~Tamaguy 20's TamaLog~


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Tamaguy 20

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Well, I asked for a Music Star for Christmas, but my parents searched EVERYWHERE and were unable to find one, so they found one of the v4.5 Accessory packs and I thought I would hate it, but the more I use it, the more I love it. My log starts in the next post, so read ahead and enjoy, and remember, I love fan mail, but please PM it, don't post it. If I do get fan mail, however, I will post it!!!

Thank you and enjoy!

Well, I got my v4.5 for Christmas, and on Christmas Day I started it up, and I named that Tamagotchi Farla. She grew and became a UraFlowertchi, but I was out of town and forgot about her, and she died. So, I started another Tama the other day, and she has been on pause since.

Well, my Tama hatched as a Shiro Tsubutchi (girl), and I named her Franz. I have played a few games with her, and she also was born with 10,000 points, and now she has 10,800 points. She is now 13 lbs., and she is asleep right now, but I will post more when she wakes up.

Alright, Franz just woke up, and she pooed before doing anything else, and I flushed it. She was also hungry, so I fed her, and then we played climb, so she lost 3 lbs. From now on, Franz will be the one talking in the red coloring, and I will continue writing in the black. So long for now!

Hello, my name is Franz, short for Francine, and just a few minutes ago, I grew into a kid!!! I fel really happy right now, and I am well-fed, so all is well in my world!!! I'm gonna get ready for bed, so I will talk to you later!

Hey, Franz grew a minute ago, as you are aware, into a Kuchitamatchi. She is really cute, and I hope the preschool teacher comes soon!!!

Well, I went to Walmart last night, and, to avoid the depressing feeling when they don't have the new Tama, I allowed myself one quick peak in the Tama aisle before I left the store. But when I looked down the aisle, there they were!!!! A whole rack of music stars!!! After pinching myself to make sure it wasn't a cruel dream, l bought it and now I have a music star!!!!

The Music Star log starts in the next post, and the v4.5 log also continues...

When I started my Music Star, I had no idea what to expect. So far, it has been full of fun and mysteries. Here goes:

When I pulled the tab out from my Tamagotchi, it took about 3 seconds for it to beep. Then and egg with a music note on it appeared and so did 3 presents above the egg. After setting everything, I went back to watch the egg hatch. After about a minute, the egg hatched and revealed a boy. I took the advantage of the 8 letter names, and named him FARLITO (I really like names that start with F). Also, the first present was a pirate ship, the second was 3000GP, and the 3rd was a keyboard. His favorite music started as Asian, but, as I played the games, it changed to R&B, then to POP, and now he's back to Asian. After 1 hour, Farlito grew and became a Kuchitamatchi. The preschool teacher came to the door and gave him a bandai logo, and then he could go to preschool and play jump rope with other kids. Just now, the mailman (Nazotchi) came and gave him 2000GP as his daily allowance, I guess. Well, that's pretty much it for now!

Franz is doing ok. I kind of neglected her yesterday when I got my Music Star, but the preschool teacher came, and she is still a Kuchitamatchi. I will post later!!

News Flash!!! Franz just woke up and grew into a young UraMemetchi!! She is so cute, and now she is brushing her teeth!!!! I hope she gets invited to school soon!!!

Okay, I have made a decision for now. I am pausing Franz, my v4.5, just so I can spend more time focusing on the Music Star.

By the way, the mailman came again, and the Gotchi King gave me some french fries. Yummm!!! I'll post later!!!

Farlito plays his keyboard ALL THE TIME, so I know that he will make a great musician. I can't wait until he turns into a teenager and meets his band friends.

Uh-oh. Farlito just made a mess, so I should clean it up. There, that's done. The decorations in my room on the Tama are currently the Bandai logo, and the keyboard. I would like to get a drumset as my next instrument, if I can.

Farlito's stats are currently:

0 years old

15 lbs.

Stress- 10

Tone- 112


Original- 326

Asian Music

3380 GP

I'll post more later!!!!

The mailman came again!!! I thought they only came once a day, but that was his THIRD time. He gave Farlito an envolope and when he opened it, there was what looked like a star. I have no idea what it did. Well, it might have had something to do with the fact that Farlito's favorite music genre once again changed, from Asian music to Rock'n Roll. There's also a cool-looking jukebox next to the words Rock'n roll. It looks a lot better than the Asian building that was there. I wonder what will happen next!!!

I tried a couple times to log my Tama into Music City, but I guess the speed on my computer is a little too slow. I'll keep trying, though. By the way, Farlito looks really funny when he has an ! above his head. He opens his mouth really wide, and it looks very funny!! He is sooo cute!

