TamagotchiGurl18's v5 Log!


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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2008
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hi! if you don't know me, i'm TamagotchiGurl18. i have ordered a Tamagotchi Version 5 off of amazon, and sadly, it's not due to come until October 3rd. i might get on this weekend however. so i won't write until i'm either about to get one or have one!

hi, it's me. no i dont have a tamagotchi yet... only about five more days.....

but i did get my My Meebas in the mail and i am going to write a little review for it...

PROS: cute

CONS: it doesn't need any care you just play the games, tube doesn't pop open, expensive

REVIEW: i got it this morning in the mail, and i finished it about an hour and a half later. the tube didn't pop open and i had to pry it open with a paper-clip. the plushie was bent from being inside the box and not worth $20. all you do is play games because it doesn't need care like tamagotchis do....over-all, i was dissapointed...

STICK WITH TAMAGOTCHS PEOPLE! i'm glad i ordered one..... now i have to wait for a REAL virtual pet....

My v5 is amazing. i love it so much.

I should tell you about them

My oldest boy is named Apple. he is an Ahirukutchi. He is a little trouble maker! always sneaking in the fridge when I'm not looking. but he a mama's boy, i'll tell you.

My daughter is named Violet. she is a Sakuramotchi. she is so sweet. always being the nice quiet one. she is so adorable. loves her mama!

My youngest son is named Oliver, but i call him Ollie (and Olive when we're playing around) he's a Mattaritchi. another little mama's boy!

they are just the sweetest little things... they're asleep right now. a big day! i played TV SEARCH (or whatever it's called) with them for a really long time. they just put a smile on my face! i make sure that i keep their hearts at fie always, especially the happiness one. if they're not happy, i feed them candy, or i play a game with them or i buy them something. i know, i spoil them. but they are my little angels. i love them so much.

that's all for now, i want to figure out more ways to make them happy.

ok, so my babies evolved. now:

Apple: MMEKtchi


Ollie: Bakutchi

teenagers, o god. soon i'll have to choose which one's i'll never ever see again. not looking forward to that...

they are good though. i've been doing the cruise ship a lot. the games there get you like 300 gotchipoints if you win. so i've been winning...

they evoled again!

Apple: Furikotchi

Violet: Violetchi

Ollie: Nemutchi

i found this website that gives you codes for, like, everything in the game so i did a few. i got some items that raised bonding and raised the bonding to 100%. they're asleep. tomorrow, my little violet might be getting married!!! i should buy a dress... ;)

im in a hurry so i'll just jot down the big things:

Violet got married to a Sunnyitchi. I named him Apollo.

They have a son named Rocky.

sigh... i left my tama at home and i spent the night at a friends house. sigh. they died. my little violet and her husband apollo. and my little grandson rocky!

but i reset it and now i have a mattaritchi a sakuramotchi and a ahirukutchi.

Mattaritchi: Alexander (Alex) fun loving naughty boy.

Sakuramotchi: Isabella (Bella) beautiful happy girl.

Ahirukuthi: Douglas (Doug) shy intelligent boy

Bella: Hi!

Alex: S'up

Doug: *smile*

Alex: I'm hungry.

Bella: You're always hungry.

Alex: Am not.

Bella: Are too!

Doug: Guys, guys. Calm down.

Alex: *shove* Make me!

Bella: Hey! Don't push my little brother!

Alex: Why shouldn't I?

Bella: Think Alex! Or can you?

Alex: *hit* Shut up!

Me: Hey!

Doug: *cry cry cry. sob* Mommy am I in trouble?

Me: No no Doug. Will you please feed the fish?

Doug: *smile, nod*

Alex: She started it!

Bella: No I didn't! You pushed Doug!

Alex: You called me stupid!

Bella: Because you pushed Doug!

Me: Children! Sit down please!

Bella and Alex: *sit. grumble grumble*

Me: Alex, it doesn't matter what Bella SAID to you, you should never result to violence.No please say you're sorry.

Alex: Sorry.

Bella: Me too.

Bella and Alex: *hug*

Me: *hug both*

Me: We should get going. I need to make them some lunch.

Bella: Bye!

Alex: See yah!

Doug: *running in* Bye Bye!

Me: Oo, i was eating some lunch and I looked at my tamagotchi and they were teenagers!

Alex: Hey! I'm a Bakutchi now! BOOM! I'm the BOMB! Haha.

Bella: Hi! I'm an Ichigotchi! I'm sweet now! Like a strawberry!

Doug: Hello. I am a Mamekatchi. I'm the smartest in my school and have a perfect attendance record. I-

Alex: Oh shut up. Sounds like you're in love with yourself.

Doug: Narcism. Alexander, I believe you are talking about Narcism. If you would like to see a real Narcissist, look in a Greek Myth book. You see-

Bella: Doug, sweetie, you I love little bro. But god, shut up already!

Alex: You are such a Mametchi. You don't fit in here... We're the Cheerful family. You don't fit in with us.

Bella: Alex you are so mean! You should be in the Ninja Family!

Doug: Bella, do not engage in such awful behavior. All family types are beautiful pure-

Alex: O come on Bells. You know your dream is to marry someone from the Cheerful family and become a pure family.

Bella: Well that's true, but if I was in love, then I wouldn't care.

Doug: I was in love once.

Alex and Bella: WHAT!

Doug: Let me spin you a tale of great sorrow... Her name was Tanya. She was an UraVioletchi. So beautiful... She shot me down though. I asked if she would go to homecoming with me. She was quite excited and said 'O yes! Of course!' So while we were there, we kissed. We dated for a few months and then, BAM! Theodore, the Memetchi, asked if she would go out with him. She said yes and broke up with me.

Bella: *hugging Doug* Oooo! Dougie I"m soooo sorry! The next time I see that Tanya, POW! Right in the kisser.

Alex: Dude she is hot! Why didn't you tell me...?

Doug: I dunno.

Bella: I'm going to go call her and tell her we can't go see that movie... Bye everyone!

Alex: I'm going to give her a piece of my mind! See ya peeps.

Doug: I'll come. Good bye!

Me: *sigh* They grow up so fast. Bye, got to go start their dinner.
