~Tamaguy 20's TamaLog~


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Hey, I got more fan mail, this time from Octo-Tama:

Aesome log! I love how the Music Star Tama is described. It sounds like a very cool new tama to collect! Now I want one! Have a great day!
Thanks a ton, Octo-Tama!

Sorry I haven't posted yet today! Here's the low-down: last night Farlito was invited to the Tama School and the teacher gave him a guitar. I like it a lot, but right now he's still using the keyboard. I named their band JUMP 3, and the other band members are named Paul and Daniel. Pau is a hinotamatchi, and Daniel looks like a penguin. I went to Music School, but I was unsure how to play the game, so if you know how, will you please PM me and tell me? Right now I am waiting on Farlito to grow into an adult, and I will post later when he does.

Franz has had a normal day, and he is still a Young UraMemetchi. I don't have any news about her.

Well, I will post again later!!! Have a good night!

Once again, I can't wait for Farlito to grow into an adult! He's just been playing his keyboard the whole time, and it's been well over 24 hours since he's turned into a teenager, and I haven't paused him at all or sent him to Music City, so he should grow very soon. I just can't wait!!!

If you have any tips or suggestions, please PM me! I would LOVE to hear what you have to say!!!

Well, nothing has happened since I last posted, but I am sooo anxious to see what happens next with Farlito. I also hope to get a really good job with Franz. She wants to be a bus driver, so we'll see if that dream comes true or not. Have a good day!

Wow! I have a lot to cover tonight!

First, I'll start with fan mail. I got a very nice letter from TamaLove754. Here it is:

i realy like your blog!! i just got a music star a few days ago so im still fidiling with it
Thank you, TamaLove, for your input. I love to hear what you have to say!

Next, I'll tell you about Franz. It's been a good day today. She finally grew into an adult! She is a UraMemetchi, which looks like regular Memetchi with wings. She is so adorable, and right now she is waiting for Nazotchi to deliver her job interviews. She really thinks that driving is going to be her thing. Just hope that bus driver is one of the interview choices, because she wouldn't be able to wait for the next round if it weren't.

Well, now I've told you the normal, and I've saved the best parts for last. On to Farlito!

First of all, when I woke up this morning, I saw that Farlito had changed into a Gozarutchi! (I don't know if that's a bad character to have on the Music Star, as the Familitchi really put a bad name to the character. Oh well, I like him anyway!) So I hurried to the Music School to see what Daniel and Paul would think, and they were so shocked that they grew into adults, too! Paul grew into a Mametchi, and Daniel into a Kuchipatchi (my favorite character)!!

So after we did all that, the music teacher put us into an audition, but I had no idea what was going on, so we failed it. I kept on practicing with the band today when I could, and I'm really getting the hang of everything being like a guitar hero game. The music is kind of catchy, too. Any way, just a few minutes ago, Farlito called me, and I led him to check the door. He went to a strange building, and the music teacher had signed us up for another audition! Still having no idea what to do, I pressed all the buttons as many times as possible, and the judges gave us 3 O's! Then some dude(I can't remember) came and gave the band 10,000 GP! Talk about a Payday! So now I'm just gonna wait and see what happens next.

I think I've posted enough for one post.

See you later!

Hey, I just thought of something I want to cover. I need to give the music teacher a name, since I'm tired of just calling him "music teacher". So I thought of a name. From now on I'm gonna call him Mr. George, since his hair looks like George Washington's. So from now on when I talk about Mr. George, I'm talking about the Music Teacher.

Well, I really don't have much to post this morning, but I realize that I haven't shown any stats lately, so here they are:

Franz (v4.5):

6 bars of training

22 Funny skill points

75 Passion skill points

22 Spiritual Skill points

4 yrs. old

38 lbs.


Sorry I don't have time now, but I will post Farlito's stats after school! Post later!

I have really cool news! The band manager (he looked like a guitar) came to the door and gave Farlito 500,000GP! That's a lot of money, and now Farlito feels like going on a shopping spree.

Also, I have even MORE fan mail! It's from CheetahLoverGirl456:

I so like your blog!!!It's fun! Also, my Keith, (on my music star) he was a Kuchitamatchi and KiKitchi, too!

He also became a Togetchi. I love that charater!
Thank you, CheetahLoverGirl!

