tamagotchi V4.5


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Mametchi Rox 07

Active member
Oct 9, 2007
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I currently own a V.1, V.2, V.3,V.4 and i am thinking of getting a V4.5 do u think they r good! or do u think they are a bit boring they look really cool! :huh: ^_^ but should i get one?

I got mine yesterday, (and have not put it down since I opened it!) and I think you should get one, because they have new characters, and games, and I think the games are really good. But, that is my opinion. You don't have to listen to me, but I would recommend getting one.

Here is a copy of the instructions, and it has some of the games on it.

wot games do they have? :rolleyes:
The games are Climb, Tug-o-war, Apple, Shapes and Manhole.

v4.5 is VERY similar to v4, so if you like v4 and don't want to spend any more money, just stick with your v4. Unless of course you want to wrap and send gifts between the two.

I reccommend the V4.5. I have 2 and I bought them the day they were released. Yes they are similar to V4.5 but they are like an English version of the UraTama because it has the same characters as UraTama, and if you don't have UraTama, get this because this is a set of whole new characters, jobs, and games.

I'm not running any Tamagotchis right now but I played with my 2 V4.5's and I loved them. I have the Red Butterflys and Purple Lava designs. I have 2 of each connection version (except V2, I only have 2 V2). I would reccomment getting 2 of each one because you can do certain things in connection with another tamagotchi of the same version than you can with one of a diffrent version. Unless you don't want to spend the money then no.

Overall I say buy a V4.5. B)


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