the exact same times,

cried at the exact same times, and their little beeps were totally in sync!

But..SOMEHOW, Rocket evolved into a toddler a minute or two before Toffee, and..

Rocket is a hitodetchi :hitodetchi: , and Toffee is a kuribotchi :kuribotchi: .

How does that happen? Dunno. I'm slightly disappointed :/

But oh well.



Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training - 1/10

Humor Points - 3

Gorgeous Points - 7

Spiritual Points - 25

Age - 0 yrs

Weight - 7lbs

Generation 2

Gender - boy

GP: 7660


Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 1/10

Humor Points: 25

Gorgeous Points: 5

Spiritual Points: 16

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 10lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation 3

GP: 4030

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V1/V2 Entry

Nothing really new with them, they're both doing fine.

Except I'm still not liking the V1 very much for the lack of shop/money/items.

Wish I knew that before I bought one :/

Alexi doesn't want to play with me much.

Kinda bums me out because I'm just remembering how amazing the V2 is,

and I wanna play with him all the time :(



Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 2/10

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 41lbs :eek:

Gender: Boy

Gen: 1


Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 3/10

Age: 0yr

Weight: 11lbs

Gender: Boy

Gen: 1

GP: 35


Ozzie and Alexi have evolved :)

Anddd...the White Sox are beating Tampa Bay again, 3-1 ;D

Haha, I'll update tomorrow, all my tamas are sleeping.


V4.5 Update

Rocket and Toffee have evolved :)


Toffee has evolved into an adorable little UraYoung Violetchi :)


And Rocket has evolved into a handsome little Crackertchi. I think that's fitting ;)

They've been connecting quite a bit today.

They have four happy faces.


Random Update/Kind of V1 & V2

Today has been a really rough day :/

Nothing's really gone right. Or at least nothing did this morning.

Went to the park with my little cousin and the fresh air made me feel better though.

Took my tamas with me :)


Alexi is still refusing to play games with me almost all the time.

I've only gotten to play MAYBE three times today.

He makes it hard to save up for cool stuff.

Like this computer in the shop today?

Wanted it real bad. 3,500gp.

But I'll never save up that much with the way he's been acting.

Ozzie's the same as always ;P

So, unrelated to the actual life of my tamagotchis,

this post is about...my v1's makeover ;D

When I first opened the box with my new tamas in it,

my v1 had some stickers on it:


They were peeling, old, and just un-cute.

So, I took the stickers off:


But since this tama has basically no design whatsoever,

its been more than boring using it.



I bedazzled him. :D

Haha! :3

Kind of a random post, but I thought I'd make one showing it anyway.


All Tamas Update and Stats!

This will be a longggg update.

But I feel spammy making lots of updates at once.


V1 - Ozzie :ichigotchi:

He's been good. Fat. Huge. I'm taking horrible care of him.

He hasn't played a game with me in almost a whole day.

Well, why make games if you don't get money? :angry:

I know I keep saying this, but SUCH a disappointment.

Anyway, here's his awful stats:

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 7/10

Age: 2 years

Weight: 99lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Yep, he's a fattykins. :3


V2 - Alexi

I just have to say this....

Young Mametchi is the cutest tamagotchi character, hands down.

Gozarutchi is my favorite adult, but young mametchi is just SO cute.

Almost don't want him to evolve :')

Anyway, he's still be super stubborn and won't let me play with him much.

I have managed to save up a little GP, but still not much at all.

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 10/10

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 20lbs

Gender: Boy

Gen: 1

GP: 240

Keepin him slim :) Haha.


V4.5 - Toffee

I've been connecting Toffee and Rocket like crazy, but no love hearts yet.

That may only happen when they're adults? Not sure.

I've never breeded two tamagotchis together before, so I don't know.

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 7/10

Humor Points: 35

Gorgeous points: 8

Spiritual Points: 73

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 35lbs

Gender: Girl

Gen: 3

GP: 7530


V4.5 - Rocket

Almost identical to Toffee, so nothing really to say here.

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 9/10

Humor Points: 15

Gorgeous Points: 13

Spiritual Points: 66

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 40lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

GP: 9990

That's all for tama events, but before I go, I just have to share the cuteness:



Haha, bye guys ;)

Hiya. Kind of an eventful day today :3

V1 - Ozzie

He has yet to evolve.

Kind of annoying, I was expecting him to evolve yesterday..

V2 - Alexi

Same as Ozzie.

V4.5 - Toffee


She has evolved into a supercute UraVioletetchi!