As I have been using my Music Star, I have had a lot of trouble with the buttons not working very well. But if i remember correctly, that always happens when I get a new Tama.

Hey, if anyone knows about the star that I mentioned in the above post, will you please PM me and tell me what it means? Thank you so much!!! I'm really happy that you are taking time to read this, so, if you enjoy it, please PM me!!! No one has PMed me yet about this log, so you could be the first!!! Thank you, and Farlito thanks you for finding out about his life!

Right now, I just looked over, and Farlito is practicing his keyboard. It's really cool, because I can also play the keyboard. Well, I should go now, so I can praise Farlito for his great piano playing skills.

By the way, Farlito's favorite game is the sound block game, so I wouldn't be surprised if he gets his Original points maxxed out really soon!!!!

Well, I just checked up on Farlito and he was playing with the Bandai logo, his currently active toy. I was reading the instructions last night and it said to put him in time out if he played with his toys too much. I put him in time out earlier when I found him playing with his toy, but he lost one or two hearts of happiness when I did. So this time, I didn't do anything about it, and now his hearts are all ok. I hope it doesn't spoil him too much.

I'll post more later! Bye

The mailman came again and gave Farlito an envelope. Contained in it was a heart, and it made Farlito happy, I guess.

It's so strange that I have to buy all the food for Farlito, but I really like it, because it incorporates a sense of budgeting into the Tamagotchi.

I really commend Bandai on the Music Star. With all the things I've seen so far on here, it's going to be really hard to top this one. So I wish luck upon Bandai with next year's model!!!! :)

Well, the mailman just came again, and he delivered a cupcake from the Gotchi King. That really helps, so I won't have to spend so much money next time Farlito gets hungry!!! Right now he has 3030 GP, almost as much as he started out with. One thing I've noticed is that once you buy something in the shop, like food, you can buy it again. And the shop seems to change every couple of hours, instead of twice a day. And the items in the shop are very expensive.

I really hope I get a Kuchipatchi. He is my favorite character, and I've never had him before, except on the Tamagotchi Mini, but that doesn't really count. :) :D :hitodetchi:

I forgot to say in my last post that I changed the toy in Farlito's room from the Bandai logo to his pirate ship.

Well, I got some fan mail from Spartan 1-1-7:

I think you deserve some praise on your log; your enthusiasm and obvious affection for your Tamas is very inspirational.

Also the log is detailed, well set out and spelling and grammar look great which is very refreshing!

Well done and keep it up - at first I decided I wouldn't buy a music star just yet since I've ordered a TMGC+C but now I really want one so that should tell you how nice your log is.

Take care and HNY


Thank you very much, Spartan!

Well, not much has happened YET this evening, but I think it will prove to be very eventful later, because Farlito should evolve into a teenager tonight. So far, the mailman has come with a heart in an envelope for him, which made him happy, and I looked in the shop and they had a !! (a cloning outfit). I wanted to buy it, but I looked at the price and it was 220000, yes, that was 220000 GP!!! That's about 117000 more points than I have right now!!!

I'll post later when Farlito evolves!!!

Well, I'm still waiting for Farlito to change into a teenager. It's been over a day now, and I CANNOT WAIT for him to grow! I hope he becomes an Ichigotchi, if they have that on the Music Star.

More fan mail from Lily78900! Here it is:

Great log! I LOVE reading it! So, bye!
Thank you, Lily, for your kind input. You rock!!!!!

Still nothing new with Farlito. But I did start Franz up again! She is out of pause mode!

Right now, Farlito is playing with his pirate ship, and Franz is jumping around on the screen, as usual.

I just stopped Farlito from playing, because the instructions say that it will decrease his music scores, and I really don't want that to happen. I thought that keeping the stress level low would be a great challenge, but it has turned out a lot easier than I thought it would be. I just keep playing games with him, and his stress level is almost always as 0!!!

Well, that's all I have for right now, and I'll post more later, as usual!

And, just for fun, I have a Trivia Question!

What is the name of this Tamagotchi? :(

PM me the correct answer ASAP, and I will post the names of everyone who correctly answers it!

;) :kusatchi: :kusatchi:

NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Farlito grew from toddler to teenager just now!!! He is a Kikitchi, and, even though he's not an ichigotchi, he is perfect for me! He is sooo cute!

And I just checked and I can't go to preschool anymore, which means that Music School should ask for me very soon! I'll post later!!!