In other words, I have kept Farlito and Franz on pause for the last couple days. I feel really bad about it, but I've just been really busy lately. I'll post more later!

Okay, I'm finally back!

Before I update on my Tamas, I have another piece of fan mail to show! This one is from Webster04:

Just wanted to say that me and Haku my music star are really enjoying reading your logs. Keep up the great work^-^
Thank you very much, Webster!

Okay, I have been gone and not posting for the past few weeks because, when I went back to school after Christmas break, I found myself caught up in a bunch of homework and other things I was trying to balance. So both of my Tamas (4.5 and Music Star) have been on a crazy ride of being paused and unpaused over the time.

So, as you can imagine, I don't have too much to update you on. My Tamas are still Franz and Farlito, and they are both still adults. Farlito has become #1 on his star ranking, but the king has yet to give him an award. Franz has got a job as a fire fighter, and she really enjoys her job. They are currently just bobbing around on the screen, waiting for something to happen.

Well, I have to go now, because I am going to take Franz to Tamatown!

I'll post later!

Wow, have I got some good news tonight!!! Shortly after I typed up last night's update, the band manager came with a wife for Farlito! She was a Memetchi, and I must say that Bandai really stepped it up this time on the marriage sequence! It showed a giant heart, and then curtains closed around the couple. Then it showed the two of them, along with a new baby boy, all on the screen at the same time! So now all three of them are on the screen, and the mother and the son watch in amazement any time Farlito does something, like play his keyboard or go shopping.

Also, Franz has had quite a day! Early this afternoon, the matchmaker came and made her a match! She accepted and got married to a Samuraitchi (that character is a really neat one, and I thought they only made him on the Japanese versions. It was a nice surprise!), and after the fireworks display, I saw that they had a son together! It was really an exciting afternoon!

And last but not least, I was not expecting what came next! I got a call from the family to go to a concert, and the band performed, but after, a fireworks display appeared (doesn't normally happen), and I saw a message that said I had reached number one Music Star. Then the king came and gave me a trophy! So now I have the R & B trophy! Only 7 more to go!

Well, I will post again later!

Well, I have some more news this morning! When I woke up, I saw that Farlito had left, so I named my baby boy on the Music Star Frank. So now, Frank is my center of attention. I took really good care of him to see what toddler he would become, and after the hour was over, he transformed into a Kuchitamatchi! Right now his favorite music genre is Rock n' Roll, and his instrument is the guitar, and his toy is the pirate ship. So now he will wait on the preschooll teacher to come and enroll him.

In other news, this morning , Franz has not yet returned to Tama Planet, but she is taking care of the young one for another day. The mornig has been pretty normal for her.

I'll post more later!!

Wow, that was fast! The preschool teacher just came to the door, and gave Frank a Stuffed Dinosaur! So now he can go to preschool, and jump rope with friends.

I'll post more later!

Thank you very much, planet tamagotchis, but I would like to ask you to please PM me instead of posting on here. I appreciatte your comments, but it would be much more helpful if you would PM me and not post on here. But thank you very much for your comments!

Last night Franz left, and now I get to take care of the 2nd generation boy! His name is Fred, and he is my new v4.5 Tama. Just a little while ago, he grew into a :rolleyes: , which is a hitodetchi. The preschool teacher also came this morning and enrolled him into preschool.

In other news, Frank is also doing well, and this morning he grew into a kikitchi, and he is now a teen! By the way, in case you don't know what kikitchi looks like, he is kind of like a little monkey, in my opinion. He is sooo cute!

Also, I have some interesting news about the Music Star. The doorbell rang a few minutes ago, and when Frank answered the door, it was the mailman delivering a message from his dad, Farlito. Apparently, the parents leave their inheritance a little bit at a time, and Farlito gave Frank 15000 Gotchi points, which, if I remember correctly, is quite a bit more than the daily allowance on the first generation.

Well, I will post more later!

Well, I have another piece of fan mail from Webster04 again!! Here it is:

Hi, i've been reading your log posts and i just love reading about your music star tama^-^ I have one as well and i've never put her in time out when she plays with her toy (then again she normally has her stress at like 60 or so) and she's doing just fine with maxed out skills.
Well, thanks again, Webster! I appreciatte your comments!

In other news, nothing has happened with the Tamas at the moment.

I'll post more later, though!