V4.5 - Rocket


He has evolved into a Matsuritchi! :)

V6 Music Star....wait, what?


Yep, that's right. :)

I've been thinking about starting up one of my old Music Stars the past few days.

I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it though because they require a LOT of attention.

And I'm already running four tamagotchis.

But I'll give it a shot.


This particular tamagotchi was the first Music Star I ever got. :)

I was going to reset it, but when I put the battery in, and downloaded the last game just to look,

I noticed that this tama is on fourth generation!

So, I'm just going to wait until I get the baby tomorrow, and pick it up where i left off, over a year ago.


This is Luke, a KuroMametchi, and his Violetetchi wife :)

His Mother was a Mimitchi named Pearl,

his grandmother was a Onputchi named Chloe,

and his great grandmother was a Violetetchi named Jessie.


I will update you later when I get the baby! :)

301 views! Thank you! :)

This will be another update thats separate from the others.

I hate doing it this way, but theres just so much, I like splitting it up into easier to read posts.

So this is a short one, the next ones will be about the individual tamagotchi versions :)

V1/V2 Update

They have evolved! :)

Both...into the same character! xD

Which is weird, because Alexi got excellent care. Like, outstanding care.

And Ozzie got about the worst care you could give.

But they're both Mametchis :mametchi:



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V4.5 Update

This was exciting, and quite unexpected!

Yesterday, while adults, I did connect Toffee and Rocket.

And nothing happened.

I went outside and sat down to keep connecting them, and on the very first one, they mated!

This was so unexpected, in fact, that I didn't get any pictures of their adorable kiss :(

But as soon as the babies popped up, I grabbed my camera, and I got a few :)




The one on the left looks so sad :'(



So there they are! :) Twin boys! They are adorable!

I'm naming the boy in the Globe v4.5 Gymmi (jimmy) and the one in the Peacock v4.5 Jorge (george).

I'm very excited, although I am losing my Toffee and Rocket awfully fast :(

Oh well. It happens :'(

V6 Music Star Update

Well, I didn't expect (geez, what a day full of surprises, huh..) the baby to wake up so early!

But he was up at 7am! At around 7:10am, I noticed this.

I wanted to get him named asap so that he would evolve before school.

So I didn't get any pictures of naming.

But I did get two of him this morning.

I named him Benny :)


Baby Benny :)


Toddler Benny :)

His favorite genre is Rock n Roll, His toy is a Bandai Block and his instrument is the Drums :)

This evening, the preschool teacher came and gave him a toy car.

He hasn't been to school yet though.

His stats aren't impressive at the moment, so I won't post those now.

But when I was in the car today, on the way home from the park, he did take a bath.

And it was so cute, I had to take a pic :3


I love the animation for bath time on the Music Star :)

However, I do not like that it calls for your attention to make him get a bath :/

But still cute:)

That's all for today.

Thanks for reading, guys! Means a lot! :D

Sorry I didn't update yesterday!

Not much happened actually :/

I decided not to keep playing with my Music Star.

I'm sorry :(

It just needs more attention than I can give it right now.

He'd survive, but wouldn't become famous, and that's the whole point of the game isn't it?

Graduation is a few weeks away, maybe I will unpause him then :)

I'll start updating now...

V1/V2 Update

Ozzie and Alexi are fine :) Adorable little mametchis they are!

I don't remember how long it takes for the matchmaker to come on these older versions,

but I do expect one soon..

Since that's all I have to say about them, I'll post some stats to :)


Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 10/10

Age: 6yrs

Weight: 99lbs :)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1


Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Training: 10/10

Age: 6yrs

Weight: 30lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

GP: 94 :(

And...that's it for them!

Well, yesterday evening, before they left,

Rocket got a job as a Chef, and Toffee got a job as a teacher :)

But, now I have their babies...

I named them at around 7am, and here they are!


Gymmi is in the Globe tamagotchi, and Jorge is in the Peacock one :)

Gymmi later evolved into a hitodetchi, and Jorge evolved into a kuchitamatchi.

I'll update when something happens!

Thanks for reading, bye! :)

V1/V2 Update

Still waiting for the matchmaker :(

That's about it with them, but I do have one random picture of Alexi :)


V4.5 Update

They evolved right after school! :)

Gymmi evolved into a Crackertchi, and Jorge into a Daiyatchi. :)

That's also it with them...

Ill post some new pics tomorrow, I don't have any right now :(

Sorry for all the short updates lately!

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