Tamagotchi V4 log ♥


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Dear Tama Log,

Well, I've decided to start up a tamagotchi log again. Some of you may remember my old log about my V4 and V3. So here's a new log... Enjoy!

My mom finally went out to perchase batteries for my ever-so-old V4. At home, I put in the new batteries and reset my tamagotchi. I got a baby girl tama, named her Belle, and satasified her.

HELPFUL HINT TO TAME TRAINERS: Baby tamas are a lot of work! Keep them at hand all the time. Trust me, you'll be hearing that beeping noise frequantly- so pay cloe attention to your little one!

Belle evolved at around 1:00 into an adorable toddler. She's now a Mizutamatchi. How cute!

Btw, my tamagotchi shell is yellow with mathmatics scattered around it. I faintly remember buying my V4 two years ago, and there being only 2 styles available. I think I bought yellow cuz it was my fav color. :mellow:

TAMAGOTCHI GOAL: To keep Belle's weight low. I have a habit of... er... having fat tamas.

So far, Belle's weight is: 19 lb

Not bad at all



Played some games with Belle while outside drawing pictures on the driveway with my sister.

Skill points:

ART: 3

Style: 18

Social: 6

She got a [!] in the mail (her first piece of mail!) and hopped on down to preschool. Belle missed a few notes while singing with her teacher, but I'm sure she'll learn....

Dear Tama Log,

I see some people have been viewing my log. Yay! At least I know someone is reading

about my V4.

News about Belle...

She got a nasty piece of mail this afternoon. It was a robber! He stole all her money. Awww... better

get to work on those games now.

I took Belle to preschool again, and she sung correctly! Is that extra skill points?

HELPFUL HINT TO TAMA TRAINERS: Take your toddler to prechool often- it'll really help in the long run, job wise. The more skill points you earn now, the more it will matter in adult tama hood.

Nothing else to report. Please keep on viewing. :mellow:


Dear Tama log,


I celebrated the holiday with Belle by playing a ton of games with her (lowering weight, too.) and buying her some sweets at the store. :p

Belle has been busy at preschool. She's learned most of the notes of the songs she's being taught, but sometimes gets frustraited.

I connected Belle with my sister's V3, and they played games and exchanged gifts. Belle must be very sporty- she won all the games she played against the V3!

HELPFUL HINT TO TAME TRAINERS: If you have multi tamagotchis, its a good idea to bond them together at an early stage of their lives. This will help later on when the tamas are all grown up, and (if one is a girl, and the other boy) they can marry quickly.

That's all for now


Dear Tama Log,

Belle evolved!!!! She's now an ever-so-cute Ichigotchi! She looks like a strawberry.

Just a short report.


Dear Tama Log,

Belle went off to collage and chose Ms. Flower as her teacher.

Yesterday night I was busy and I forgot about little Belle for about 2 hours. At 8:00 PM I remembered to tend to my tamagotchi and went upstairs to retrieve her. But Belle was asleep already! I checked her status and she was three stars hungry and four stars unhappy. I felt soooo bad! I changed the time to day and tended to her needs. Then I reset the time back to normal. What a relief that she was okay!

My sister has been connected Belle with her V3 like crazy. She really wants them to marry as adults. Haha, I do too, but she's really forceful about them dating.

That's all for now.


Dear Tama Log,

I brought my tamagotchi to dance with me this afternoon. I kept it in my dance bag, so I didn't tend to Belle during the hour. When I got home I fed her a scone and played jumping rope with her to make her happy.

HELPFUL HINT FOR TAMA TRAINERS: Always pause or silence your tamagotchi when bringing it along to someplace.


To pause: Hold down A and B. To unpause, do the same thing.

To silence: Hold down A and C. To unsilece, do the same thing.

Oh, and my sister (Dusty Carosauel) just started a log about her V5 and V3. Please go check it out. :blink: If you do, it will be greatly appricated.


Dear Tama Log,

Belle evolved into an adult!!!! How exciting :angry: :huh:

She's a Ponytchi. I love her huge ponytail and high-heeled boots. Soooo stylish! :mellow:

Oh, she got some mail today. It was a star.

Money: 1

Heart: 1

Strength: 3

Eh, not bad. Well, now Belle can marry my sister's tamagotchi I guess. Actually, my sister's V3 still has to evolve into an adult, which will happen in a few hours, because we reset our tamagotchis the same day, except different times.

I'll update later!


Dear Tama Log,

My sister's V3 evoloved into an adult, so now we're connecting them like craaazzzyyy!!! So.. wish us luck.

TIP FOR TAMA TRAINERS: Marriage takes awhile with Tamas, so be patient!


Dear Tama Log,

Belle got a job interview today, and I helped her apply for a job at the bank. The mini game is like Get, the game on the V3. I still love that game for some unknown reason, because it's so boring. *shrug*

I spotted Belle stinking up, and I clicked on the toilet. She went in the toilet and got all happy. Lol. The things that make a tama pleased! If only people good be cheered easily.

Time for dinner!


Dear Tama Log,

Still, Belle and my sister's V3 have not yet married. I've been connecting them a lot now. Ugh... it takes soooo long to get these tamas together!!!!

Well, in other news Belle got her first pay day. 1,900 gotchi points. Very good!


Dear Tama Log,

FINALLY! Belle and the V3 married. Oh, happy day! They married yesterday, and had two baby girls. Awww... So sweet. This morning I awoke to a little tama's cries. So I got out of bed, named the new baby girl Cara, and satasfied her.

Cara is so cute, bobbing around the screen. :)

So, I'm glad to be on generation 2. I don't usually get very far with generations. I think the highest is gen. 4 with me. But I'm gonna try hard to keep my family of tamas alive!

I had to pause Cara at the moment, because I'm leaving for flute lessons soon, and I don't want to get her sick.

HELPFUL TAME TRAINER TIP: It's perfetly fine to use the pause button. Just don't use it too much, or your tamagotchi's growth will take longer.



Dear Tama Log,

Cara is still on pause

Gah! I've got to follow my tips, cuz she's been paused for over 4 hours. :) I'm just not finding time today to tend to her. (Woah, five T words in a row!)

You see, I have a sleepover tonight and I can either:

A) Bring my v4 with me to the sleepover and check on her now and then (I'm not sure how many times I'll be able to care to her...)


B ) Leave my V4 at home, paused, and kept safe and sound until tomorrow

Well? What do you think? *sigh* I hate pausing tamagotchis.

Oh, and if you're reading my sister's log, you know, the one written by Dusty, then please help her decide a name for her baby V3! I suggest....






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Dear Tama Log,

I've returned from my sleepover. No, my V4 did not come with me. I thought it would be too much of a hassel. My sister brought her three tamagotchis along, and they kept beeping in the middle of the night until she silenced them. :(

Cara is now unpaused. Thank goodness.


Dear Tama Log,

I snuck Cara into the car on the way to church. Heehe. Anyway, I played Jumping Rope with her until we won, and her happy hearts were full. Then I used a shovel I had recieved in a letter from the King, and Cara uncovered a gift! It was a skirt. So cute. I can't wait to try it on her.

On the way home, I noticed Cara had evolved into a toddler. A Harutchi! Cute!!

Then I used another shovel (I've got, like, three!) and Cara dug up a.. SNAKE! Ugh. She got all angry and I had to fix her unhappy hearts.

Now for some biggish news. Instead of doing tamagotchi tips, I'm going to be doing something different for a little while. Send me (through a PM) your questions or needed tips on tamagotchis. :rolleyes: Your letter will appear in my log, along with my answer.

