Tamagotchi V6 growth time?


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I was a little puzzled when I first got a tamagotchi too, so here is my help to you.

To become a Toddler it takes: 1 Hour.

To become a Teen it takes: 1 Day.

To become an Adult it takes: 1 Day.

To become an Oldie you have to be: Over 8 years (days) old.

Here is another thing you might need to know:

If you pause your tamagotchi, it will mess up what I just gave you, so I would suggest not pausing it.

Here's another thing:

To become an oldie, you MUST NOT MARRY. That means, you cannot get married using the matchmaker, or by marrying a Band member.

Hope this helped you! :huh:

Thank you! They age quicker than the other tamagotchis. :huh:

My kuchitamatchi JUST turned into a kikitchi! He's super cute, ahaha.

Haha! I'm glad I helped. Yes, the Music Stars are much faster when it comes to growth. Which is a good thing if you're impatient (like me :wub: )

Oh you got a Kikitchi? That's my favourite character (aside from mametchi.)! Maybe you'll turn into a mametchi!!! I was a Kikitchi, but i evolved into a Shimashimatchi. I'll have my fingers crossed for you! :wub:

Yeah, I'm super impatient! And thanks. I kind of want a kuromametchi :p . But mametchi would still be awesome! & thanks :wub:

heres my growth steps

my tama hatches then a hour ago it turned into a kushitamatchi

then the next day my kushitamatchi turned into a kikitchi

then the next day itwas a mametchi ;) yay

and the next day until now it have 3 years i cant wait to 5 years marriage time!!! :D

I love it when tamas marry! Its so funny how they "go behind the curtain" :(

Hahaha. I hope I get a girl this time. He's turning five tonight. He would be turning five this afternoon, but I accidentally paused it. xDD

i hope to get a girl too but my tama is 6x? what should i do to marrie him???
The easiest and best way to marry your Tamagotchi is to do it with the matchmaker (AKA: Guitaritchi). He will come every day after your tamagotchi is 5 at 12:30 PM and 4:30 PM. After your tamagotchi is 8, it will not be able to get married again and will turn into an oldie.


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