tamagtchi love..


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Yeah, this happens to me, I also wan't to play with my Tama's all year round, but I pause them then don't play with them for awhile.

When I was in 1st grade I had a Connection V1 and I got bored of it over the summer, then I heard V2s were coming out, bought one and I suddenly became obsessed with them again.

Same thing happened the other month... I found my v4.5 that had been sitting around for months, and I missed it so I wanted to take care of it again.

i always do that but for me its like a week

This always happens to me and sometimes, because I'm so into it I just force myself to keep taking care of it. But then it ends up dying anyway.

I hate it when that happens too. :lol:

omg i hav the same thing going on. I last about a month, a couple generations then a start pausing more and more, then its on pause under my mattress for weeks. then I remember the fun of raising a tama and find time to play with it. It's always been like that since I was 8 and I got my first tama. I think working that wayis a healthy way to love your tama. If u r 24/7 u will grow 2 hate ur tama and it will take over ur life.

Hey i know that its normal but one way i find that works is treat your tamma like a baby instead of a pet make a pouch for it and if you want to decorate it every time you are bored of it and if you get really bored reset so you can have a new character! :angry:

i mostly put mine aside if i've been teased for it, have an important test coming up or because im too lazy to go find a replacement battery.

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This happens to me ALL the time. They gey kinda repetitive, then you miss being able to play with them, and the cycle starys all over again, right?

this has happened to me once i left my tama on pause for 3 whole weeks and the next week after i unpaused it and started caring for it again :furawatchi: :D right now i have my v4 around my neck on one of those necklace things i actually have two v4s and a v3 but the v3 is playing up and the other v4 needs a new battery :) :D pretty soon i am going to go off them again!! :D

At the moment my V4.5 is active, when the V5s come out I'll probably take the batteries out of my V4.5 and only play with my V5. It really depends if I'm busy or not, like right now it's the Summer holidays so I have lot's of time to care for my Tama's but if I was at school I'd only have one or two running because I wouldn't have enough time to care for them properly.

:D Chocola :D

Well, that's not very unusual. I get interested at first and when several generations pass, it gets kinda boring.

When Tamagotchis first came out, I was sooo into them. Then after a while, I kind of got bored with them. So I'd stop playing with them. Then about 2 yrs ago, I decided to get a Tamagotchi again (which was the V2). I played with it for a bit and then got bored with it after a while. So i threw it somewhere and forgot about it. Almost a month ago, my friend was playing with her Tamagotchi at school and it made me want to play with mine again. So I had to find mine, which when I found it the batteries were dead. So I got new ones and started playing again and a couple weeks later I found out they had a new version the V4.5, I had to have it and I went and bought it. Ever since I got it, I've been playing with it all the time.

not to do anything with the topic but.........

If the matchamker comes on your screen you are getting married if you prees yes you will get married but is you press no the same message will come up a few times and if you keep pressing no eventually you will turn in to the match maker of you are a girl (otokitchi)

If you are a boy you will turn in to............(ojitchi)or(oyajitchi)!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOPE IT WORKED AND HELPED!!!!!! :huh: :huh: ^_^ :lol: :lol: :huh:

Yeah, I can remember I used to do that when I got my first Tamagotchi. It was in December 2004, I got my first Tamagotchi, and I found it really fun. And in January 2005, it was just boring. Several times I became intrested in them for a week and then I stopped. It then in May 2005 where I decided to try it again and I just fell madly in love with and became a Tamagotchi addict that I am today!

Oh, I hate it when that happens. Like, once, I just got my tama and then I threw it in the garbage because it was boring, but then the next week, my mom already took out the garbage and my dad didnt want to buy me one because I always lose mine, and I spend all my money on candy >_>

i know my names masked mimitchi bus i to have a mametchi on my v4.5 and on my v4 i have that buck toothd ed yellow adult oh and on v4.5 mametchis have tails :) ;) :angry: :angry: :eek: :D

masked :p

I've done this about a million times; I've been on my ten Tamas for a month and then I don't want to see them again for another month. But sometime or later I always want to use them again. Don't throw your Tamas in the garbage! They're addicting: once you have them, you'll always want to go back and use them at some point!

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