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Right now, I have one lone v3.

However, tomorrow after I cash my paycheck, I may add a v4.5 to that. I also really want to get a mini.

I would KILL for an Umino, but right now, that's out of the question. Funds are a little tight.

I have 2 V1's, 1 V2, 2 V3's, 2 V4's, 2 V4.5's, 1 UraTama, 1 Osutchi, 1 Mesutchi, 1 P1, and 1 Tamagotchi Angel.


I have 2 v1s, 2 v2s, 2 v3s, 1 v4, 1 v4.5, and then I also have a little purple Japanese ocean. He's really the coolest tama ever.

I have 3 version 2's, 5 version 3's, 1 version 4, 3 version 4.5's, a mini tamagotchi, and the original tamagotchi gameboy advance game.

i have a santagotchi a tamaOtch a umino a morino a uratama an entama a keitai a keitai akai a tamagotchi music fever and loads more!

I've got lots of tamas, but these are the types I have:









V5 (on pre-order from Toys 'R' Us :mellow: )

I have more than one of some of those...

More than anything, I really want an Osu-Mesu pair, but it seems whenever they are on E-bay I do not have the $100-some to spend. :D

More than anything, I really want an Osu-Mesu pair, but it seems whenever they are on E-bay I do not have the $100-some to spend.
I don't know what you're seeing on Ebay but there are loads of Osu/Mesu pairs on Ebay for much less than $100 from pretty legit sellers. Just keep looking regularly...I found my genuine pair for $16 after a while! Anyway, here are some links, for example:



Here's an Osuchi for $25: https://cgi.ebay.com/Japanese-TAMAGOTCHI-Os...7QQcmdZViewItem

And here's its partner for about $10: https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...:MEWA:IT&ih=022



I'm sure you see my point now, right? ;) Just type in combinations like such to increase your chances of getting a pair: "mesuchi," "mesutchi," "osuchi," and/or "osutchi". Good luck! :wacko:

Oh, crazyy*tama...if you can go onto Ebay, there are a lot of Angelgotchi pets there:





The list seriously goes on and on. Just keep checking on Ebay if you can! Good luck! :)

Oh, and the list of Tamagotchi I have is in my signature...it consists primarily of Tamagotchi ancestors! :)

I voted for Ocean, from the list of choices, but I also have a clear dk. blue P1, a clear lt. blue P2, a turquoise P1, a green P1, a yellow and blue P2,. a blue and silver P2, and a green Santaclautchi. I want a blue Angel (gold wings), and a white Morino.

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